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  1. kdimi11
    • supporter
    • 2 kudos
    I'm using this for the Nebula only, together with Improved Moons
  2. wysiwyg
    • premium
    • 27 kudos
    My first Nexus download back in 2006 :)
  3. WeaponTheyFear7
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Looks great. Over 10 years later and this is still one of the best night sky texture replacers, which really speaks for itself.
  4. rafaelalcid
    • member
    • 7 kudos
    How do I install it with Wrye Bash?
    1. slygeezer
      • member
      • 78 kudos
      This is how I install mods like this:
      Manually download the mod
      Extract the files to somewhere convenient. (I have a folder inside Downloads where I do all this.)
      Look at the preview images, pick the option you want.
      Delete the others, and the preview folder
      If you want the Nebula option move that dds file into the Data/Textures/Sky folder you've kept. Either way, delete the Enhanced Nebula folder.
      Use the latest version of 7-Zip (my choice) or WinRar (just as good) to archive your Data folder.
      Name the archive something that, a year from now, will remind you what you did. (eg "BETTER NIGHTSKY v1.2-2234_RepackNewMoons2.7z")
      Drag your new archive onto the Installer tab and install as usual.

      Yes, its a pain the first time, but this way Wrye keeps track of all those loose files instead of you relying on your memory.
      Once you get the hang of it things go much faster.
    2. rafaelalcid
      • member
      • 7 kudos
      First of all, THANK YOU VERY MUCH, slygeezer!
      In my case, I have two pastes: one I download the mods and, of course, the other for Wrye Bash. The Wrye Bash folder I feel safe to edit, delete et cetera, since I have the backup folder (Mods Oblivion Folder).
      So... (I'm looking right now to the folder): is there ONLY ONE SET (Enhanced Moons X Enchanced Nebula X New Moons 1 X New Moons 2 X Original Moons), or TWO SETS (for exemple: Enhanced Moons + any other Nebula I want? I mean: can I choose ONE MOON SET PLUS ANOTHER NEBULA SET - like: New Moons 2 + Enhanced Nebula??)?
      I don't know if I was clear, lol (I'm sorry).
    3. rafaelalcid
      • member
      • 7 kudos
      I'm sorry: forget what I said above.
      So I did this what you said to me, but Wrye Bash keeps showing me like there's no file at all. Here's my Folder's structure:
      BETTER NIGHTSKY v1.2-2234.7z => Better Nightsky v1.2 => Enhanced Moons =\Data = > Textures => sky =>
      => Readme.txt = /
      And then the files of the moon plus the nebula (
      What could be wrong?
      I'm sorry to be bothring you.
    4. rafaelalcid
      • member
      • 7 kudos
      Thank you very much, slygeezer, for your help. I did it: I had to change the folder/ 7zip file structure. I put:
      BETTER NIGHTSKY v1.2-2234.7z => data (directly; no sub-folders) => Textures => sky and then, the files.
    5. slygeezer
      • member
      • 78 kudos
      Glad it worked out for you! Sorry I wasn't more detailed in my outline of the process. I've done this so many times I forget how confused I was at first.

      All the best!
    6. rafaelalcid
      • member
      • 7 kudos
      Nah: thank YOU. Appreciate your help, and I'll b using your method from now on (unzip, edit, then zip againd). Very good!
  5. DremoraLord98
    • supporter
    • 14 kudos
    Posted repeatedly, this mod will not work.
    1. Nihternnes
      • supporter
      • 2 kudos
      I have it working right now, you are doing it wrong.
    2. DremoraLord98
      • supporter
      • 14 kudos
      I fixed it now, i wasn`t doing it wrong, as it turns out my game was just broken... Lol no comment
  6. Nihternnes
    • supporter
    • 2 kudos
    Those of you with problems, Black sky means you have replaced your shader package but are not using HDR. If it just doesnt work and you put the files in place like it says in the readme, You need Archive Invalidation, just google it.
  7. osterhaeschen
    • member
    • 29 kudos
    This is the first retexture mod which i cant get to work and im modding oblivion since 2008!

    Other moon retextures such as this one work without any problem:
  8. DremoraLord98
    • supporter
    • 14 kudos
    HELP? I installed this mod correctly, yet no changes are made to my game AT ALL. I have no mods that affect the sky so whats going on here???
  9. P3ndula
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Not surprised it has 60k downloads. Does for night sky what Xerus does for day,

    Haven't found anything better yet.
  10. DremoraLord98
    • supporter
    • 14 kudos
    Okay so it shows in the previews that there are 3 nebula options, why then when I look under the nebula folder does it only have 1 Mebula option??? Help??