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About this mod

This is a mod based on ZuTheSkunk’s True Chrysamere Resource that places the blade in Fort Doublecross

Just a note ZUChrysamereTestQuest 10 will not work to give you the sword with is mod

Permissions and credits
This is a mod based on ZuTheSkunk’s True Chrysamere Resource that places the blade in Fort Doublecross

Just a note ZUChrysamereTestQuest 10 will not work to give you the sword with is mod

Big Thanks to ZuTheSkunk for allowing to use this

I follow the original permissions as the sword isn\'t mine.

All other important things:
If you wish to use my mod in your own or something like that, then it would be very
you must contact ZuTheSkunk as per his permisson outline.

*The Paladins Claymore Chrysamere KOTN Version esp file places the blade in Garlas Malatar. Also the scripting has been removed so Oblivion Script Extender - OBSE is not required for this file. The blade it still enchanted with lore friendly, but power enchantment*


I think Oblivion Script Extender - OBSE is required

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The Original read me:

--- Readme File --Description

This resource don’t have any requirements to be checked in-game (although it’s strongly
suggested to possess Knights of the Nine DLC before downloading, as the blade is based on mesh of
Crusader’s Sword). It’s absolutely compatible with any mod you will use (well, maybe except some
extremely unusual causes).
Put the ESP file in your Oblivion\\Data folder and mark it in Data Files from Oblivion Launcher
(or on the Mods list, if you’re using Wrye Bash).
Then, you must put files/folders from those attached to the RAR in their equivalents from
Oblivion\\Data folder (so if in any case you will receive question about overwriting the folder, DON’T
PRESS “Yes”). For example, if RAR file contains something like that:
Then you must put it that way:
After putting all files in their places, you’re free to go.
Search for “ZU” folder in those locations:
• Meshes
• Textures
• Textures\\Menus\\Icons
• Textures\\Menus50\\Icons
• Textures\\Menus80\\Icons
Then, remove folders named “Chrysamere”. After removing those files, remove the ESP file
and that’s all.
All other important things:
If you wish to use my mod in your own or something like that, then it would be very
appreciated if you can send me an information about it. But it’s not required. The only requirement
is to give me credit.Do with this mod whatever you want, except making it commercial. But please credit all authors, if you\'re going to use it anywhere. It would be appreciated if you can inform me - just inform, no need to ask for a permission - about using it in your mod, but it\'s not required.

However, there\'s one condition about using things from my mods: they cannot be used in anything sex-related. That\'s right, no sexy outfits, no sexy animations, no \"hot\" romances and so on. Your mod does contain things like that, you HAVE to ask me for a permission. And I can get REALLY pissed off, if my creation will be used in anything sex-related without my permission. You\'ve been warned!
Big thanks to ZuTheSkunk for make the original resource
Big thanks to Bethesda for making a great game with a great amount of lore