About this mod
Perform many basic actions in menus using hotkeys.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs
Perform many basic actions in menus using hotkeys.
- Quickly control most vanilla menus using hotkeys.
- Add additional bindings for some vanilla keys for easier menu navigation.
- All hotkeys configurable in-game using LINK (or through the BetterMenuControls.ini file if LINK isn't installed.) (Every menu individually configurable)
Load order shouldn't matter.
Place BetterMenuControls.esp, BetterMenuControls.cfg and BetterMenuControls.ini in Oblivion\Data\.
Mod Managers
Add the archive to the mod manager and install normally.
Oblivion Script Extender
(Optional) LINK
Might conflict with mods that modify the UI.
Reportedly doesn't work with NorthernUI.
Works with DarNified UI, wz_Inventory and Simple Better Inventory and Map.
Let me know (through a bug report) if you find a UI mod that breaks this mod.
If the hotkeys defined in the BetterMenuControls.ini file don't work, try setting "bBackground Keyboard" to 1 in your Oblivion.ini file.
Known Issues
Binding any hotkey to a key which is already bound in the same context (identical bindings under the same menu or bindings to vanilla functions are some examples) and pressing that hotkey in-game will make the game attempt executing both functions bound to the key at once, with varying results.