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About this mod

Every dog being grey was boring, so I decided to retexture them and give them more variety. This is mainly a playable modders' resource.

Permissions and credits
Every dog in Oblivion is exactly the same, so I just felt like changing them! I like painting animals, and I knew sooner or later, I'd want to do something with these. I've added a few wandering dogs in each city as well, just for variety.

This is primarily a modders' resource offering domestic dog textures for use in other works, but is fully playable as well.

Fans of Terry Pratchett's Discworld books will probably recognise some of the dog names.

This is meant as a modders' resource, so no extra usage permissions required. All I ask is please give credit to me where it is due. Please ask me before uploading it anywhere so I can make sure the correct version is used and not an out of date one.

Regarding translations: I rarely say no when asked if my work can be translated into other languages. This gives the mod a wider audience, and as such is a good thing.

Please do not upload this file anywhere else.