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  1. xenogearslucas
    • premium
    • 47 kudos
    This doesn't seem to work on black soulgems or Azura's Star for me. I right click on the black soul gem, place it in the container and close the window, and nothing happens. It sits in the container, waiting for me to open up the menu again and retrieve it. Is it supposed to work on black soulgems? I guess it doesn't really matter with Azura's Star though, because I can simply use it to empty it.
    1. laulajatar
      • premium
      • 147 kudos
      It does not work on Azura's star, because yeah, you can just use that soul and I didn't want to mess with a daedric item :D

      For what I remember, it should work on black soul gems, but there's those special ones from the Mages Guild Quest that are an exception. Are you sure it's a random one and none of those? Might have to check, it's been a while since I touched the game.
    2. xenogearslucas
      • premium
      • 47 kudos
      There's a chance, but I haven't done any mage's guild quests in a long time. I'll have to check and see if they have a different ID from normal black soul gems.
    3. xenogearslucas
      • premium
      • 47 kudos
      I have confirmed that it is a normal black soulgem, and not a special one. I right click, choose empty, place it in the container, exit container, leave inventory, and get nothing. If I right click on another soulgem to reopen the container, the black soulgem is still there. If I take it out and return it to my inventory, a message appears in the upper left of the screen saying something along the lines of "there were no souls to remove" or something like that (sorry, it was a few hours ago that I tried this. I do not remember the exact sentence). I am 100% sure the black soul gem is filled, and not empty.
    4. xenogearslucas
      • premium
      • 47 kudos
      Over a year later can still confirm I am still having issues with black soul gems. The one in my inventory had an ID of 00000192, which is the ID of an empty black soul gem, so I thought that maybe that was why my black soul gem would not empty, so I gave myself a pre-filled one using 000382E0. I thought I had figured out the issue, but the new black soul gem still did not empty.
    5. laulajatar
      • premium
      • 147 kudos
      Turns out I shouldn't be left alone with variable names.
      I uploaded a fix, hope it works! It does on my end.
    6. xenogearslucas
      • premium
      • 47 kudos
      THE FIX WORKS! My hero! Thank you! I can't believe that not one of the 2,311 downloaders who installed this mod never tried using it on a black soul gem until now lol.
  2. chicagoasylum
    • member
    • 25 kudos
    does this work with soulgem magic?
    1. laulajatar
      • premium
      • 147 kudos
      No, because that mod adds scripts to soul gems and I ignore scripted soul gems just in case. I could disable that check, then you could try it, but what's the point, you can just fill them up with soulgem magic?
    2. chicagoasylum
      • member
      • 25 kudos
      You're right. Thanks for the quick reply! This is a neat little mod regardless :D
    3. jimstein
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Why use this instead of Soulgem Magic?
    4. laulajatar
      • premium
      • 147 kudos
      Why even use any mod
    5. LeavingUndad
      • member
      • 19 kudos
      ...what's the point, you can just fill them up with soulgem magic?

      - The point is that your Get rid of small Souls - Empty Soulgems mod does allow us to get rid of smaller souls in original pre-filled Soulgems, while obviously Soulgem Magic mod doesn't. Here is a compatibility version of the Get rid of small Souls - Empty Soulgems mod with disabled check on scripted Soulgems for those who want to use Get rid of small Souls - Empty Soulgems mod together with Soulgem Magic: Google Drive. All I did is commenting two 'iter.IsScripted' instances in lGROSSReturnQuestScript, that's all.

      While using these two mods together we don't need to install the optional Get rid of Small Souls - Soulgem Prices package anymore, because Soulgem Magic already cares about Soulgem prices, especially about prices of the partially filled Soulgems.

      My load order is:
      lGet rid of small Souls.esp
      Soulgem Magic.esp
      Glowing Fractured Soulgems.esp
      Glowing Fractured Soulgems - Icon Patch.esp
      Glowing Fractured Soulgems - Icon Patch - Soulgem Magic Compatibility.esp
    6. HelenBaq
      • premium
      • 1 kudos
      I'm not sure why, but I haven't had any problem with this mod together with soul gem magic

      To answer the question of why use these two together - for me it's because I also have a mod that allows you to combine soul gems so that you can turn them all into grand or black soul gems, but they have to be empty to combine them. That is why I use them together, but also you might want soul gems just filling with the correct sized soul only, which you can set in soul gem magic, and the ability to empty any pre filled soul gems so they can be filled with the correct sized soul 
  3. Shadowe
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Oddly this isn't working for me. The menu and "inventory" of the mod opens and I can stick soul gems into it, but nothing ever happens afterwards. I never get an emptied gem back.
    1. laulajatar
      • premium
      • 147 kudos
      So the gem is lost?
      Which Obse version are you using?
    2. Shadowe
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      No, it doesn't disappear or anything, it just... sits there... forever. If I right click on another gem I can pop open the mod's faux-inventory and see the existing gem just chilling there. I'm using xOBSE 22.7, the latest version.

      My best guess is something is interfering with the the loop in lGROSSReturnQuestScript or one of the other two function scripts, because the first-use explanation popups worked fine and the "nothing valid to empty" popup works fine when I manually take back the filled soul gem that's just sitting in the mod's faux-inventory.
  4. javic666
    • premium
    • 2 kudos
    Any chance of getting a version of this mod that works with mouse buttons reversed (via Windows Control Panel)? I use the physical right button as MB1, and the left button as MB2. (FWIW the game itself handles this configuration.) So the button I use to activate a soulgem for normal use also triggers this mod's action (which is apparently triggered by a click of the physical right button, not the logical secondary button). It appears to be random choice that determines whether I get the game's dialogue of magic items to recharge, or this mod's dialogue. Sometimes I get one, sometimes the other.
    1. laulajatar
      • premium
      • 147 kudos
      Huh. Just to make sure, which OBSE version are you using? That sounds like something the function should handle itself, not the mod.

      It's been a while, try opening the console and entering:
      set lGROSSKey  to 256
      That would set it to "left button" however the game currently determines it, and might work. Otherwise, you could set it to any number from this list https://cs.elderscrolls.com/index.php?title=IsKeyPressed3 and use a keyboard key instead, if the mouse refuses to play fair. Lemme know if it works :)
    2. javic666
      • premium
      • 2 kudos
      Using OBSE 22.6. Yeah, you would think the script engine would handle the mapping between logical and physical buttons, but it doesn't as far as I can tell. (I encounter this problem with a *lot* of mods.)

      But setting lGROSSKey to 256 works. Thanks! Based on that suggestion, I tried changing its value in the ESP via xEdit (so I don't need to remember to run the console command), but that didn't work. Do you know why not? Is there someplace else I can change it?
    3. laulajatar
      • premium
      • 147 kudos
      I believe that only works on a new game. You could try by starting a new one (giving yourself a soul gem with player.additem 382D2 1 for example).
    4. laulajatar
      • premium
      • 147 kudos
      I'm reporting it to the xOBSE dev. If you have a chance, could you perhaps try if this also happens with the old version of OBSE 21? https://obse.silverlock.org/ Input functions were changed in between, and that might help track it down. Would try it myself, but I have a certain lack of Windows.
    5. javic666
      • premium
      • 2 kudos
      ...that only works on a new game.
      You're right. I started a new game and my ESP edit worked. Thanks.
      try if this also happens with the old version of OBSE 21
      Just tried OBSE 21 and it behaves the same. I expected that; I've been wrestling with this problem for years. (And FWIW you're the first mod developer who's actually tried to help me fix or work around it. I really appreciate that. Although to be fair, I know my mouse button set-up is uncommon.)
    6. javic666
      • premium
      • 2 kudos
      Just curious: did you ever hear from the xOBSE devs on this issue?
    7. laulajatar
      • premium
      • 147 kudos
      Hello :D
      Unfortunately the dev has little time at the moment (and also a lack of Windows PC - as me, he's on Linux, and for me swapping buttons worked as expected).
      I have created an issue on github for it.
    8. javic666
      • premium
      • 2 kudos
      Thanks for the update. For now editing the ESP and/or setting IGROSSKey gets me past the immediate problem. Would love to see a global fix for this, though. (Some other mods with this issue have no easy edit/setting and thus are unusable to me.) Maybe some day...
    9. laulajatar
      • premium
      • 147 kudos
      Any specific mods? No promises, but if it's a simple mod, I might be able to change them for you.
  5. brabusster
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Great mod. Soulgem Magic together with OOO breaks my saves. Now everything is fine!
  6. humantis
    • premium
    • 4 kudos
    Hello, "That guy" here, reporting for duty.

    I hate to be "that guy," but those lovely glowy potions with the little decorative tags affixed to them in the image for this mod? How do I get them?
    1. deleted2359363
      • account closed
      • 3 kudos
      Retextured potions by monkeyangie
    2. laulajatar
      • premium
      • 147 kudos
      Indeed, thanks for replying :)
  7. MercerMeka
    • premium
    • 67 kudos
    I like it. Thanks for the mod.