Thank you for updating it with the only Good Morality Npcs :)!
I still prefer the all-around version since i see it more like a Humans & Beast vs Oblivion, but still the more options the better. -
Can you release a version of this mod with only friendly NPCs? Reason I ask is I tried to edit your script in the Construction set, but it wouldn't allow me to save because you used "Call". So it wont allow the changes, it would be so much easier for your to release a good NPC version since so many have asked for this and it seems your script cannot be edited without removing something essential to your code.
Is there a way to remove the "evil" NPCs from this mod? I've tried removing them from the plugin then from the script manually but then it causes certain factions to stop spawning.
This mod is a good idea
I have encountered some marauders at one of the gates they did not attack my character as I thought the would. Are the suppose too or is part of the mod that these marauders won't attack the player? -
Found an issue with the pathgrids (these conjurers are walking into an oblivion rock formation indefinitely):Spoiler:Show
Good mod, but I closed like 30 hates and I only see friendly NPCs at one gate.
Since this doesn't alter the landscape, is it compatible if a mod moves an Oblivion gate? I use the Isolated Village mod and that moves the Oblivion gate to the nearby forest. Will this still work?
A mod that add both utility and immersion.
I can't belive there were no patroling units and allies for such experience in the Vanilla.
It even makes Oblivion gates runs much more enjoyable.
Thank you so much! -
Really liking the looks of this mod, exactly what Oblivion needs.