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About this mod

Makes weapon and armor durability not affect damage or armor ratings, but they still break. It works like this in Dark Souls, and any excuse to shove "Souls" in a mod title is a good one.

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This mod makes weapon and armor durability not affect damage or armor ratings. Both can still be broken, however as armor doesn't automatically unequip upon breaking, you'll need to use Unequip Broken Armor, or durability will have no real effect on armor, since broken armor will still provide protection.

While the way it works in vanilla is arguably more realistic, from a gameplay standpoint it is frustrating to constantly have to repair weapons and armor to keep them at their most effective. 

A side effect of how this mod works is that the expert Armorer perk, which provides bonus damage/armor while your equipment is above 100% repaired, will only partially work. You can still repair beyond 100% (which is still useful as it extends the amount of time before you'll need to make more repairs), however there will be no bonus damage or armor. The perk description has been updated to reflect this.

If someone can help me in figuring out a way to change this without breaking the mod (or, alternatively, by figuring out how to increase the bonus repair value from the expert perk), let me know!