I found some issues with the mod:
The new helmets have no icon, commander set pieces are all named the same, the light cuirases are not working properly and i can't fast travel to the fort unless I disable the region borders in the Oblivion ini file.
I tested the mod today on a fresh installed game, only official DLCs and this mod loaded.
Btw, do you think you could make the outpost smaller? I feel like you copied an existing cell in order to create yours and that's fine, but there are unnecessary halls in the fort.
I'm tracking this mod, really loved the new armors (the ones that worked for me anyways 😅) -
This is awesome, DA:O and Oblivion are two of my most favorite games, and I am loving this mod!
Thanks. Exciting.
A nice contribution again, Lena !!
!::! Fred