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Lena Wolf

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  1. ElderScrollsFan001
    • member
    • 158 kudos
    After seeing the statue shield in game I remembered I had mod that turned the fighter guild shield plague into a usable shield mesh

    Would you be interested this?

    The sword is from this mod CL's Grey Warden Sword not sure if I can get permission to port it.

    1. LenaWolfBravil
      • premium
      • 80 kudos
      This would be fantastic! I've given you permission to upload files to this mod. If you would upload the mesh for me, I'll add the shield to the ESP and issue an update!
      Thank you!
    2. ElderScrollsFan001
      • member
      • 158 kudos
      Cool that would work as i also made icon for the heavy armor too i upload this soon then
    3. LenaWolfBravil
      • premium
      • 80 kudos
      Thank you! I shall roll it all up tomorrow!
    4. LenaWolfBravil
      • premium
      • 80 kudos
      Update done! Thank you very much! I added the new shield to the Grey Warden cupboard in the fort. This shield is rated similar to the other shield (the one based on Mithril) but the blue shield is slightly worse - it is meant as the regular Grey Warden shield, while the Mithril-based one is meant as the Commander's shield and is therefore slightly better.
    5. ElderScrollsFan001
      • member
      • 158 kudos
      sounds good
  2. GardenScarecrow
    • member
    • 5 kudos
    Strangely enough, the fort seems to be set outside map borders for me, rendering it inaccessible (and unexitable, if I spawn myself inside via console).

    I've also ran into an odd problem with Warden Cuirass, with its torso piece not rendering (it's purple on statues). Not sure what could be causing it - I have SkyBSA and it did fix the glowing Commander helmet after restarting. I might take a look at the .nif file to see what's the issue.

    UPD: Missing textures in the .nif file refer to "textures\realswords\nord\" file, which comes, I assume, from another mod? I couldn't locate these files in the BSA, so I assume it's the case.
    1. LenaWolfBravil
      • premium
      • 80 kudos
      The fort may be outside the borders, sorry about that. You'll need to disable borders in the INI. I always have them disabled and didn't notice.
      The texture on the statue is pointing to a different file! Forgot to include it. It is the original texture from Real Swords - Nord. I could not use my modified Grey Warden texture which you have on the armour because the steel sleeves are mapped to the same bit of pattern and it comes out all wrong.
    2. LenaWolfBravil
      • premium
      • 80 kudos
      This is the mod where the medium armour comes from: Real Swords - Nord.
    3. GardenScarecrow
      • member
      • 5 kudos
      The pattern issue is probably related to UVs - I can look if I can do something about it in Blender, given the opportunity.
    4. LenaWolfBravil
      • premium
      • 80 kudos
      Thank you! It would be better to have the same pattern on the statue as on the actual armour, but I couldn't do it with Nifskope.
  3. pavelciusmxms
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    I found some issues with the mod:

    The new helmets have no icon, commander set pieces are all named the same, the light cuirases are not working properly and i can't fast travel to the fort unless I disable the region borders in the Oblivion ini file.

    I tested the mod today on a fresh installed game, only official DLCs and this mod loaded. 

    Btw, do you think you could make the outpost smaller? I feel like you copied an existing cell in order to create yours and that's fine, but there are unnecessary halls in the fort.

    I'm tracking this mod, really loved the new armors (the ones that worked for me anyways 😅)
    1. LenaWolfBravil
      • premium
      • 80 kudos
      I'll fix the cuirass and the icons.
      Commander set pieces are not all named the same. Perhaps your font is too large so that the whole name doesn't fit. Unfortunately the word "Commander" is rather long. You can rename the armour to your taste in xEdit or by enchanting it.
      Fort layout is to my taste, it stays as is. Those doors are blocked for a reason: darkspawn. Regarding borders - well, it may be that the fort is a bit out of the way. Then you need to disable borders.
  4. ArcaineSanctuary
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    This is awesome, DA:O and Oblivion are two of my most favorite games, and I am loving this mod!
    1. LenaWolfBravil
      • premium
      • 80 kudos
      Same here - glad you like it! I did try to keep it to the spirit of true Dragon Age.
  5. ElderScrollsFan001
    • member
    • 158 kudos
    This looks interesting

    This reminded of an armor mod which I found a long time ago but it's still here on the nexus. i don't know if it would be any help to ya though as you got some cool looking gear in the BSA

    Grey Warden Cuirras Shield and Banner
    1. LenaWolfBravil
      • premium
      • 80 kudos
      Thanks! I haven't seen that mod, even though I looked for something related to the Wardens... It's got nice items as well, and will combine nicely with mine!
    2. ElderScrollsFan001
      • member
      • 158 kudos
      I re-download it yesterday and had forgot the texture path are all wrong, but once fixed there nice.

      The textures look good when added to my Heavy Knight Cuirass too that I have here ElderScrollsFan001's Resources

    3. LenaWolfBravil
      • premium
      • 80 kudos
      Yes, it has a few problems, but easily fixed. I refined the textures a bit to make a recruit's chainmail tunic and shield (less flashy than normal, hehe). Also made a heavy silverite set of armour based on Ebony with a different Warden helmet - based on Akito's Three Helmets from Dragon Age. Still need to pack it all up and upload here.

    4. ElderScrollsFan001
      • member
      • 158 kudos
  6. MercerMeka
    • premium
    • 67 kudos
    Thanks. Exciting.
  7. Fredlaus
    • supporter
    • 46 kudos
    A nice contribution again, Lena !!

    !::!  Fred