About this mod
Feature-rich, easy-to-use GUI tool for editing Pal spawns and a highly flexible randomizer.
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The spawn editor and randomizer is a standalone application that generates a PAK file.
Being a PAK mod, it will conflict with any other PAK mod that changes the Pal spawn table.
Change Log - GitHub Release Page
Thanks to the Palworld Modding Community Discord for giving me feedback and getting me started on the project. My Development Thread
Do NOT use the built-in vanilla randomization option. It will override the mod.
How to Use
- Download, extract and run the application from any folder.
- A small window may pop up where you must browse to select your Palworld installation folder.
- Select your desired randomization settings in the application, then press 'Randomize And Save PAK...'
- After randomization completes, you will be prompted to save a PAK file.
- Save the PAK file in Palworld\Pal\Content\Paks (the file name must end in '_P'), then open Palworld and you should notice the spawns have changed.
- Delete the PAK file to uninstall it.
- Click 'Open Spawn Editor' to view the results of randomization as well as manually change the spawns.
- More information below.
Randomization Settings
- Overworld Pals: Affects all spawns outside of dungeons except for bosses.
- Dungeon Pals: Affects all spawns inside dungeons except for bosses.
- Dungeon Bosses: Affects bosses inside dungeons.
- Overworld Bosses: Affects bosses outside dungeons, not including tower bosses or raid bosses.
- Predators: Affects predators, special Pal bosses introduced in the Feybreak expansion.
- Predator Spawn Rate: Sets the rate of predator boss spawns (30% in vanilla). Will add "<None>" spawns as appropriate to adjust the rate.
- Cages: Locked cages of Pals found at enemy camps.
- Overworld Eggs: Random eggs that spawn around the map.
- Random Seed: A "seed" used by the randomizer to start the generation process. Locking this will ensure consistent results.
As long as the areas chosen don't overlap between mods, there won't be a mod conflict. Just apply each PAK mod with a different file name. (Don't forget the "_P".)
Area Group Type
- All Species Everywhere: All possible spawns will have a chance to appear in all areas. Random groups will be added until all species are in every spawn table.
- Custom Groups Count (Per Area): Sets an exact number of possible spawn groups in each area. Will fill each spawn table with the chosen number of random spawn groups.
- Match Vanilla Groups Count (Per Area): Each area will have the same number of groups as vanilla, swapped out with random ones.
- Global Species Swap: Every character in the vanilla spawn list will be matched with a random choice and changed one-to-one in every spawn table. It depends only on the first pal in a group and pairs it with a random group.
- No Randomization: Don't randomize the groups, the chosen options will be filters that modify the vanilla spawn tables.
- Add To Vanilla With Probability: Randomized results are appended to the vanilla spawn lists. The chance of a non-vanilla group spawning is the specified percentage.
- Merge Vanilla: Randomized results are merged with the vanilla spawn groups, making every group contain vanilla spawns at roughly the same spawn probability as vanilla. This will make it so vanilla spawns have random pals spawned alongside them. Warning! This will easily add a lot of extra pals to the groups and will add extra bosses to every boss spawn.
This is because there may be less spawn groups than there are possibilities.
All Species Everywhere will guarantee all possibilities.
Spawn Group Settings
- Vanilla-Based: Generates groups similar to groups in the vanilla spawn tables. Will try to match existing vanilla groups as closely as possible.
- Randomized: Creates completely random groups, combining totally random Pals together.
- Randomized Group Size: Sets the number of pals in a group to be random between the minimum and maximum chosen.
- Multiple Overworld Boss Spawns: Normally, overworld bosses will only have one group,
and will therefore always match the icon that appears on the map screen. With this checked, there will instead be multiple possible random boss spawns on a given overworld location. - Boss Groups Are All Bosses: Normally, boss groups will contain only one boss Pal and possibly some normal Pals with it. With this checked, boss groups will instead be composed of multiple bosses.
- Restrict To Vanilla: Makes areas contain only pals that appear in that area in vanilla. Could be used to make areas contain random groups comprised only of vanilla characters.
- Minimum Level For Rare Pals: Sets a minimum level for pals at or above a certain rarity to the numbers chosen.
- Rare (9+) Pals Are Boss-Only: Pals with a rarity of 9 or above will only be bosses and spawn only at boss locations. (This may prevent them from appearing at all with certain settings. Use All Species Everywhere with Dungeon Bosses enabled or Multiple Spawn Groups For Overworld Bosses to ensure all are possible with this setting.)
- Rare (8+) Pals Always Solo: Pals with a rarity of 8 or above will always be in a solo group, overriding the chosen group settings.
- Allow Mixed Pal/Human Groups: Spawn groups will have a chance to be a mix of pals and humans in the same group. Disable this to keep humans and pals in separate groups.
- Flying Pal Sanity: High-flying pals will only be grouped with other high-flying pals. Otherwise, it could have awkward pals on the ground grouped with pals in the sky.
- Non-Aggro Human Sanity: Prevent non-aggro humans (e.g., merchants or police) from being grouped with aggro pals/humans or bosses. This will avoid a forced wanted level when retaliating against aggro characters.
- Bosses Everywhere: Bosses will spawn on the overworld at the specified percentage rate in non-boss areas. This appends a boss spawn list to each non-boss area using all settings exactly like a boss area. This means bosses could spawn anywhere, not just at the designated boss locations.
- Bosses Everywhere (Dungeons): Bosses everywhere for dungeons. The normal "Bosses Everywhere" setting only affects the overworld.
- Boss Eggs: Allow overworld egg spawns to be bosses at the specified percentage chance. Works similarly to "Bosses Everywhere."
- Restrict Predators: Makes predator boss spawn lists contain only predators. Also makes predators available as possible spawns for predator lists even if they are not enabled as a possible spawn.
- Allow Caged Humans: Disable this to prevent humans from appearing in cages.
- Max Cage Rarity: Will prevent Pals of a higher rarity than the number chosen from appearing in cages.
- Random Weight Range: All pals will be given a random weight between the two chosen numbers. This makes complete chaos with no balance to the spawns. A powerful legendary pal could spawn just as likely as a weak starting area pal.
- Rarity-Based Weights: Sets the weight of each group based on the pal's internal rarity number. This will make legendary pals much rarer to spawn than weaker ones.
- Equalize Global Rarity: Will shuffle the global list of spawn groups of all areas to have consistent rarity composition between them.
Rarity-Based Weights Advanced:
- 1-10, 20: These are the weights that will be set for each rarity value respectively. Setting a weight to 0 will remove all pals of that rarity as possible spawns.
- Human Rarity: Set the rarity of humans which are normally all 1 in the game's data.
- Human Boss: Set the rarity of human bosses which are normally all 1.
- Convert Weights To Percentages: Will make groups of a given weight have that weight as a percent chance to spawn. For example, a group with a weight of 1 will have a 1% chance to spawn. All groups around the same weight will be put together and scaled to fit within the 1% chance. This is repeated for 1%, 5%, 10%, and 25%, then higher weighted groups are scaled to fit into the remaining 59%.
- Group Weight Mode: Determines how the weight will be set for groups of multiple pals.
- Weight Sum/Average/Minimum/Maximum: Does a simple operation of combining the weights of the pals in a group.
- Rarity Average: Gets the average rarity and then chooses the weight associated with that rarity. Rounded will simply round to the closest rarity value. Blend Fractions will blend the weights for fractional rarities and Blend 10-20 will round for 1-10 and blend between 10-20.
- Human Weight: Multiplies the weight of regular non-aggro humans.
- Aggro Human Weight: Multiplies the weight of aggressive humans.
- Night-Only Weight Multiplier: Multiplies the weight of night spawns. With a high number, this ensures diurnal pals only spawn during the day and nocturnal pals spawn at night. If you would prefer to allow day pals to have a chance to spawn at night, reduce this number to a small value like something between 1-10.
- Int Overflow Fix: If the sum of all weights in an area exceeds the max value of a signed 32-bit integer, it will cause a bug with spawn probability in the game. It is very unlikely for this to happen with normal settings, but I've included a fix for it just in case.
Pal Rarity Listing
Possible Pal Spawns
- Pals: Normal Pals. Does not include regular boss pals.
- Humans (Aggressive): Aggressive humans such as Syndicate, Free Pal Alliance, Brothers of the Eternal Fire Martyr, etc.
- Police: Police that are aggressive if provoked.
- Guards: Guards that appear at the entrance of cities, bodyguards, etc. Aggressive only if provoked.
- Item Merchants: Various item-selling interactable merchants normally found around the map.
- Pal Merchants: Various interactable merchants that sell Pals.
- Dr. Brawn: A special doctor that will perform surgery on your Pals.
- Normal Bosses: Normal boss Pals (Alphas) will be added as possible boss spawns.
- Tower Bosses: Bosses found in the Towers, such as Axel & Orserk, Lily & Lyleen, Zoe & Grizzbolt, etc. will be added as possible boss spawns.
- Raid Bosses: Raid versions of Pals normally used in raids will be added as possible boss spawns.
- Predators: Predator bosses added in Feybreak are added as possible boss spawns.
- Human Bosses: Special human bosses added in Feybreak are added as possible boss spawns.
Additional Settings
Level Cap: Spawns will be capped to this level. Do not raise this higher than the game's level cap unless you know what you're doing.
Scale Mode:
- Full: Scale the minimum and maximum level of every spawn. Should be roughly equivalent to the in-game setting.
- Max. Level: Scale only the maximum level.
- Min. Level: Scale only the minimum level.
- Average Level: Scale the average level of each spawn while maintaining the same level range.
- Maximize Range: Scale the average and make the level range the maximum possible while maintaining that average. Very chaotic.
- Extend Min./Max.: Scale the average and increase the range while keeping either the maximum or minimum the same. Which value stays the same depends upon if the scale increases or decreases the average. For example, you can double the average level while keeping the minimum level the same.
- Random: Sets all spawns' minimum and maximum levels to the chosen values for completely unpredictable chaos.
w/Boss Level Scale: Extra pals that spawn with a boss will have their levels set to this proportion of the boss's level.
Enforce Vanilla w/Boss Levels: The aforementioned scaling value won't normally apply to vanilla-based groups if they already exist in the vanilla spawn tables. Enabling this option will force it to affect pals in vanilla-based boss groups. This also enables this function for No Randomization. You should enable this if you are changing the w/Boss Level Scale to have a custom effect on all boss groups.
Individual Count Multiplier: Multiply the total spawn amount for individual pal spawns with greater flexibility than the in-game option.
Base Count: Sets a base count to be scaled for randomized groups.
Count and First Pal Min/Max: Clamps the values after scaling between the chosen values. First pal values are used only for the first pal of a group.
Nocturnal Pals Are Night-Only: With this selected, Pals marked as Nocturnal in the game data will appear only at night and other pals will appear only during the day.
Egg Respawn Time: The amount of time before a new egg spawns after collecting it on the overworld map. This is 3 hours in vanilla.
Auto-Restore Settings: Will automatically save options between opening and closing of the app.
Generate Log Text File: Generates a log text file next to the executable listing the result of the last randomization. Won't work if the application is run from an inaccessible location, such as running the app directly from the zip file. This is deprecated as you can now view the results directly from the spawn editor.
Save Template/Apply Template: Allows saving and loading all chosen randomization settings as JSON files.
I recommend opening the Pal Spawn Editor after generation to see if you're getting your desired results. You can cancel the initial popup and save the PAK from the editor instead.
A log of CSV/JSON files of all random generations are automatically saved to %LocalAppData%\Palworld-Randomizer\Log\.
Some settings reference a Rarity number, which is an internal stat of every Pal ranging from 1-20. Here is a quick reference of the pal rarities:
Pal Rarity Listing
Pal Spawn Editor

Click 'Open Spawn Editor' to view the results of randomized spawns or manually edit the spawn tables.
- Select a spawn table from the list on the left side. Areas that have values differing from vanilla will be marked with an asterisk(*).
- Spawn tables of each area consist of a list of spawn groups each containing one or more characters.
- Choose ➕New Group or ➖Delete Group to add or a delete a spawn group from the end of the list.
- 🎲: The weight of the spawn group appearing. The spawn table uses a weighted average to determine spawn probability. The higher the number, the more likely the group will spawn.
- 🌙: The spawn group is night-only, meaning it will only spawn at night.
- (Red demon-like symbol): The Pal is an Alpha, AKA a boss, meaning it is larger and stronger than a regular Pal and can never be a Lucky Pal. All regular Pals have a boss (alpha) version in the game data.

Hover over a spawn group with the mouse and various buttons will appear to add/remove pals or change the order.
Click in any black square to change values. Clicking on a name will activate a dropdown menu with auto-complete.

Right-clicking over a spawn group or Pal will bring up a context menu with several more options, including a Cut/Copy/Paste functionality.
This is where you can toggle the Boss value and 🌙Night-Only settings.
Right-click the top of a group above the Pals to bring up a context menu for the entire group. (Right-click in the upper area where 🎲Weight/🌙Night-Only is.)

Save the current changes as a PAK mod using the File menu in the top-left of the window.
Also supports loading a previously-saved PAK file.
Additionally, you can save and load in a CSV format if you would like to edit the data in an external editor.
Backup CSV files are automatically saved to %LocalAppData%\Palworld-Randomizer\Backups\ after making any manual edits.
Cage Editing
⚠️Use with caution. There have been reports of cage editing/randomization causing a crash. I recommend not using this until the cause of the crash is found.
The spawn editor can also be used to edit Pal spawns found in cages. They are at the bottom of the spawn list prepended with "Cage."
Changing Night-Only, Pal Count or adding more than one Pal to a group will have no effect on cage spawns. Also, it is untested if the weight value makes any difference.
Warning: Adding boss spawns to cages will cause a bug making enemy camps permanently disappear.
The game keeps track of what Pals are currently in cages, so this mod won't affect them until you rescue existing caged pals and wait for them to respawn.
Overworld Egg Editing
Spawn lists of eggs found on the overworld map can be edited with the spawn editor. Their names begin with "palegg."
As with cages, changing Night-Only, Pal Count or adding more than one Pal to a group will have no effect. Additionally, modifying the Pal Level will have no effect.
Warning: Setting an overworld egg to a human will cause a bug making it permanently disappear.
This will not affect existing eggs on the map, you will have to collect them and wait for them to respawn.
The "Egg Respawn Time" setting on the main setting window will apply to PAKs saved from the spawn editor. (Only spawn lists with some other change as well.)
Developer Info.
This app was made entirely by me in C# using Visual Studio.
It is free and open source: GitHub Repository
It uses UAssetAPI and CUE4Parse to read in and modify Unreal Engine asset data. However, UAssetAPI did not support the files completely, and I had to reverse engineer the format of the spawn tables and add custom code.
PAK files are managed by UnrealPak and all files used by the app are stored in %LocalAppData%\Palworld-Randomizer\.
I used FModel to extract all of the game assets and UE4SS to generate the usmap file.
It was my first time making a large project in C# and WPF. It ended up being a much larger project than I anticipated. 😅
I originally intended to make a full randomizer, randomizing the item spawns, shops, etc. If it is possible, I'm not sure how to do it. It is very difficult to do this with the limited modding tools available. Maybe it could be a Lua mod?
During development, I received a lot of feedback that a spawn editor was highly desired, so I ended up going in that direction.