About this mod
The popular mod for Pillars of Eternity returns, written in the Unity Mod Manager framework!
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IE Mod Rewrite Github Repository
IE Mod started out as a collection of mods designed to bring Pillars of Eternity closer to old Infinity Engine games, such as Baldur's Gate and Icewind Dale. It grew to include a hefty number of modifications, and fell by the wayside as Obsidian continued to update the game. The old IE Mod is based on an older framework, the Patchwork framework, with which I was less familiar. Seeing as how IE Mod is now out of date, I took the opportunity to pull in what functionality I could to rewrite IE Mod based on the Unity Mod Manager framework instead.
IE Mod: Rewrite contains customizations that allow for the following:
Console Commands Do Not Disable Achievements
Running console commands, particularly using the "IRoll20s" command disables achievements in a play-through, even if you are not cheating. Enabling this option will prevent achievements from being disabled when using the IRoll20s command, but please, use this option responsibly!
Additional commands include:
- CheckAchievementStatus: Tells you whether achievements are enabled in your playthrough.
- EnableAchievements: Forcefully enable achievements again in your playthrough.
- WaitHours: Takes an integer as an argument. Advances time by the specified number of integer hours in the game.
- WaitDays: Takes an integer as an argument. Advances time by the specified number of integer days in the game.
Disable Friendly Fire
Area of Effects will not target neutral or friendly NPCs, and attacks will automatically missing neutral or friendly NPCs. Neutral NPCs will still turn hostile if attacked, however.
Target Turned Enemies
Area of Effects and attacks will be able to target charmed enemies and allies.
Allow Combat Only Abilities to be Used Outside of Combat
Combat only abilities can now be used outside of combat.
Group Druid, Priest and Wizard Spells on Toolbar
Makes it so that spells added to the player via console commands are grouped into the spell slot button of whichever class the character is. So if a Wizard acquires a Priest spell, it will be accessible from the Wizard's spells on the toolbar for the respective level.
Bonus Wizard Preparation Slots in Grimoire
Adds a specified number of bonus preparation slots to the Wizard's grimoire. Currently, the maximum is 3 so as not to break the UI. Changing this option will require that you restart the game.
Enable Fast Scouting
Allows the party to scout at a faster speed. Press the 'B' key by default to toggle between fast scouting and regular scouting speeds. This key binding can be changed through the IE Mod Rewrite mod options GUI.
Enable Walk Speed
Allows the party to stroll around the map at a slower pace. Press the 'W' key by default to toggle between running and walking. This key binding can be changed through the IE Mod Rewrite mod options GUI.
Selection Circle Color
Sets the color for selection and highlight circles around non-hostile NPCs and party members. This option is incompatible with color blind mode, however.
Enable Ability Modifications
Allows in-game abilities to be modified in the following ways:
- MinimumDamage - The lowest amount of damage the ability can deal
- MaximumDamage - The highest amount of damage the ability can deal
- AccuracyBonus - A bonus to accuracy when the ability is used
- Range - How far away from the target the ability can be used without having to move closer, or how far the ability's attack will travel
- DTBypass - An amount of damage from the ability that will ignore Damage Reduction
- Speed - How fast the ability executes. Valid options are: 0,1,2. These represent Instant, Short or Long
- Push - How far the targets of the ability are pushed on being hit
- DefendedBy - Which stat the ability is resisted by. Valid options are: Deflect, Fortitude, Reflex, Will and None
- BlastRadius - Only for abilities with AoE. The radius of the area of effect. The bigger the radius, the more area the ability will affect.
- BlastAngle - The angle in degrees the AoE will affect. 360 is a full circle, while 180 is a half-circle.
- Modal - Whether or not the ability is a modal ability
- UseType - How often the ability recharges its uses. Valid options are: None, PerEncounter, PerRest, Charged, PerStrongholdTurn
- Uses - The number of uses the ability has before it has to be recharged
- StatusEffectMods - Modifies the status effects of an ability. The status effect mod has two properties: Value and Duration. Value will typically modify how much of the status effect something does, while Duration is how long that status effect will last. Sometimes, an ability has multiple status effects. To target a specific status effect, you will have to add empty status effect mods before the status effect you want to target.
- MainCharacterOnly - Modifies the ability only for the main character
- PartyMembersOnly - Modifies the ability only for party members, main character included
- DurationOverride - Overrides the duration for specific abilities where the duration override is set, such as for Bulwark Against the Elements. If you have tried using the StatusEffectMods property to increase the duration of an ability, and that didn't take, try using this property insteead.
This can be achieved by adding the ability to the abilityMods.json file in the mod's directory. Please see the file abilityModInstructions.txt for an explanation and example of how to modify a specific ability in the game.
Enable Bonus Spell Slots
Calculates bonus spell casters for a caster based on the caster's Intellect.
Increase XP Required to Level
Increases the XP required to level by a certain amount. The equations are based off of the old IE Mod and are as such:
Level Original 25% Increase 50% Increase Square Progression
1 0 0 0 0
2 1000 1250 1500 1000
3 3000 3750 4500 4000
4 6000 7500 9000 9000
5 10000 12500 15000 16000
6 15000 18750 22500 25000
7 21000 26250 31500 36000
8 28000 35000 42000 49000
9 36000 45000 54000 64000
10 45000 56250 67500 81000
11 55000 68750 82500 100000
12 66000 82500 99000 121000
Starting a new game with this option enabled is highly recommended.
Unlock Restricted Equipment Slots
Unlocks the Pet equipment slot for other party members and unlocks the Helmet equipment slot for Godlike.
Replace Backer Name
Changes the names of Backer NPCs in the game in the chosen way. By default, the backers have their default name. The "Fantasy Names" option will randomly choose a name from a list of fantasy names, which are contained in fantasyNames.json. These values were compiled and taken from the original IE Mod. The "Race Only" option will replace the name tag of the Backer NPC with just the race of their in game character model.
Disable Backer Dialog
This option prevents backer dialog from triggering if a Backer NPC is clicked.
Auto Save Behavior
Changes auto save behavior in the game. By default, Auto Save functions as normal. The "Auto Save Before Transition" option means that the game will autosave before transitioning to a new area, rather than after transitioning to a new area. The "Disable Autosave" option will disable autosave from functioning entirely.
Enable Companion Stat Modifications
Allows companions, the main character and hired adventures to have their stats modified in the following ways:
- Might
- Constitution
- Dexterity
- Perception
- Intellect
- Resolve
- Athletics
- Lore
- Mechanics
- Stealth
- Survival
Modifying an attribute like "Constitution" or "Intellect" modifies the base value of the attribute, so modifiers will be added after the attribute's value is set from the JSON file. Modifying a skill like "Lore" or "Mechanics" adds to the skill's bonus modifiers, which is computed after ranks and other bonus modifiers. It will not appear on the Character Sheet as any type of bonus, but the number should still be increased by the amount specified in the JSON file. Please see the file companionStatsInstructions.txt to see how to add entries to the companionStats.json file.
Play Game Audio When Window Loses Focus
Lets the game audio play in the background when the window is minimized or loses focus.
Disable Non-Stealth Detection Penalty
Removes the -4 penalty to detecting hidden objects and traps when not in stealth mode.
Maximum Camping Supplies Override
Sets the maximum number of camping supplies the player can hold, regardless of difficulty.
Enable Per Encounter Spells
Changes all spells to be per encounter rather than per rest.
Enable Loot Shuffler
Changes the seed of the Random responsible for generating randomized loot to make loot less deterministic.
Advance Stronghold Time with Console Commands
Advances the time of the player's stronghold when using new console commands (WaitHours and WaitDays) to advance time.
Cipher Focus Options
Changes the amount of Focus available to Ciphers at the start of combat.
What about other features in the old IE Mod? Why are they missing?
It's true that the original IE Mod had tons of features and options and customizations. Why are they missing from this version? The main issue is time. The update came out recently, and I wanted to get together something for people to use at the start. I briefly scanned the comments on the discussion for the original IE Mod, saw features that people wanted and added those in, as well as adding in features I would make use of on my own playthroughs. The other issue is unfamiliarity with the other systems being modified by old code. The Patchwork framework version of IE used code from older versions of Pillars in its mods, and some of that code has changed. Fields for classes have been added or removed, or even renamed, and those mods then break when they are attempted to be compiled against the updated version of Pillars.
With all of that being said, however, if there is a feature you want ported over from the original IE Mod, ask! I will do my best to handle requests in a timely manner while I play through this lovely game once again!
Installation Guide
To install IEMod: Rewrite, you will first have to install Unity Mod Manager for Pillars of Eternity. Please follow the instructions on UMM's page to patch Pillars to allow UMM to be run within the game.
Once you have installed Unity Mod Manager, launch the applilcation, and select your Pillars of Eternity game and installation directory. Make sure your Ingame Version is set, like the following:
Preview Image
Download the zip file from the Files tab of this mod. In Unity Mod Manager, click the "Mods" tab and either click the "Install Mod" button or drag and drop the zip file onto the Unity Mod Manager. If all goes well, you should see a success message on the bottom of the Unity Mod Manager window.
The mod is located in its own subdirectory in the Mods foldler in your Pillars of Eternity installation directory. For me, this is through Steam, so my Pillars of Eternity installlation directory looks like: {Steam installation dir}/steamapps/common/Pillars of Eternity. In that folder, there should be a "Mods" folder, and in that folder, there should be an "IEMod" folder. Inside of that folder is where all of the mod's relelvant files are.
To remove IEMod: Rewrite, simply delete the "IEMod" folder from your Mods directory in the Pillars of Eternity installation directory, or use Unity Mod Manager to uninstall the mod.
Compatibility with Patchwork Framework
I have not tested, nor used this mod in combination with any other mods supported by the Patchwork framework. As such, I would advise against mixing those mods with this one. If there is a particular mod you want supported, and have tried to use them in combination with this one had have had no luck getting them to work, let me know and I will do my best to implement that mod into this one.