I noticed that in the Description tab, you wrote
Adds "Acid" Keyword to "Ectopsychic Echo"
but in game, th Acid keyword is added to Antipathetic Field (PL1).
I assume Antipathetic Field is the skill you wanted to add the Acid keyword (since it deals Corrode dmg), but I wanted to make sure !
And if its not too much of a bother, could you explain what is the purpose of giving skills the 'Attack' or the 'Ability' keyword ? For example
Minoletta's Minor Missiles - Added to "ability" and "attack"-
That was a very interesting write-up, thank you !
It reminds me how Tekehu was immune to the healing of Moonwell, a druid PL4 skill with a Water keyword, back at launch.
The devs didn't fix this by removing the Water keyword from the Ability or Attack (since we can still see it in the description window), they instead change his passive to only protect him agaisnt hurtful effects - maybe the same can be done for the Fire keyworded skills, so instead of changing And Evil Turned Away From the Sun, you would change his passive ?
Do you have any thoughts about the Acid and Poison keywords ? They seems so similar, but they are also be added so ininconsistently - some skills have only one of them, some skills have both of them. And I personnaly thing Decay shouldn't have been added on top of that.
Anyway, thanks again for the explanation ! :)
Hm, thats fair enough, you are right that Decay should be a Druid-only keyword. I'm probably just salty that there's no item with Decay or Acid Power Level, but there are some for Poison (unless I'm mistaken ?)
I'll keep an eye out for any mods of yours, I find them all very interesting ! -
Oooh yeah, more Grimoire could def. be cool !
After some more testing, I can't seem to be able to get + Deception PL on the Eye of Wael or on the Whitewitch Mask. How can I fix that ?
Also, are the "[Insert Archmage's name]'s spell' keyword on some Wizard spells just there for flavor ? Like Kalokoth's Sunless Grasp (PL1) being keyworded as a Kalakoth's spell - but then if its only to add flavor, why doesn't Minoletta's spells have the same treatment ?
Oh, I can already imagine Minoletta's Marvelous Manual, a grimoire regrouping all of her spells, and adding a bonus projectile to applicables spells ! :D
Iron-Clasped Grimoire, the one you loot from Concelhaut, could add a siphoning effect on every spells you cast - I honestly could spend hours thinking about Wizards' spells, I love them :D
Hi. Would it be difficult to add the keyword "poison" to the druid spells that can be countered by antidotes ? It's just plague of insects and Venombloom if I recall correctly. I have no experience on modding.
nice mod! can you give a quick tutorial on how to add power level?