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About this mod

The mod expands the boundaries of movement, thereby correcting a bug that prevents drawing on the boundaries when approaching.

Permissions and credits
I made guide on steam community https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3431130223
Mod required  BepInEx 5

The mod expands the boundaries of movement, thereby correcting a bug that prevents drawing on the boundaries when approaching.
The config can be found at /Pixel Coloring book/BepInEx/config/Boundary_expander.cfg

The mod changes the ClampToWindow function in the GameplayScreen class using harmonyX
The mod expands the b boundaries when approachingThe mod eThe mod expands the boundaries of movement, thereby correcting a bug that prevents drawing on the boundaries when approaching.xpands the boundaries of movement, thereby correcting a bug that prevents drawing on the boundaries when approaching
The mod changes the ClampToWindow function in the GameplayScreen class.