About this mod
Built on Luminescent Platinum 2.1f (check out their amazing mod if you haven't already!), this mod updates all characters in the game to have a more realistic model size as well as gives you the ability to play as any character from any generation up to gen 8.
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs
Finally hopping back on this. Thanks for the patience guys!
This mod is built on top of Pokemon Luminescent Platinum with characters being given more realistic model sizes.
Main File:
- Pokemon Dechibified Platinum v____ - Lumi 2.1f - Main file
Optional Files:
- Pokemon Dechibified Platinum v____ - Coronet 1.1 → Use for Coronet 1.1 instead of using the main file
- Pokemon Dechibified Platinum v____ - Base BDSP → Used for base Brilliant Diamond or Shining Pearl instead of using the main file.
- Player Characters (All folders) → Used for swapping player characters (See guide below).
- After applying your desired mods to Pokemon BDSP, navigate to romfs/Data.
- Paste the romfs folder into the same folder as Lumi's romfs folder and replace all the files that are brought up.
- For Switch use mainly as well as for Ryujinx. Untested on anything else.
Pre-installed characters (Can be chosen at the PC under “Clothing)”:
- Red
- Leaf
- Chase
- Elaine
- Ethan
- Kris
- Ethan v2
- Lyra
- Brendan
- May
- Lucas
- Dawn
- Rei
- Akari
- Hilbert
- Hilda
- Nate
- Rosa
- Calem
- Serena
- Elio
- Selene
- Victor
- Gloria
Other documentation:
- Player Character Replacement Guide for using the other 186 models. (Player characters ONLY for now. This will break when assigning Player Character models to NPCs.)
Base BDSP will have the following issues.
- Nurse joys will only have one color.
- Lucas/Dawn will share skins with Ethan and Kris.
- Mr. Backlot will have an incorrect overworld sprite.
Current Roadmap:
- Random hotfixes as I find desires to do.
Generation 1 NPCs (Team Rocket, Gym Leaders, E4 Members, Others)(Done)- Generation 2 NPCs (Team Rocket, Gym Leaders, E4 Members, Others)
- Generation 3 NPCs (Team Aqua/Magma, Gym Leaders, E4 Members, Others)
- Generation 4 NPCs (Team Plasma, Gym Leaders, E4 Members, Others)
- Generation 5 NPCs (Team Galactic, Gym Leaders, E4 Members, Others)
- Generation 6 NPCs (Team Flare, Gym Leaders, E4 Members, Others)
- Generation 7 NPCs (Team Skull, Aether Foundation, Gym Leaders, E4 Members, Others)
- Generation 8 NPCs (Team Yell, Gym Leaders, E4 Members, Others)
- Generation 9 NPCs ({Insert evil team here}, Gym Leaders, E4 Members, Others)
- Original Dawn and Lucas game models. (This is a different set up than those listed above which is why it is later than them.)
- Create NPC versions of player characters.
- There is a bugs section with reported bugs. If you see a bug, check to see if it's already listed there, if not, feel free to add it as I will be notified.
- Yes, I will eventually add the original models from the game back. For my own reasons, I am putting that off.
- Characters run at all times (other than the protagonist). From what I've been able to find out on this, characters have a walk OR a run animation. They don't use both, therefore I have to choose which one to use. Since this is built on Lumi which uses the 60 fps mod, the walk animation looks really janky so I went for the run animation on all characters. This is why characters run when they turn to look at you, but PLEASE trust me that it looks much better than using a walking animation where they glide awkwardly across the ground at really fast speeds.
- No I will not be updating the entire world. That is a massive project and is well beyond what I am able/want to do.
- Documentation for how to do all this plus all files will be released when I'm done with the roadmap. How long that will take, I don't know.
- Scaling will be fixed when all models are done. It is not hugely important to me at this moment but can easily be remedied at the end.
- There are models such as Ariana, Pryce, Nanu, and others that are in game because the number of battle models is less than the number of over world models. I am not a good modeler and don’t plan on creating models from scratch. I used reskinned models that wouldn’t be used otherwise to fill the spaces.
- Yes this will eventually be viable in Re:Lumi but I know nothing of the release date and have actually avoided anything (including testing) about it so it will take a few days/weeks to get updated when that finally comes out.
- Feel free to reach out for anything, but if I point you to something that already exists (e.g. documentation that is already available) know that I am not trying to be mean but if it is already written, I don't want to write it twice.
Feel free to reach out to me if you can help with/want to help with any of the following.
- Icon creation needed. (Simple process using online photoshop.)
- Model texture extraction needed. (Just open the models in blender and copy out textures as pngs.)
- Model rigging needed. (Basic blender skills needed to start but rather simple, just time consuming.)
- Individual animation improvements/Animation sequence refinement. (Simple blender skills needed and patience with frame by frame keying.)
- To Team Luminescent - Again, this mod is built upon the work of Team Luminescent. They are the true heroes for BDSP modding.
- To Plastered_Crab who provided all the models that were added. THANK YOU SO MUCH!
Team Luminescent's Discord → Feedback → Dechibified Platinum Current Version