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About this mod

Tired of not having your weapons and fabrication plans when you start Prey's default new game plus? This is the mod for you.

Permissions and credits
My alternative (and improved) NG+ mod works regardless of if you've actually finished a game or not. It works by revealing all Neuromods, including typhon ones, immediately, and then sets their costs to zero, so you don't consume any Neuromods in the process of installing one. This means as soon as you get the first Neuromod in the namesake division, you have access to all the abilities in the game (with the exception of Backlash III, which I will explain in a bit).

There are two files: patch_Nitros_NG+ and patch_Nitros_NG+Fabs. The first file does what I outlined above. The second file can only be used by owners of the preorder dlc, the Cosmonaut Shotgun pack. The reason for this is because the DLC adds access to the locker in Morgan's office, which happens to be the only individually-editable container in the entire game. If you don't own the preorder pack, I recommend picking it up here at G2A. It's only 70 cents as of writing and the sellers are trustworthy.

patch_Nitros_NG+Fabs alters the preorder locker to contain the following: Margrave Shotgun, Captain Marks' Golden Pistol (so there are 2 copies), the Anti-Recycler chipset, and 500 of each material. It also contains the following fabrication plans: Wrench, Pistol, Pistol Ammo, GLOO Gun, GLOO Canister, Shotgun, Shotgun Shells, Disruptor Stun Gun, Disruptor Ammo, Q-Beam, Q-Beam Cells, Huntress Boltcaster, Foam Bolts, Recycler Grenade, EMP Charge, Nullwave Transmitter, Typhon Lure, Medkit, Psi Hypo, Anti-Rad, Skeletal Repair Kit, Brained Pills, Dermaweb Skin Graft, Coagulating Gel, Suit Repair Kit, two chipsets, Artax Propulsion System, Turrets, and Weapon Kits.

As you can see, my mod offers one the ability to do what the base NG+ doesn't: have all weapons by the time you head off to the Hardware Labs.

As to why Backlash III is locked, I'll explain. In Psychotronics, there is a section where the player MUST learn a new ability by scanning otherwise the rest of the labs will not open, and so essentially the game is softlocked if all abilities require no scans. Backlash III unlocks when you scan your first Phantom, conveniently available right next to the door to the rest of the labs. I picked Backlash III because all the players I've talked to say Backlash is an ability they don't use. Besides, you still get to use it, just slightly longer to fully upgrade it.

As with most other Prey mods, this can be installed by placing it into your Prey/GameSDK/Precache folder, after extracting the .pak from the downloaded .zip.

Credits/Other Mod Recommendations
Thanks to RosoDude for his assistance with my questions and in the form of his guide to modding.
Thanks to /u/idiot_speaking on r/Prey for their post detailing how to make this kind of mod.
Check out RJ Williams' All The Chipsets mod which does something that my mod doesn't: gets you all the chipsets at the start of the game!
Also check out Rosodude's CORE BALANCE mod for a rebalanced experience, and his Detailed Tooltips mod for some nice Quality of Life improvements.

Please contact me with any bugs. I'm available both as /u/ProudNitro on r/Prey and as @ProudNitro on the r/Prey Discord. We always love to have new members there, so feel free to pop by even if you don't have a question or concern.