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Johnny Carcosa

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About this mod

This mod replaces the default black and grey swat combat shirt with a foliage green ACU style jacket and pants for the AI Teammates, recommend using Vestfix mod in order to force game to use khaki colored vest color instead of default black.

Permissions and credits
This mod replaces the default black and grey swat combat shirt with a foliage green ACU style jacket and pants for the AI Teammates, recommend using Vestfix mod in order to force game to use khaki colored vest color instead of default black.

Here is a full list of changes:
-Helmet uses OD green
-AI teammates use OD Green uniforms

Updated to work with the June 2022 update

To install mod, extract .pak file from RAR and place inside following directory:

drive:SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Ready Or Not\ReadyOrNot\Content\Paks

For tan heavy armor to work, please download Mal0's vest fix