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About this mod

Increases the speed of all looting animations! Including the looting of corpses, horse saddlebags, herb picking, animal skinning and CRAFTING!

Permissions and credits
I no longer play RDR2 and the mod had more unfixable bugs than it was worth. If someone else wants to take over, feel free. My permissions allow for transformative copying. No need to even ask first, just go for it.

This one's for ya boi, Robe789456! Ask and you shall receive, My Brotha! Praise be!

If you don't like the fast looting parts of this, you might like my other mod instead: Just Do The Thing Already!

    Known Issues:

  • The skinning animations break the Chapter 2 hunting mission with Charles if you get off of your horse after skinning the Bison.
    • There's currently no known fix, so be sure to disable this mod before starting that mission!
    • I'm stumped as to how I'm going to fix this without excluding Bison from being sped-up altogether...
  • Stowed pelts for large animals that are converted into medium pelts may disappear from your horse's inventory after saving and reloading.
    • Legendary pelts are automatically sent to the Trapper when this happens, so don't freak out!
    • Or just make sure to sell them before quitting the game. (Probably the safest bet tbh.)
  • Some animal pelts may not render after being stowed on your horse. This is just a texture bug and they should still be added to its inventory!
  • Some prompt behaviors have changed, such as hitching your horse while still being mounted. The prompt will appear to act as a regular press, but you really need to hold it still. This is due to other hidden prompts taking priority. In this case the hidden dismount prompt also being instant forces your guy to just jump off the horse and ignore the hitch command.

    Changes in v1.9:
  • Fixed Legendary animal pelts disappearing when being stowed (that or turning into horse wings).
  • Fixed horse saddle bag looting not being sped up (I forgot about these tbh).
  • 1899 Firearms & Realistic Loot Rebalance users: Both of your compatibility patches have been updated!

    Changes in v1.8:
  • All Medium, Large and Extra-Large animals now use the unused placeholder animations for skinning medium animals. This does a few things...
    • It fixes the stupid bug that completely broke skinning and required you to restart your game. (Yes, the placeholder is more stable.)
    • It also allows you to store an infinite number of Large and Extra-Large pelts on your horse. (Alligators, Bears, Elk, Moose, etc.)
    • The downside: They all use the coyote pelt texture now. And I mean all of them. So I hope you like the color brown!
  • All small animals and birds now use the placeholder bird skinning animation. Which is also more stable and doesn't have a jumpy camera guy.
  • Fixed the looting of Alligator Eggs during Pearson's Chapter 4 hunting mission. (I tested and it's working any ways.)
  • Probably some other stuff I'm forget... I mean... Minor optimizations and improvements.
  • 1899 Firearms & Realistic Loot Rebalance users: Both of your compatibility patches have been updated!

    Changes in v1.7:
  • All looting and skinning prompts should be instant now. This might also help some people that were having issues with skinning. Don't quote me though, because I still haven't been able to reproduce this. Pretty sure it's a game issue at this point.
  • Fixed alligator eggs not being lootable. This was due to the egg prompt and loot tables being renamed for duck eggs in MP, but the animations still being named gator_eggs@whatever. So I didn't catch it before.
  • Fixed Eagles and Egrets still using their old, slow animations. They slipped through my regex somehow.
  • 1899 Firearms User: Your patch has been updated! This should also fix certain animal skinning animations still being slow and/or possibly not working when using this patch.
  • Realistic Loot Rebalance users: Your patch has also been updated!
  • Side Note: I did a ton of testing with the Legendary Boar (we're basically besties now) and it appears to be working fine as far as the mod is concerned. Although, it is a known bug in the game for specific legendaries to not drop pelts. But they should be auto-added to the trader any ways, and you only miss out on the $30 for selling it. So don't sweat if it does happen!

    Changes in v1.6:
  • Reverted all scripted SHORT prompts to holds again. This should fix any of the prompts that weren't working. Sorry, there's no way around it, I'm affraid.
  • I did switch a handful of prompts over to the MEDIUM defaults though. Which are still instant. Namely the one's used for carrying/hogtying/stowing/etc.
  • And now that I'm done breaking your hearts, the good news: I've changed the "easing" curves used by all hold prompts to TYPE_EXPONENTIAL_OUT.
    • What this basically means is that even though prompts are still holds, they fill up a whole lot faster now. I'm talking 0-100 mode here.
    • This also affects every scripted prompt in the game. Including Cooking & Crafting and all of the other obscure, scripted prompts!
      • TIP: Wait until the crafting prompt slows down before holding the assigned button. It'll save you an extra 1-2secs. (It's the best I can do here.)
    • Huge shout out to the RedM team here! Their amazingly documented work is what led me to nailing this down. Main issue being, these are curves normally used for rendering bouncing balls and whatnot. They're NOT progress bar fill rates or anything you'd usually use. Weird choice js.
    • Now have fun feeding Arthur and John some raw chicken! Yum!
  • 1899 Firearms users: Your compatibility patch has also been updated!
  • Immersive Scenarios users: No patch update for you. You can use the old one still!

    Changes in v1.5:
  • Added 59 more non-scripted prompts and converted them to regular buttons.
    • These are mainly Exit, Leave and Quit prompts. But a few other random ones too.
    • Bringing the grand total of hold prompts fully converted into regular buttons to: 1,076! ;)
  • I set the default values for all short and medium scripted prompts to 0, so they're ALL instant now too!
    • Meaning the only prompts that shouldn't be instant are:
      • Removing your horse's saddle.
      • Mercy killing your horse.
      • Player reaction prompts (Duels, etc.)
      • Probably, any ways, don't quote me on this :P
  • Reverted the carry animations to their stock speeds. Yeah, I couldn't stand it, sorry. The carryconfigdata.meta file is still included though, because there are some prompts tucked away in there too. So you can revert that yourself anytime, if you liked it!
  • Added a slower 2x version for those that were interested! It's in the Misc. Files section at the bottom ;)
  • 1899 Firearms & Immersive Scenarios users: Both of your compatibility patches have also been updated!
  • Probably some other things I'm forgetting...

    Changes in v1.4:
  • The 1,017 interaction prompts that don't use the default game values have been fully converted into regular button presses!
    • These actually include most of prompts you'll encounter on a day to day basis. Including:
      • Drinking, eating, sitting by the fire, camp chores, etc. The really minor stuff.
      • All horse interactions and maintenance prompts. Brush, Feed, Stay, Come, all of it basically.
      • Opening and closing things. Chests, drawers,  cabinets, cupboards, you name it.
      • Picking up objects. Ammo, guns, money, notes, pamphlets, pictures. Yup, all there.
      • You see where I'm going with this?
    • Basically, all of the the really, really annoying ones are gone!
  • I also found and added the carrying animations, which also supported speed rate changes, so they're all 10x faster now too!
    • It doesn't seem to really do much though, if I'm being honest. I mean, yeah, the animations are faster and all. But.. I dunno... you'll see...
    • I might remove this later. Just testing the waters so to speak. And if you don't like it just delete the carryconfigdata.meta file!
  • Immersive Scenarios users: This also means that there's a new compatibility patch for you!

    Changes in v1.3:
  •  New Feature: Quick Animal Studying! That's right, I found the master switch for most (if not all) of the little Hold Button To Do Thing prompts!
    • This, however, adds 4 new files that may conflict with other mods: (Use your brain here!)
      • prompts.meta - This is the big one and seems to be the default timings for most prompts in the game. They're all set to 1 now! ;)
      • mech_ransack.meta - Seems to be looting of cabinets and cupboards and whatnot. Well, the prompts for them any way.
      • proc.meta - Is for picking up pamphlets and notes and whatnot, from the looks of it.
      • sequencescenarios.meta - General interaction prompts for well... sequence scenarios. (eg. Skin Animal, Cut Thing Down, etc.)
    • This brings the total number of Hold Button skips to 1,017* and that's not including the places where the prompts.meta values are used!
    • And no, it does not work on Crafting & Cooking. Those are independent from even the default prompt values. (Not surprised here tbh.)
  • New Feature: This has actually been a thing since v1.1 or something, but I keep forgetting about it. Looted corpses and skinned animals shouldn't show up on your radar anymore. So when the bodies are all piled up, you'll KNOW when you've looted all of them or not! ;)
  • Now for Poker & Blackjack! (Maybe?)

    Changes in v1.2:
  • First off, as some of you might've read earlier, Cooking & Crafting isn't possible. Yeah, it sucks. Get it out now. Ok, good, now that that's out of the way...
  • I've added the speed modifier to a few animation sets that didn't have them. Wanna say it was for ammo and chests? Can't remember exactly tbh.
  • All small animals and birds that used special standing "cinematic animations" have been bypassed by combining the Slice-N-Go technology, that you already know and love, with some IsCarryingLootAction technology I found in a random Rockstar dumpster. It's not pretty, but it gets the job done.
    • And hey, enjoy not having to see what Thumper's guts look like anymore!
  • I've also included a modded mech.meta file. This doesn't actually speed up any animations, but it does make some of those Hold Button To Do Thing prompts faster. Well, instant really, I've set them all to 0.1 seconds and forced them into "short prompt" mode or something. Yeah, enjoy that.
    • There are exactly 104 of them:
    • Some of them are for chores around camp and John's ranch.
    • Some are for random things like sitting and eating and whatnot.
    • Plus a bunch more I didn't bother tracking down. Enjoy hunting for them if you want to tho :P

    Changes in v1.1:

  • Got animal skinning working by bypassing all the cinematic skinning animations and forcing the fallback "Slice-N-Go" animation onto all affected animals.
    • If you set the rates to 1 (see below) this basically turns the mod into a fast skinning mod, with everything else being vanilla.
  • Next up: Cooking & Crafting! (No, it's not added yet.)

1. Extract the archive into your /lml/ folder.
2. Enjoy!

Conflicting Mods: (Be sure to use the available compatibility patches!)
1899 Firearms
Immersive Scenarios
Realistic Loot Rebalance

PS - If you open the lootconfigdata.meta and carryconfigdata.meta files with notepad, the speed rates are right at the top. You'll see something like default="2" on 2 separate lines, lower it there if you want. Just make sure both of them match. The second one is for the objects you're interacting with.