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Indra Sundanese

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  1. marblefloors
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    oh man, thank you thank you THANK YOU! I finally can see the game, vanilla lightning is awful especially when you have a monitor with mid brightness (I have 450 nits, but the monitor market on pc is so garbage, hard to find better when i purchased it, now i dont know tho)
  2. samanjfrn9
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I have a problem with using nvidia game filter.
    It says a supported game is required.
    I have done a lot of things but I get the error!
    can you help me pls!!!?
  3. abusyman
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Ive been really struggling with this. I have a 3080 ti. i've rienstalled GeForce Experience twice now. each time allows me to use the filters option once, then breaks it. clicking the option does nothing. ive used the nvidia profile viewer to see if the ansel flag is still on, and it is. any help to why this is would be appreciated.

    Latest driver was the culprit. rollback fixed it.
    1. This issue still unsolve for newer GPU, idk why
      the thread about this issue still exis till now, in nvidia geforce forum & still no repons from nvidia guys till now.
    2. TroyMuni
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      same thing is happening to me with the 4090.  It's not the driver, as it worked the first time (yesterday) with the same exact driver.
    3. TroyMuni
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      I can't seem to get it working again.  I only got a sharpening menu slider and even tried messing with nvidia profile manager to correct dice.  It's crazy that Nvidia has let this issue sit out there unsolved for 6 friggen years since it was first reported.  Eventually I gave up and toyed with the reshade stuff, which looks like crap if you're running 10bit color and HDR.  If it really need to re-install drivers each time, I'm done modding.  
  4. totalnewb
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    This is what this mod did for me, it fixed the dark washed out look of the game at night and improved daytime lighting while using HDR. I took several screen shots in photo mode to send to the author at 4k 60 hz HDR to help show how well this works and the in game capture looks like it strips the nice contrast adjustments this makes. I play with all settings at max and this mod is plain amazing and simple to setup and toggle.

    Once installed, pressing Alt+F3 allows you to bring up the Nvidia menu and turn this on and off, to compare on your system.

    For me, this is the best graphics mod. Combined with all the latest patches on the game and Nvidia drivers, I am thinking of replaying the game. Well done.

    I posted some images of where this shows off nicely vs the default HDR settings to the page for this mod. Even the title screen is improved.
    1. Thank you i put your screenshot in this post, with credits as well
  5. Lucid3821
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    What does this do exactly?
    1. Like ReShade.exe
      you download preset preset .ini and Load it by ReShade.exe ,BUT

      my post here is NOT For ReShade.exe its for NVIDIA Filters