+ My Remnant II Items IDs table
+ Support
* Trade Link
+ Remnant Games Modding Discord Server
+ I use UE5.21 & LUA Scripts
- Long Gun:
* Enhanced 'Sparkfire Shotgun'
- Handgun:
* Enhanced 'Enigma'
* Enhanced 'Nebula' (+Mod - Enhanced 'Nano Swarm')
- Melee:
* Enhanced 'Krell Axe'
- Amulet
* Enhanced Energized Neck Coil
- Mod
* Enhanced Witchfire
- Mutator
* Enhanced 'Shocker'
Console commands:
- e_statz - for Krell Axe do Shock Damage 1000000 (Reequip it to work after command)
* Example: e_statz
- e_stat - use to change property for guns, mods, mutators etc, after quit game it's get default (Only for tests)
* Use: e_stat <Asset_Full_Patch> <Property_Name> <true / false / Float_Value>|
* Example: e_stat /Game/World_DLC1/Items/Weapons/Buster/Weapon_Sparkfire.Default__Weapon_Sparkfire_C ReloadSpeed 10.0
- Pak Files: OUTDATED!!!
- Main Stats
* Drag & drop this files:
* To: Game_Folder\Remnant2\Content\Paks\~mods
- LUA Script: reequip items every time u enter the game to it's work (Thx aloisz for info)
- Reload Speed & Other Stuff
* Drag & drop this folder:
* To: Game_Folder\Remnant2\Binaries\Win64\Mods
- Or, to Install all
* Drag & drop this folder:
* To: Game_Folder