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  1. MrSlendyMannn
    • supporter
    • 1 kudos
    Many thanks for this. I've been using your classic stagger mod for the main campaign for months. It always felt annoying to spam 3 or more bullets into an enemy before they flinched at all. Great work on fixing this for SW.
    1. zalteredbeastz
      • supporter
      • 209 kudos
      Glad you like the mod, you're welcome.
  2. JDlightside
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    These feel really good to use, many thanks.

    A little request if you're willing to take it: Perhaps a mod a to nerf unarmed ganado grabs in some way, either by reducing the damage they do and/or making so they do it less frequently than punching you.
  3. Drift357
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Does this now work in Professional difficulty? 
    I read for some that it wasn't working in the last version of this mod. 
    1. zalteredbeastz
      • supporter
      • 209 kudos
      Hi, both versions work in Professional difficulty. If it doesn't work you need to uninstall all the mods and re-read game archives with Fluffy Mod Manager.
    2. Drift357
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      Does the headshot addition also increase damage done to the head? 
      I went through the first boss in SW on Professional with 10-15 handguns rounds to his head. 
  4. a89928989
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    So, this one is for Ada, the other one is for Leon ?  These two mods are different ? No conflict problem ?
    1. zalteredbeastz
      • supporter
      • 209 kudos
      Hi, yes. Ada uses other files. So there is no conflct.
  5. sheluvs
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Now I can stagger ganados with 1 headshot on Ada's campaign holy s#*! you are a godsend thank you!
    1. zalteredbeastz
      • supporter
      • 209 kudos
      You're welcome, enjoy.
  6. teknique2323
    • premium
    • 9 kudos
    This covers the base game, mercs & seperate ways correct?
    1. zalteredbeastz
      • supporter
      • 209 kudos
      Hi. This only covers Ada story mode, for the base game and mercs you can use this.
  7. connorken619
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    When I try to launch the game it goes through the logo intro but after that it is stuck on a black screen unable to load
    1. zalteredbeastz
      • supporter
      • 209 kudos
      Hi. Try to uninstall all the mods and re-read game archives with Fluffy Mod Manager.