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About this mod
The Merchant now provides all weapons in the Main Story and Separate Ways. Supports Mercenaries, the shooting range, more fun ways to play, and good vibes for a great time!
- Requirements
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Mod name Notes Separate Ways DLC - Permissions and credits
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Author notes
Collaborative users are free to direct message me about adding compatibility for their mod(s) to work with mine and earn donation points.
File credits
Glitch5970 for authorizations to use some fantastic ports
^Armature Studio, owned by Meta, for the P.R.L.
^Chris and Albert from RE4 HD Project for their Handcannon Ammo texture
^The Chicago Typewriter Ammo from RE4 2005 Beta with help from BIO4 EXE
KOF-KOY and Rabbit-TooneedIM for research contributions and technical assistance
Capcom for the amazing remakeDonation Points system
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- Changelogs
Version 1.27.1
- 1. Improved the reticles for the Crossbow and XJF-350 Compound Bow.
Version 1.27
- New:
- 1. XJF-350 Compound Bow
- 2. A "new" icon for 'Infinite Bottomless Ammo'
- Changes:
- 1. Explosive Arrows cost Resource S.
- 2. Purchases are quicker in the shop
- Fixes:
- 1. An issue with the shop not adding items starting chapter 7 in MS.
- 2. AMR Ammo's picture quality was increased
- 3. Updated the holsters and handlings of all weapons for Ada
- Extras:
- 1. Legacy Attache Case Drops Extra
- 2. No Random Knives + No Attache Case Drops Extra
- 3. New options for the MS Knife Icons Fix Extra
- 4. B/V Difficulties Extra
- 5. 'Uhm, Leon?' Extra
Version 1.26.2
- 1. A progression bug was fixed when using the legacy main mod with B/V.
- 2. The legacy's Chicago Sweeper w/ Drum's capacity was fixed. (it was at 60, now it's at its official 50).
- 3. The PRL's upgrades should now work with the legacy main mod.
- 4. The legacy main mod's shooting range was reworked.
- 5. Crows have a chance of dropping one small fish when your health is low.
Version 1.26.1
- 1. Fixed my stealthy options and their instructions should be clearer.
Version 1.26
- 1. Installation of my mod in Fluffy was updated to accommodate the newest version.
- ^ Added a couple of new tabs like B/V Merchant
- 2. The Legacy tab was given a lot of attention.
- ^ Includes support for B/V, and No Random Knives
- 3. A few new add-ons in the Merchant Extras
- ^ 'Stealthy Stranger' -> settings to adjust your stealth
- ^^ 'Dragon's Breath' -> shotguns cosmetically shoot flames
- ^^^ 'Attachments Amore' -> unrestricts weapon attachments like scopes and laser sights
- 4. Fixed all known issues with the previous extras.
- ^ Including Silent Stranger and Legacy Iron Sights
- 5. Redid the AMR in the Main Mod, so now it can reach 100% Critical again.
Version 1.25.1
- 1. The sound issue should be fixed.
- 2. Iron sights were modified to be like B/V.
- ^ Included an option for legacy iron sights.
- 3. Fixed some "aims" for Character Swap.
- 4. For this update, all weapons should feel like they have equipped a silencer. Makes gameplay a bit more interesting.
Version 1.25
- 1. The Scorcher's ammo capacity was fixed.
- 2. Leon's small dialogues are back. (Note: If they are not, please load MC once before starting MS.)
- 3. Increased Bolt Thrower stacks from 10 to 12.
- Extras:
- A legacy extra that reverts all the official things - weapons, items, drops - back to their official state. (wip)
- ^ Plus some unofficial fixes by me using Capcom's drop logic to make everything work (e.g. SW weapons have drops in MS, and vise versa).
- - Stranger's ReShade
- - HotAda ReShade
- ^Please follow my ReShade page for further instruction.
- ^^Recommend: SilverEzredes' flashlight mod, and either Qiu's B+ night mod, or Glitch's night environment mods.
- - Some extras for Ada, and one for Wesker.
Version 1.24-1.25hotfix
- 1. Fixed Leon's knife animations.
- 2. Added a 9999 option.
- 3. My custom XM was fixed again and is its own option.
- 4. The Crossbow is now silent, and its starting capacity was increased from 2 to 6.
Version 1.24-1.25
- 1. The unreleased Crossbow was improved to shoot arrows onto enemies instead of bolts.
- 2. Fixed some item models and their positions in the shop and crafting interfaces.
- 3. Small adjustments to crafting AMR, EJF, and Handcannon ammo.
- 4. Sales are now a thing in SW (chapters 2, 4, and 6), and were reworked in MS (chapters 4, 9, and 14). Here are the new prices:
- ^ 5% off resources and knives, 10% off ammo, 15% off healing items, and 20% off gunpowder.
- ^^ Their final chapters are at an everything-must-go discount of x3.
- 5. Garrador's weakspot damage calculations were fixed and restored to vanilla,
- 6. Removed the incendiary effect from the Striker, Sweeper, etc.
- 7. Reworked upgrades to the Anti-Materiel Rifle, One Shot, Crossbow, XM, and Handcannon.
- 8. The AMR only does its explosive effect on a critical shot.
- 9. The Crossbow now works against regenerators, enemy dynamite, and won't go through pieces of armor.
- 10. Fixed the colored triangle/hexagon things for all the weapons.
- 11. Updated the shop to provide more accurate descriptions for weapons such as the MP-AF.
- 12. I reworked my XM's mesh to add a laser, look bigger without compromising the hands, uses the Sentinel Nine's muzzle, and its magazine was "extended" to accommodate the new high capacity.
- ^^ I also recolored it to vibe with the Sentinel Nine's dark muzzle.
- 13. Increased the difficulty of the final stage of the shooting range. Give it a try?
- 14. Wearing either chicken hat lets you upgrade weapons for free in MS/SW.
Version 1.24
- 1. New unreleased weapon: Crossbow! Its performance is similar to the Bolt Thrower and XM96E1. It can be found under the Classified tab.
- 2. New crafting for Handcannon Ammo, Anti-Materiel Rifle Ammo, and Explosive Arrows.
- ^ To accommodate the means of crafting ammo, the respective weapon's attributes have been slightly modified. Drops share the same rate as magnum ammo, and AMR damage was slightly reduced.
- 3. New 20% discounts in MS for resources in chapters 4, 9, and 14.
- 4. The Anti-Materiel Rifle can now inflict damage upon Garrador's weakspot.
- 5. Added the AMR to the Hunk-inspired shooting range stage.
- 6. XM, EJF, and Explosive Arrows now have their MC HUD icons working in MS/SW.
- 7. Fixed the Red9 Stock attachment’s position for Ada in Separate Ways.
- 8. For now, buying is instant to accommodate resource purchases.
- 9. For now, the laser sight mesh fix for the XM is removed to accommodate mods.
- ^ Give 'Samurai Edge - Albert Model RE7' a try!
- 10. For now, I removed my custom inventory edits for Wesker in Valkyrie.
- Just for fun: The Crossbow can shoot mines, but you must have the Bolt Thrower in your inventory and toggled to its secondary mode.
- 11. The Chinese Traditional and Chinese Simplified translations should now appear correct to their respective selected option.
- 1.24 is just the main mod, so no extras just yet. If you want, I recommend trying it with the extras from 1.23 (some of them will work).
Version 1.23
- Version 1.23
- 1. Fixed all visual shop bugs, missing captions, and incorrect captions from the previous version.
- 2. Default stacking is modified from the vanilla parameters to x2/x3 like B/V.
- 3. Added several new 'legacy' extras that restore Capcom's official vanilla edits over mine.
- 4. MS Trade Tab has an infinite gunpowder option for 5 spinels each starting Chapter 4.
- 5. Shop’s resource limit was increased similarly to B/V.
- 6. Custom TMP's new design reflects the merchant's purchase line and has some personality to it.
- 7. 'Stranger's ReShade' looks better; give it a try?
- note: 1.23 works apart from the attaché case extra. -> Please use the attaché case extra from 1.20.3
- Version 1.22
- 1. My mod works with Nightmare and Befalling of Night! The issue was on my end, not theirs. Give it a try!
- 2. "New" weapon, Custom TMP. It uses handgun ammo and packs a punch. Found under the Classified tab.
- note1: The second exclusive should say it increases its rate of fire, but "1.5x power" as a description still "works".
- note2: It remains mostly untested.
- 3. Fixed Bolt Thrower drops in SW. They should be modeled after the drops in MS.
- 4. Handcannon Ammo should only drop if you have the Handcannon equipped in SW (this was fixed for MS last version).
- 5. The Handcannon and AMR’s upgrades received an update.
- 6. EJF-338 now uses Blast Arrows in MS/SW. Better for immersion since you can craft them.
- 7. Accessories are restored back to their default effects.
- 8. Reduced the One Shot's exclusive upgrades to 125k each.
- 9. Both flamethrowers received an update to their raw damage output.
- note1: The Flamethrower was an unreleased weapon with a damage output of 1. So, in this update I increased it to 100.
- note2: The Scorcher was also an unreleased weapon with a damage output of 30, so I kept it that way.
- 10. Added a cinematic effect to my ReShade extra.
- Version 1.21
- 1. The infamous loading issue is ~100% fixed.
- note: Please load Mercenaries once before playing MS/SW to fix any potential issues.
- 2. A new weapon: Anti-Materiel Rifle, inspiration from Piers Nivan's in RE6.
- It performs similarly to the Handcannon and One Shot, and has its own ammo drops similar to the Handcannon.
- note1: Doesn't shoot weakspots on Garradors and Regenerators like other rifles, but can be upgraded to make up for it.
- note2: You need its critical chance at 100% for it to break objects.
- 3. Fixed my drops to work with B/V, plus added some coolness to Wesker's section.
- note: I recommend you use the 9999 stack option with B/V.
- 4. Fixed all the weapon issues from the previous version.
- 5. Trade tab was updated for MS.
- 6. Added icons to the Handcannon Ammo and Anti-Materiel Rifle Ammo.
- 7. Redesigned one upgrade for the Handcannon.
- 8. The Striker now shoots dragon's breath, inspired by the Merchant's line "nasty fireworks".
- note1: It will 'freeze' some species of armored plagas.
- note2: The meta shotgun is still the riot gun, so don't panic.
- 9. The Chicago Typewriter got a cosmetic name change, inspired by Leon's Pinstripe outfit.
- 10. The Chicago Typewriter and Handcannon can now equip laser sights, inspired by the 'OG'.
- note: character swap seems to null laser sights for these two.
- 11. Fixed Ada's and Leon's knives to flip properly.
- note: some enemies don't have any knife flip animations yet.
- 12. A few new extras for your customization enjoyments.
- 13. The Shooting Range is a little bit more challenging.
- 14. Vanilla weapon prices should be back for all the weapons, excluding the modified ones, for MS and SW.
- 15. Fixed a few shop translations, so they should wrap around better.
- 16. Attaché case drops are removed from the loot table.
- 17. Fixed SW’s typewriter so it reappears in NG+.
- 18. Charms’ shop descriptions should be fixed.
- 19. Broken Knives have been removed from drops.
- 20. Golden eggs thrown against targets should be fixed.
- 21. Cat Ears now gives you 100% durability.
Version 1.20.3
- 1.20.3
- 1. The Scorcher XL works !
- - note: Having 'Infinite Bottomless Ammo' in your inventory fixes various issues with the Flamethrower/PRL/Scorcher.
- - The Scorcher in SW might result in crashes when you equip it upon restarting your save from a checkpoint or from the desktop.
- For the Scorcher to work again, you will either need to store the Scorcher once and then reclaim it (best option), or equip Infinite Bottomless Ammo once (doesn't always work).
- 2. Fun drops of the broken knife are now a thing in MS and SW! These are uncommon and work great to balance out all the new drops!
- 3. The Merchant has started gathering bits and bobs for you, respective of the surrounding environment!
- 4. Rebalanced Ada's Chicago Sweeper w/ Drum, so it's more fun and ‘in tune’ early-on with the other submachine guns!
- 5. The whole village has become voracious of your new Golden Eggs ! why not throw one at Dr. Salvador?
- 1.20.2
- 1. The Merchant has returned, along with the whole village!
- 1.20.1
- 1. Fixed the attache case extra!
- 2. Leon's Sweeper is renamed to Chicago Typewriter and has a new 5x damage exclusive to match the original (10.0 power)!
- 3. Ada's Sweeper w/ Drum can now hold 100 rounds and has a 2x capacity exclusive upgrade!
- 1.20
- 1. Greater multi-language support!
- 2. Greater message support for everything!
- 3. Fixes to all the holsters for both Leon and Ada, plus new grenade and magnum holstering for Ada!
- 4. New PRL model and Handcannon Ammo ports thanks to Glitch5970!
- 5. New Handcannon Ammo drops in MS and SW!
- 6. Leon can now enjoy Ada's knives in the Main Story!
- 7. 3x critical shots now work with both bolt snipers!
- 8. 'Nostalgic' updates to the Handcannon (99.9 power) and PRL (3x7 inventory space);
- - the vanilla Handcannon did 3x damage when fully upgraded, this does 10x (similar to RE4 2005)!
- 9. A new flamethrower weapon!
- 10. Additional QoL to 'Build Your Stranger!‘
- 11. My mod works with Character Swap again!
- 12. Eggs now do headshot damage and can be upgraded to be infinite!
- 13. Rocket Launchers' blast radius can now be upgraded!
- 14. EJF has some new upgrades, too!
- 15. Regular cat ears are restored and added Ada's Cat Ears to MS (does increased speed) and Leon’s to SW (does increased speed)!
- 16. Extras are back, including a standalone mod of the Lava Hall by Rabbit-TooneedIM!
- 17. Restores or rebalances all weapons to vanilla values, so everything should feel a lot better!
- 18. Reduced upgrades of MS weapons in SW to accommodate the economy!
- 19. Change your outfit or accessories anywhere and at any time!
- 20. The Minecart Handgun has been renamed to "Don Quixote"!
Additional features:
1. A new shooting range overhaul in the theme of this mod;
2. Shop overhaul to accommodate everything;
3. ‘Build Your Stranger!’;
4. Colors for all weapons and items in all languages;
5. Various weapon inspirations from Rabbit-TooneedIM, OG RE4 and other RE titles;
6. PRL in Mercenaries with Raz0r's Trainer using item Flamethrower 2;
7. Supports others’ mods like Raz0r’s ‘Character Swap’, ‘Valkyrie’ and ‘BioRand’;
8. My Upgrades and Holsters mods are built into this one.
Please read the Docs for more details.
Check out the Merchant the next time you see him.
Modding Haven
RszTool by Chenstack
MSGTool by dtlnor
Tools by alphaZomega
Noesis by Rich Whitehouse
Audio Guide by Bl17zKr136
REFramework by Praydog
MDF-Manager by SilverEzredes
Hex Color picker for the colors
Fluffy Mod Manager & REtool by FluffyQuack
RE4R Ultimate Trainer & Ultimate Mod Manager by Raz0r
Shunaida1020 for being a hero providing fixes to the scopes
Glitch5970 and LinkTheHylian for some fantastic model/texture ports
KOF-KOY for the amazingly helpful weapons integration research
Rabbit-TooneedIM for technical assistance and authorizations of B/V
Youmekko, MIKE20160236, KalivosGG, ErwinGunSmith, LoadMonkey,
AndrewRCr, Qiuyuewu1987, NEGAARMAX, LTCqwertvergil, ARESGOW101
Capcom for the amazing Remake
My mods:
The Merchant Provides All Weapons
Ada's Holsters and Weapons Fix
Ashley's Animations Replacer
Spooky Survival Horror ReShade
Upgrades Unlocked for All Difficulties