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  1. Qcscf
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    hi bro could u tell me how to make weapons mods in 5K? i tried many ways to make my weapons mods but the result always fail and i didnt know what's wrong with my mods. thanks very much for your help(i made 5Kmods in Ready Or Not's mods way)
    by the way your mods are nice ;) I like them
           hope you can help me (plz!!!)
    If you think it too troublesome to tell me,Record a mod production video is also okay(really thanks!!!)
    1. Qcscf
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      If you don't want to tell me, just say it :|
    2. IrishRepublicanArmy
      • premium
      • 25 kudos
      Hi, If you make the mods already as you've said but they don't show up in game it's usually two problems... But it could be infinitely more, but usually two.
      1. Your paths are not correct. Everytime you use Umodel to extract a texture of a weapon lets say it extracts it to your Umodel folder (which should be on your desktop) and since you've edited those textures you obviously know where to find them...anyway MAKE SURE WHEN YOU CONVERT THE FILE BACK INTO UE4 YOU HAVE THE FILE PATH CORRECT. 

      For EX. When I use Umodel to extract a 1911 texture it creates a TGA file to this folder "C:\Users\(profile)\Desktop\umodel_win32\Pandemic\Plugins\AffrayCore\FPSController\Content\Weapons\1911\Meshes\Textures"

      When I covert the edited texture (TGA, PNG, whatever) back into a file format that UE4 can read using the UE4 program you need to set up a file so that when you convert the it into a PAK file it'll shoot the mod to the correct place inside the game essentially.

      "C:\Users\(Profile)\Desktop\SCP Mod\pakchunk99-mods_1911_P\Plugins\AffrayCore\FPSController\Content\Weapons\1911\Meshes\Textures"

      This is the name of the pak file Ill create "pakchunk99-mods_1911_P" and where its at. You need to copy essentially the same path back to where you found the original skins in the first place. Notice the similar File Paths. Don't mess up file paths. one little spelling error it could mess the whole mod up. I'll wait for your reply if you don't understand this or if you are certain you paths are correct before I give common mistake number 2. 
    3. Qcscf
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      thank u very much ,i will try again
    4. Qcscf
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      When I put the finished mod into the paks folder, an error that I cannot describe occurred. Perhaps only BaseColor has the problem. Please take a look at the video:
    5. IrishRepublicanArmy
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      Okay so it looks like it's definitely a problem with your UE viewer to me. Because even though you first looked at the unedited texture they still looked weird. IDK if that purely a viewing glitch that doesn't effect the actual finished product or what. You could try downgrading you Umodel version? You're using build 1590, I'm using 1585. 

      If you look at my UMP45 Tan mod does it look all weird in the viewer window but normal in game?

      Also in your "C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_4.27\Engine\Binaries\Win64" folder where you drag you file into to make it a pak, the ".bat file"

      @if "%~1"=="" goto skip
      @setlocal enableextensions
      @pushd %~dp0
      @echo "%~1\*.*" "../../../Pandemic/" >filelist.txt
      .\UnrealPak.exe "%~1.pak" -create=filelist.txt -compress
    6. Qcscf
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Emm, but it seems that only my mod has this problem and it doesn't work in 5K. Your mod looks normal in the viewer and it works in the game
    7. IrishRepublicanArmy
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    8. IrishRepublicanArmy
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    9. Qcscf
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Well l will try again in ur way-O-
  2. ghostnight543
    • member
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    what file do i put it in??
    1. IrishRepublicanArmy
      • premium
      • 25 kudos
      Your paks folder
      (Whatever Drive you have the game in, then)\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\5K\WindowsNoEditor\Pandemic\Content\Paks