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  1. Wrathinside
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Yeah no. This mod is borderline unplayable. I appreciate the effort and I rarely "not" endorse, but this is just... There is no balance. Republic is dead. CIS is barely better. It's all about Empire, New Republic and some V-race. Only they have capable endgame Titans, and if your race doesn't have them - it's over. Both in realistic gameplay and in Titan rush(that I play to occasioanlly have fun). The AI is almost impossible, I've lost numerous games simply from the insane culture. I never liked it, but I've came back to the game times and times over the years and culture was never a huge impact, at least for me. Infinite capital ships, huge fleet numbers, even on the lowest fleet size - enemy still cheeses the <censored> out of everything.

    But that's all nitpicking. Just my noob gameplay that isn't fit for the mod. The real problem is that the mod is boring, bland.
    Maybe because the units are shifted to the point of nonexistence.
    Or maybe because it's an absolute "work in progress" of every race. The base game may not have a lot of races, but each is polished. With units capable of doing things. Here it's just... no caps on anything, just spam, cheese, spend points on filler skills so that you didn't see the numbers. Great. Every Rebellion Cap had some utility, proper management of them alllowed you to survive against fleets. Vasari Phase, Advent ... something, Shields of TEC.
    Here you have nothing. NOTHING. Occasional passive auras, maybe a broken skill which enemy cheeses with 10 caps casting it, but all with some 100500 second cooldowns, no control, no management, let alone micromanagement.

    I'll be honest, I've tried it for a chance of some Home One or Death Star or something. Well, turns out Home One is one of the weakest titans in the game, however, the TWICE more expensive Republic titan is WORSE, literally worse, because it has no abilities or purpose. No Death Star, but there are like 3 supertitans that can still be countered by something, somehow, even with 950 fleet cap there seem to be enough bullcarp on a map to blow through a titan faster than it cleans the trash.
    So if you want to see big ships - don't. Just... don't. The biggest of them are barely big enough. And none of them are interesting.

    Again, I appreciate the effort, but with SO many races - why not make one or two actually playable? Instead, there are a lot of "spam-a-lot" races for every flavor. You see them, you forget them, and you don't really have any strategy playing them.
    1. SolarNeptune
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I Concur, the AI is just a massive cheat monster that is impossible to beat whenever I play; just a few of their ships rips apart the most massive of my fleets, then to top it off they even usually surprise me with massive fleets very quickly.

      AI is hugely broken and several factions seem weak.
      Then there's also the tease of the Old Republic and Sith Empire; it's a tease, and makes you say: "if only"
    2. Mike4314
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      Just played as CIS and got my fleet absolutely destroyed by the empire. I had a comparable fleet and they destroyed one capital ship and I couldnt even break thru one of the shields. Earlier they destroyed two of my capital ships
  2. teecee58
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Does not work with SoaSE Rebellion 1.94.
  3. Draff1985
    • member
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    I doubt this is monitored anymore but 9/10 times I start a new game it crashes on me. I have everything installed but cant figure out how to set the Large Address Aware
    1. Idoram
      • supporter
      • 2 kudos
      It is a late reply, but nonetheless. This mod is for game version 1.90, which does no longer support manual installation of "Large Address Aware".
      Quote from Changelog on

      "Changelog for Patch 1.90 (added 04 April 2017):
      - Large Address Aware (LAA) is now enabled. Warning: if you are using a mod that requires you to apply LAA manually you should no longer do this. Doing so will cause multiplayer desyncs and crashes. "
  4. ravunn
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    this mod is pretty solid especially since i've always wanted to commence space fleet operations, it's only draw back is the massive massive lag that happens in long running games which i suspect is related to the infinite number of capitol ships you can field. if the capitol ship limit was the same as with other mods and the main game i think that would be best. otherwise FOR THE EMPIRE!
    1. ravunn
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      I suspect the lag is due to the many many fighter squadrons which would explain this 'reduced squad count' addon i just found
  5. GritiTheOdd
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Love this mod, really scratches my SW strategy itch. I have noticed however that on some maps like deep core, some planets when fights occur, the AI will go EXTREMELY far out of the gravity well. I am talking 8 or nine minutes of solid flight time in one direction out of the gravity well. In one instance I clicked to attack some fighters behind a planet i was defending and it turned out those fighters were in the gravity well of a planet I had captured before the one I was defending. That said, this is still a great mod.
  6. ScarecrowMan1988
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    My game seems to lockup on the SoGE startup logo. It doesn't get past that and the only way to fix it is to restart my computer. Any suggestions on this? I followed the installation instructions to the letter.
    1. Lavo02
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      This will sound stupid, but wait some 5 minutes and see if the game loads. SoGE takes awhile to load. Sins appears to be frozen during initial load but it's truthfully loading stuff in the background; this can be verified by watching the game exe via task manager and watching it's memory usage climb.
  7. drunkdragon7
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    like the mod but just so sad game lagg with it and that the ships are so small
  8. esolorio328
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I just instaslled it today and getting error message on startup anybody else had this issue?
  9. zimgirdib
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Amazing simply amazing
  10. kglethean
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Great mod! Tons of work and content.

    However, one problem my friend and I are having is that we can play with just the core mod enabled but when we try to play with the squad size reduction, we get "your mod checksum differs from the host..." error message.

    We have followed the instructions on the FAQ and emailed each other our enabled mod files to make sure they are exactly the same. We're re-installing the mod now to see if it will work.

    Anyone else have this issue? We'd really like to sort it out because we enjoy it but it becomes unplayable once the fleets get huge.