File information
Created by
KellieAtTheLab -- Auska -- BladehawkeUploaded by
KellieAtTheLabVirus scan
About this mod
Cyber-enhanced support for Cyberpunk 2077 mods for easier installation, management, load ordering, autofixes, and all that quality of life goodness!
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- Changelogs
The new source code can be found on Github (and in addition to the same release versions available here on Nexus, any pre(em)-release versions can be found on the Releases page). Find us on the CP2077 Modding Community Discord!

Latest version: v0.11"Silverhand"
Bugfixes and minor updates to v0.11 (scroll down for v0.11 features):
Main Jobs
- ✨ Updated the ArchiveXL core mod loader
Main Jobs
- ✨ Audioware Fixes a little change for a big problem.
Main Jobs
- ✨ Audioware Support Get those sweet sweet sounds in the game quickly and easily!
Fixer Gigs
- ✨Update ArchiveXL and TweakXL support
- Update settings.tsx by @manavortex in #390
- Allow Vortex to get the correct version of the game by @Pickysaurus in #395
Full release notes here ↗️
Previous releases:
- ✨ ArchiveXL and TweakXL compatibility
- ✨ Add support for ep1
- ✨ Support mod_sfx_ui audio type on redmods
- ✨ Input Loader v0.1.2 Support (also supports up to 0.2.2 version).
- ✨ Add explicit support for Mod Settings. Sorry about that one, I probably would have noticed it sooner had I been playing lately
- ✨ Add support for Red4Ext mods to install with bundled redscript files without complaining. I think this is actually gonna fix a long standing bug that I didn't catch before... so we'll see
v0.10.0-a "River"
Main Jobs
- ✨ Modlist File Support The latest cyberpunk update added a feature to redmod to allow deploying mods specified in a file. When we read that, we knew we had to get right on it to fully remove the mod count limit on REDmods (Eat it NetWatch!)
Full release notes here ↗️
Main Jobs
- ✨ Input Loader v0.1.1 Support (and you can still install v0.1.0, too, but shouldn't.
Cyberdeck Upgrades aka Internal Stuff(tm)
- 🛡️ More Robust Load Order Protection There were some cases in which a race condition or unexpectedly deleted V2077/ directory could cause the Load Order to be reset. Put a Cerberus on it, see 'em weefles try it now.
- Redscript mods can now include a hints file in `r6/config/redsUserHints/`
- Support ArchiveXL 1.3.4 structure
- Autoconversion is off by default. Beware the mean reds.
- Spyder Murphy's Law The special archive handling in CET, Redscript, and Red4ext mods is gone, which means that now all archives can be autoconverted. (They're auto-convertible :get-it-doggo:)
- Wear the Colors The few mods that were proactively splitting archives between REDmod and classic now work correctly in the load order when autoconverted — both halves show up and can be independently ordered (they are still a single Vortex mod, though, so you can only enable or disable both.)
- cYbEr PuNk 2o77.Ex3 Since the 'case-insensitive' Windows filesystem doesn't actually _do_ a whole lot to guarantee any protection against any sort of problem, much like NCPD, there's a minor workaround to allow `cybercmd` to use case-sensitive comparison (until their fix is in.) To wit, we now spell `Cyberpunk2077` as `Cyberpunk2077`, not `cyberpunk2077`. Computers are great.
- 🕵 No more autoconvert tags in mod names to reduce the name length, which is actually becoming a problem with ~200 REDmods installed. This defers the problem slightly, and we'll address it in a more flexible way ASAP (hopefully with an update to redMod itself.)
- DND: off! Show notifications for starting _and_ completing an on-demand REDdeployment (we changed the Net Architecture a bit to make this happen.)
Main Jobs
- ✨ ArchiveXL REDmod support! ArchiveXL can now be installed in REDmods, including for MultiType mods. Autoconversion from heirloom ArchiveXL is also supported both standalone and along with `.archive` files.
Fixer Gigs
- 🐛 redMod.exe will now always deploy order-only changes too! The `redMod.exe` tool doesn't currently correctly handle cases where only the load order is changed without enabling/disabling mods at the same time. Until that's fixed upstream, Vortex will default to force deployment. It's unfortunately slower, but hopefully won't get in the way too much because it's running in the background.
- 🐛 REDmodding DLC check won't fail on non-store games!
Chippin' In - Tools of the Trade
- ⚒️ Run the game directly, `-modded`, no launcher. If you don't need the launcher, you can launch the game directly and still get the modded goodness (it's in the toolbar at the top, or on your dashboard.)
- 🐞 Tools from other games won't crash if user has our extension but the game is not installed. Until and if Vortex offers isolation from other games touching our stuff, we need to be extra careful not to touch any CP2077-specific stuff until we know that the user is actually invoking one of our tools.
v0.9 "Rogue"
Main Jobs
- ✨ Full REDmod support! You can install and manage REDmods alongside all the others. *Note:* this is for new installations or reinstalls only. We don't want to accidentally break your existing mods, so you can choose when and if you want to migrate them yourself! Just hit Reinstall when you're ready.
- ✨ Load Ordering! Drag and drop to order any mods that need ordering! Topmost is highest priority. Note that load order _only_ works on REDmods, and that the game will always load old-style archives at a higher priority and therefore override REDmods (this is where autoconversion comes in handy). Unmanaged REDmods are not supported at this time, so you'll need to reinstall them through Vortex to get everything to play nice together.
- ✨ Autoconversion of old-style mods to REDmods! This is a togglable feature (check out Settings), but we highly recommend that you leave it on unless there's an issue installing a mod.
- ✨ Automatic REDmod deployment! Yep, no need to hit the terminal, every time you run a deployment in Vortex, your load order is deployed too. As soon as you see the notification that it's done, you can just start the game. And you can trigger a REDdeployment on-demand, too, at the click of a button in the toolbar.
- ✨ Jack right in! Finally, the default launch button will launch the game directly, with REDmods enabled. No need for the terminal or a separate launcher. If you do want to go through the launcher (for achievements, perhaps), there's the REDlauncher Tool in your toolbar and dashboard that will do just that.
Fixer Gigs
- 🐞 All fixes we needed to make were released in v0.8.1, v0.8.2, and v0.8.3, this one's the big leagues.
Cyberdeck Upgrades aka Internal Stuff(tm)
- 🩻 A major addition is the ability to define mod type data. In this release it's used to support REDmods, but in the future it can be used for things like true conflict checking, safe cleanup scripts for tricky mods, and so much more...
- ⚙️ All the internal changes and refactorings are too numerous to mention, but we were able to build on the foundation we'd already set up and make some major changes, and we've got some new foundations to build nova stuff on.
Full release notes here ↗️
v0.8.3 "Third's the Charm, TAKEMURA"
- ✨ Adds support for upcoming Red4ext 1.9.0 release (while retaining current version support)
v0.8.2 "It takes two to tango, TAKEMURA"
- 🐛 FIXES Core Redscript to support v0.5.7.
- 🐛 cybercmd, which is required to run Redscript v0.5.7 when `-modded` is
already supported, so you can just install that normally.
- 🐛 FIXES Core Input Loader to support the new 1.6-compatible version.
- 🐛 (It also adds the ability to install REDmods but that's of limited
utility until full REDmod support that's coming in v0.9 "Rogue".)
v0.8.0 "TAKEMURA"
- No time to advance the story this sesh, just doing side gigs!
- ✨ Support new RED4ext 1.7 #191 by @E1337Kat
- 🐛 Separate Fem/Masc Preset Support For Appearance Change Unlocker Presets #183 by Auska
- 🐛 MultiType Redscript Installs Basedir Layout Correctly #185 by Auska
- 🎨 Replace Prettier with Eslint Rules #189 by Auska
- 📝 Explicitly State That The ASCII Art Structure Is Incomplete #179 by Auska
Full release notes here ↗️
v0.7.0 "Meredith":
Main Jobs:
- ✨ Initial support for CyberCAT GUI as a Tool! See below for the detes. #164 by Bladehawke
- ✨ Input Loader's XML mods (in `r6/input/`) are now supported! #167 by Auska
- ✨ Input Loader itself is treated as a Core enabling mod, and also uninstalls cleanly! #174 by Bladehawke
- ✨ Character preset support for both CyberCAT and Appearance Change
Unlocker presets - and we figure out which kind it is! #169 by Auska
Fixer Gigs:
- ⚰️ CSVMerge and its dependency on Wolvenkit CLI deprecated. #171 Bladehawke
- 🐛 A few reports around Input Loader support got fixed!
Cyberdeck Upgrades aka Internal Stuff(tm)
- ✨ The CyberCAT support led to building Tool installation functionality, and we'll refine it some more. #173 by Bladehawke
- 🧪 Automated tests for all the new stuff as always
- ♻️ No major refactors, but the usual fixing and extracting as part of feature work
- λ ...And Auska snuck in some more functional stuff from fp-ts mwahahaha
Full release notes here ↗️
v0.6.0 "Evelyn":
Main Jobs:
- Dedicated Appearance Menu Mod mod support including detecting AMM mod type
- Extra text and image files supported and copied to a special top-level directory so they're not littered all over the game dir
Fixer Gigs:
- Redscript installation won't complain even if it has to go multiple subdirectories deep before finding the first .reds file
Cyberdeck Upgrades:
- Automatic build improvements
- Tests verify info dialogs and notifications are shown correctly
- Bigger and smaller internal improvements
Full release notes here ↗️
0.5.0 "T-Bug":
Main Jobs:
- Config XML file support
- Config JSON file support
- Protected paths (...which show a prompt so you don't accidentally overwrite them)
Fixer Gigs:
- Fixed MultiType mod install bug
Cyberware Upgrades:
- An assortment of internal changes
- Splitting tests into separate files, too much of them for one!
Full release notes here ↗️
0.4.1 "Sandra":
Main jobs:
- TweakXL Support
- ArchiveXL Support
- Internalized pipeline for installation
- Giftwrapping for handling a single folder at the top level
Fixer Gigs:
- various small changes and fixes
0.3.0 "Jackie":
- Generally a bunch more usable
- Most mod types and file layouts now supported (CET, Redscript, Red4Ext, INI, Reshade, JSON config, Archives...)
- Anything not directly supported (yet) can be installed (but we'll prompt you for it)
- Helpful (?) error and info messages
- Lots of under the hood changes
- Converted the sources code to typescript and set the extension to not allow symlink deployment (so hardlink and move files are the deployment methods).
- Also added an installer for mods that have just an archive file, regardless of how the mod is packaged in it's folders, it will be placed into the `archive/pc/mod` folder as is required by the game.
- Improved support and validation for correctly structured Archive, CET, Redscript, Red4Ext, INI, Reshade, JSON config mods
- Support for valid combinations of the above
- Automatic fixing of some most common structure problems (such as Archives not in .\archive\pc\mod\)
- Fallback installer for things we don't explictly handle
- Much more informative messaging for errors and especially cases where
- Detect when a mod add files and attempt to find out what was added and add it to the staging area so that when disabling mods, all of it's files are removed as expected
- File-based automatic option selection dialogs (e.g. one of 10 different color options)
- Automatic selection dialogs when detecting problems that can't be automatically fixed
- Load order management?
You can install either through Vortex, or manually (required in some cases.)
A. Install through Vortex (with automatic updates afterwards)
Note: it takes a while for latest releases to be available this way. Check the version. If you need the newest version and it's not available yet, you can install it manually.
You can either click on Install With Manager in files here on the mod page, or go directly to Extensions in the Vortex client
- On The Extensions List, Click "Find More"
- Find Cyberpunk 2077 Support in the list and click Install
- Restart if prompted to
- Done! And Vortex will automatically update the extension (but be aware there may be a brief delay so in some cases you may want to manually install the latest version.)
B. Install Manually
- Download the version you want in Files, save the zipfile to disk
- In Vortex, go to Extensions, find Cyberpunk 2077 and right-click to remove it
- Restart Vortex as prompted
- Go back to Extensions, and either dragndrop the zipfile to the bottom right (or click bottom right to open a file selection dialog), see below:
- Restart Vortex as prompted
- Read any notes shown (if any)
- Click on Select Game to Manage or go to Games, and activate Cyberpunk 2077
- Done!
To Uninstall:
Click Remove in the extensions list
Restart Vortex, the game should no longer be supported by Vortex.
Reporting Issues, Feature Requests etc.
If possible, make reports and requests on Github. You can also use Nexus bugs and Nexus posts, or reach us on the CP2077 Modding Community Discord (#vortex-support).
To help us fix and add things, please:
- Make sure you've read the usage information here
- Make sure you've read any instructions that the mod you're trying to install comes with
- Try to reproduce the problem so that you can tell us how to reproduceit
4. Include the log files
- Vortex logs can be found under the triple dot in the upper right corner, Diagnostic Files, find the right timeframe to show the problem/error from the list, check all four boxes (including Debug!), and then copy to clipboard.
- Redmod log is located in <gamedir>/tools/redmod/bin/redmod.log
Disclaimer: This project is not associated with Nexus Mods, nor with CD Projekt or CD Projekt Red.