Not working in RE4 anymore, it won't even attempt to load with the REframework upscaler regardless of where you install it. Actual decent instructions would help but I guess that's too much to ask, Github as per usual is unintelligible dev bs that expects us to all be elite coders to use so it's completely worthless to 99% of users.
This mod no longer works at all for Resident Evil 7 DX12.
The Temporal Upscaler menu never shows up anymore.
There never was a proper tutorial on how to make it work anyway also.-
It's not just RE7, the Temporal Upscaler doesn't appear for any of the RE games anymore.
you need the pd-upscaler version of REFramework. Only available on praydog's github with login I think because it is less stable.
I cant even create a login on github it says the stupid puzzle is always wrong, that website is complete trash
Still crashes even with the pdupscaler branch. Apparently praydog is aware of the issue, says pure dark needs to fix it.
Use this version of the REFramewok pd-upscaler:
https://github.com/praydog/REFramework/actions/runs/9389588049 -
i can get the temporal upscaler to show in the menu with this method but when inserting the dll into the game folder the game crashes on launch?
I have the same issue, did you end up fixing it?
Expired, sadly. can you reupload on a hoster by any chance? :/
I can, but damn that's a bummer, i didn't get everything before this happened so i don't have the DD2, MHRISE and the older non-raytraced version of the RE games.
This is what i saved:
https://www.mediafire.com/file/j669esx19t00esx/SF6.zip/file -
what version do i use in PD file and dlss file
@ditusjack, thank you so much! Your upload for RE2 is the only version that successfully offers the Temporal Upscaler menu for me. Now the game looks perfect and super clean. Thanks again!
lazy developers pushing end users to a coder/dev based platform like git is beyond stupid
Wow dude, this is the only thing that worked for me! Thank you.
working hours try to find a bug why am i always CTD on start. Turned off all the mods and still crashed. Then it turns out it does not support 24h2 update. Huh
Trying to run DLSS transformer model(DLSS Tweaks mod is necessary) on RE4 Remake on Linux but the game crashes. I can use regular DLSS with UpscalerBasePlugin 1.1.2 just fine but not with Transformer or DLSSTweaks all together. I even changed dxgi.dll from DLSSTweaks to nvngx.dll as recommended for RE4R and enabled Nvidia Signature check.
I have seen videos on windows os where it works so I replicated steps on linux but no luck. This is the first game on Linux that DLSSTweaks has issues running for me. -
Installation via Vortex download isn't working. If I do manual download and install, where do I put the upscalerbaseplugin folder for Skyrim VR? I saw in the instructions that the NVIDIA dll goes inside of it, but I didn't see instructions on where to place that folder. Maybe it's different for every game. I found a Starfield guide and in it, they had a mods folder. I don't have a mods folder for Skyrim VR. Vortex put it in the staging folder, but it just doesn't seem to know how to deploy it any better than I do.
Version 1.2.0 causes my Skyrim to CTD while the game boots up. This does not occur with 1.1.2.
I'm using the full suite of Community Shaders, and the latest version of Skyrim Upscaler.
I tried 1.2.0 with the addition of the latest NVIDIA DLSS dll (I run a 4070ti using DLAA with Skyrim Upscaler), and with FSR dlls deleted (leaving only the DLSS dll). Crashes at start regardless.
I don't use Skyrim VR or FSR. Do I even need 1.2.0?-
Same here, crashes for me at startup too.
I managed to make it work by making the file structure similar to pervious releases;
Open upscalerbaseplugin in MO2 and select open in explorer.
Create a new folder called upscalerbaseplugin inside upscalerbaseplugin and add all files here except meta.
Add upscaler of your choice inside this new folder as well and voila. -
I did what bican203 suggested, as well as renaming the mod from UpscalerBasePlugin to "upscalerbaseplugin" (i.e. all lowercase) as guzBluez suggested, and it removed the CTD for me. Cheers bican203! :)
Indeed, the problem was incorrect folder structure. Thanks friends!
its not incorrect its just meant to be a manual install
@CheeseSoup69 even if you install it manually, you still need to create the new folder within the folder you would drop manually in data and then move the files, so It is incorrect.
And if it was meant to be a manual install, then there shouldn't be a "Mod Manager Download" option.
some clear installation instructions would be helpful the current instructions do not work.
I managed to get it working by installing with MO2 "Skyrim Upscaler VR" and "VR Address Library for SKSEVR". Then in MO2 right click on skyrim upscaler vr -> Open in Explorer. Here you should find SKSE folder and meta.ini. You need to extract UpscalerBasePlugin archive and put the folder next to meta.ini
im not using the vr version though
same f*#@ing thing, goofy god damn
It seems with the most recent uploaded version, you didn't put the dlls in the folder, so the vortex/MO2 support is broken
How do i install this for SSE version 1.6.1170.0 with Community Shaders? I have been working on figuring this out and the menu doesnt show when i press end, even with CS disabled in Vortex
I had to buy a Patreon subscription and get it from their Discord, all good now!
so he sell this mod from patreon now?
Well im not 100% sure if they are done updating the mod here and just moved over to patreon but it certainly looks that way. Either way that is where i got access to the Discord where i then downloaded the updated version. Keep in mind that this also grants you access to upscaler mods he has mad for other games like Silent Hill 2 Remake, Fallout 4, and Baldur's Gate 3 among many others. Up to you! But i think that the latest version is the best option.
Ah, so, he released a broken update of upscaler for CS on Nexus and then made a newer properly working one (just like the enb version)for Patreon users because money.
Alrighty, so I have to critique the update for Skyrim users, at least from my experience with the update, and yes, I switched back to 1.1.2. I have managed to finally get it working. I do use ENB and for some reason my end key doesn't pop the menu up, I'm sure that's on my end but I just went to the SkyrimUpscaler ini and changing it to DLAA manually. With the update, I use Nature of the Wildlands, and all the trees are doing a very strang flickering thing. I did try to even delete the three goofy new files, same result. Once I switched back to the 1.1.2. version, the problem no longer exists. I don't know if there is something special I'm supposed to do or not. Please let me know. I will say it's probably not the best idea for skyrim players to download the update, I'm sure it looks great on other games though.
Didn't mean for this to sound like complaining because that's not my intent, but if there's not a fix, Skyrim players, I wouldn't update. If anyone went through the same problems I did and fix it, please let me know.