This page was last updated on 21 January 2022, 12:37PM
Version 2.3.0
(When upgrading from an older version of Growl, if the cooldown is in progress, unequip and reequip the Beast Form power and wait 24 hours.)
Improve the implementation of the Beast Form cooldown. Instead of a greater power whose cooldown is reset after 90 seconds (which led to the confusing message "Powers can only be used once a day"), it is a lesser power that just shows a more descriptive message when the cooldown is not up.
Revert XP gains to version 1.x, where you progress in a secondary skill when your primary skill is maxed.
Version 2.0.2
Skill level scaling and XP are now correct when a skill is level >= 100.
Rearrange some code to reduce the amount of time werewolf form is visible when shifting out of werebear form in high script latency conditions.
Version 2.0.0
(Make sure the cooldown is not running when you install the update.)
More Bears Edition: Werebear form is now implemented as a skin for werewolf form instead of its own race, which allows the perk tree to function in werebear form.
More Bears Edition: When consuming Werebeast Blood for the first time or being tempted by Hircine under the full moon, you may now choose between werewolf and werebear form.
More Bears Edition: Now reequips your items when you shift out of werebear form. (SSE only.)
Beast Form cooldown now comes in the form of a debuff instead of a gametime timer.
Beast Form cooldown no longer gives you a fake spell that tells you the remaining cooldown. (Let's see if people are intelligent enough to read the cooldown in the power description instead of complaining that "The power says it has a daily cooldown so the mod must be broken".)
Auto looting gold now displays a message.
Beastblood: Now grants "immunity" (1000%) to disease instead of just 100% resistance.
Wolf Among Men: Effectiveness improved from 75% -> 80%.
Breton - Skinwalker: Cooldown reduction 30 seconds -> 50%. (This may or may not be retroactive.)
Werebeast - Howl of Brotherhood: Level 3 now works correctly for werewolves.
Add object type checks to all conditions for wereform object activation. (This is a workaround for the meshes in certain mods with wonky collision boxes that cause FPS loss as the game tries to figure out whether you are in activation range of the collision mesh.)
Werebeast Blood inventory mesh replaced with vanilla mesh to fix a texture bug on XB1.
No longer build up bounty towards a new wave of Silver Hand Elite werewolf hunters while they are already stalking you.
MCM - Add Armor Experience Gain option.
MCM - Add Weapon Experience Gain option.
MCM - Add Werebear option.
MCM - Disable Werewolf Hunters: Now also prevents bounty from being built up, and will disable any existing Werewolf Hunters when enabled.
MCM - Invulnerable During Transformation: Now works, though only against physical damage.
Add integrity check that throws an error when the scripts PlayerWerewolfChangeScript and/or C03RampageQuest are overwritten on game load.
Add integrity check that throws an error when the scripts WerewolfChangeEffectScript and/or PlayerWerewolfChangeScript are overwritten and the player tries to change into wereform.
Version 1.3.0
Reduce base skill experience gain from 30 -> 20 and multiplier from 3 -> 2.
Silver Hand Elite only move towards you when you are not indoors.
Version 1.2.0
Call of the Blood chance to transform is now modified by the phases of the moon (from 0% during new moon to 50% during full moon, average 20%).
Perk tree - Infinite Duress: Fix potential animation glitch if target dies immediately after being hit.
Perk tree - Lycanthropic Regen: Shorten name so the perk count is no longer cut off.
MCM: Change description of Call of the Blood percentage setting to reflect how it works now.
Werebeast Blood no longer makes you a werewolf if you are already a vampire. (This would leave you in an unknown state.)
Version 1.1.0
MCM: Half-Beast Visuals are no longer an MCM toggle but come as a separate optional file. (This makes the feature available on consoles, reduces file size and may discourage complaints about compatibility.) UPGRADE WARNING: If you were previously using this feature in 1.0.6 or earlier via its old MCM toggle and upgrade to 1.1.0, your character will become invisible. Install the optional Half-Beast Visuals file to restore it, because this is now where the textures are. A new game is not necessary.
MCM: Add option to become invulnerable during transformation.
Perk tree - Lycanthropic Regeneration: Now has the correct magic effect names.
Version 1.0.6
Call of the Blood no longer activates if the warning would occur during combat.
Gold is now looted correctly (put into your inventory) when you loot a chest.
Wereform: Once again immune to fall damage.
Version 1.0.5
Wereform: Health regeneration is now only reduced by 50% instead of shut down entirely.
Fix typo that caused gold to be deleted instead of transferred to you when looting.
Version 1.0.4
Fix for inability to loot equipped items and gold as a werebeast (gold is automatically transferred into your inventory).
Fix for inability to use most activators as a werebeast.
Reduce weakness to fire in mortal form from 50% -> 25%.
Howl of Brotherhood now works correctly in all forms.
Version 1.0.3
Wereform: Experience gain nerfed to a more balanced value.
NPC Werebears now correctly shift into Werebear form.
Remove several ITMs.
Add integrity check to detect the use of another mod (such as Mortal Enemies) that modifies the werewolf race.
Version 1.0.2
Wereform: Fix odd vanilla feature (two different feed perks) that could result in an inability to feed depending on load order.
Perks - Savage Feeding: Now allows feeding on undead (feeding on animals is now built in as a baseline feature).
Perks - Totem of Ice Brothers: Fix description.
Version 1.0.0
Wereform: Reduce fall damage mitigation from 100% -> 50%.
Howls - Howl of Brotherhood: Now summons Bears/Snow Bears/Werebears if you are a werebear.
Perks - Roadkill: Reduce critical strike damage from 2x stamina -> 1x stamina; change priority to 1. (Note that certain combat mods will buff critical strikes by a large amount without any weapon restrictions, posing a balance issue. Mods like that should not be used alongside any other mod that uses critical strikes.)