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File credits
Kanji textures from https://www.reddit.com/r/Sekiro/comments/b9tnqk/sekiros_symbols_for_everyone_to_use_and_edit/
sound effects from "Sekiro sound HAle mix" and https://www.youtube.com/user/Jozav53/videos
uses mesh files from elysees' "Smoking Sick Style" mod, credit goes to elysees
scripts by me
Credit goes to FromSoftware for creating Sekiro, which inspired me to make this mod
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Version 1.6
* Simplified Posture calculation. When Deflecting, enemy posture is damaged proportional to the Block skill of the person parrying. When attacking, posture damage is dealt depending on the attacker's skill with their weapon
* Finally found a fix for the death on killmoves bug! Unfortunately, this new method will increase script load somewhat, as I have to check regularly if the player's health has dropped to zero. Old (lightweight, but buggy) and new Resurrection system can be switched in MCM. I recommend only using the new version ('Type2') when using the 'Scripted Animation' option for Killmoves, which causes the bug in combination with the resurrection script.
Version 1.5.0
* Added Bloodsmoke Ninjutsu, Puppeteer Ninjutsu, Bestowal Ninjutsu. * Shinobi Execution works more reliably. Still not perfect, but I have no idea right now how to make it better * "Perilous Attack" kanji & Posture broken visual effect will not float around the screen anymore!
Version 1.4.0
* Added Aerial Attacks. You can use melee weapons and block during jumps. Continously attacking will also keep you in the air longer. You can also trigger Assassinations & Shinobi Executions while in the air. Doing a power attack (hold attack button) while airborne will do a "Smash attack" where you slam down on the ground and stagger everyone around you, dealing large amounts of posture damage. This is a great way of dealing with Perilous Attacks. You'll need to get the Perk "Mid-Air Attack & Deflection" under the Sneak tree to unlock them.
* "Vault Over" also has its own perk now.
* If you BASH during a Perilous Attack, there's a chance to Disarm the opponent.
* By looking into the great mod Critical Hit - Backstab and Parry in Skyrim, I was able to improve my procedure for playing paired Killmove animations. They now work about 60% of the times - as soon as the enemy (or yourself) moves before the script can apply the animation, it will get cancelled. The damage and Dragonsoul Absorption will still trigger though, even if the animation is missing.
* Removed the "scripted non-paired animation" option for Shinobi Execution. This was what causes the death bug.
* The magnitude (duration) of stagger on unparried attacks now scales with the posture damage you received and your current posture level, instead of always being the same flat amount. For example: Attacks that deal more Posture damage will stagger you more, and the lower your current Posture, the more you'll get staggered by the same attack.
* Thanks to Myrdo improving my posture damage formula, taking and dealing posture damage now feels much more natural. It now depends on the enemy's weight, their weapon's weight, their speed during the attack, and your own weapon that you block with.
Version 1.3.1
* If you press Jump while in front of an enemy whose Posture you just broke, you will jump over them and land behind the enemy facing towards them, like the "Vault Over" skill in Sekiro. This allows for a Stealth Deathblow and is a first step towards Ninjuts that I'll try to recreate later on.
* Some animation tweaks: You can now use Jump anytime to animation-cancel out of other actions, such as jumping during a lengthy power attack animation will cancel the attack and let you dodge Perilous attacks.
* Red glowing circle should now appear in front of posture-broken enemies, instead of the previous red shader effect.
* Added a slowdown effect when an enemy gets posture broken.
* Added the option to let the script check for character animations instead of key presses, for those who might have problems with magic casting or conflicts with other mods that rebind keys in some way.
* Added an experimental new option for executions where a random vanilla killmove can be triggered when attacking a posture-broken target, matching the enemy type and equipped weapon. However, it is somewhat unreliable as the usual vanilla conditions (distance to enemy, angle & height restrictions etc.) can still prevent it, also won't work while you're staggered or the target moves away.
* Trying yet another fix for the death on killmoves bug. It can ONLY possibly happen if you use the "Scripted Animation" option under Shinobi execution settings, NOT with "paired animation" or "vanilla killmoves". It is more likely to occur if you perform many executions/assassinations in quick succession (i.e., more than one within 5 seconds, but depends on your system). I can't really make the script run faster on this part, ConsoleUtil probably isn't exactly intended for high-speed performance but for utility.
Version 1.3.0
* Added a MCM menu. Every feature can now easily be turned on/off and tweaked.
* Changed conditions for Assassination because it was buggy and hard to trigger before. Now you don't need to be undetected by the target anymore, it can also work like a Backstab from Dark Souls, you just need to be behind the target and close enough.
* Shinobi Execution and Stealth Assassination will now play varying animations each time! It's still limited to 3 at the moment but I plan to expand this later. You can also choose to have these played as paired animations (as in, the enemy gets "affected" by them), this does look 10x more cool but beware that it can be buggy.
Version 1.2.7
* Fixed conflict with magic casting that some people were having.
* Timed blocking now only works if you have either a melee weapon or a shield equipped.
* You can also parry with left-hand weapons now. more sparks on deflect, less sparks on normal block now so the two can be distinguished more easily.
* The kanji that is displayed on Perilous attacks now says "danger" correctly, before it was actually the "You Died" kanji but I guess few people noticed.
Version 1.2.6
* Added some (experimental) game settings changes related to NPC combat AI. * Mainly, NPCs will now block your attacks more often and quicker, enabling you to break their posture with your attacks but also triggering the deflect mechanic for them more often. * They also should attack slightly more often while you're blocking, in turn trying to reduce your posture. * Power attack (Perilous attack) frequency is reduced by 10%. * Stamina recovery is now delayed for a few moments after receiving posture damage, just like it is in Sekiro. * The effectiveness of blocking with weapons is increased in comparison to shields.
* If you don't want these changes, you can disable them with "set sekiro_numeric_changes to 0", and then restart the mod by casting the "Shinobi Combat" lesser power (that you'll find in your magic menu) twice.
Version 1.2.5
* finally found a fix to the dying on shinobi execution bug! The only solution I got is "toggle immortal mode" (tim). Unfortunately there's no way to trigger this with papyrus, so I have to resort to ConsoleUtil to send the command directly to console from the script. Please make sure you have it installed if you experience the dying bug!
Version 1.2.3
* READ THE README FILE INCLUDED IN THE MOD FOLDER! * Nearly everything is customizable now, you can turn all features on or off by just editing a single number in that file, and then typing "bat sekiro_readme" in the console in game!!
* Shinobi Deathblow does not outright kill anymore, instead it now deals percentage health damage based on the level difference between player and enemy. This makes it so that stronger opponents act kind of like Sekiro's minibosses, where you have to deal multiple deathblows to kill them.
* Posture damage now isn't a flat amount anymore, but takes into account the attacker's power and target's block skill.
* Workaround for the dying on Shinobi Execution bug. After extensive testing, I didn't encounter this bug anymore, if it still does for you, tell me, it's because one of the scripts is too slow in you setup
Version 1.2.1
I am an idiot and had forgotten to include a texture from Sekiro Combat. So, unless you had also installed and loaded that mod, you won't have seen the new sparks in their full glory. Also, death & resurrection animations should now play correctly.
Version 1.2.0
* Added Sekiro's resurrection system. This finally gives some meaning to Shinobi executions!
* Thanks to the beautiful deflect flash effects made by LertKrush in his own mod Sekiro Combat, which he provided to be included here, this new version of the mod will from now on look 10 times more stylish than before!
Version 1.1.1
* Added a readme file that doubles as a menu to adjust all settings.
* Shinobi execution should work on creatures now, if it doesn't you can change it from doing the special animation to just increased damage normal attacks.
* The sparks now fly into the proper direction
Version 1.1.0
* Most of the problems users reported (shinobi execution not triggering, permanent damage immunity) seemed to come from one essential script being too slow. I streamlined that one and transferred some of its work to others, so I hope these problems are solved now. Sorry for the inconvenience!
Version 1.0.4
* Added notifications on the top left of the screen, each time you hit an enemy, it will display their current Posture.
Version 1.0.3
* Arrows will now bounce off the blade as intended when blocked or deflected, instead of still impaling the character. Blocking them now consumes Posture, Deflecting does not.
* Added a "killcam" effect where the camera focuses onto the enemy during Shinobi Execution. If you don't want this or if your camera somehow gets stuck, "set sekiro_killcam to 0" in console
Version 1.0.2
* You can now change the Perilous Attack alert. Type "set sekiro_peril to 0" in the console to turn it off completely, or "set sekiro_peril to 1" for just the Kanji and sound without the slowdown effect. Default is 2 for both. (If you want the slowdown but no Kanji, move/rename/delete sekirolike_perilous.pex from the scripts folder)
Version 1.0.1
* Added a Lesser Power on startup that activates / deactivates the mod. Can be used to restart if it isn't working. I'd recommend deactivating before you uninstall the mod
This mod was made with the idea to bring "The Clashing of Swords", which Sekiro's swordsplay tries to capture, into Skyrim. Standalone combat overhaul, highly customizable through an MCM menu.
All physical attacks will deal damage to a fighter's "Posture" (Stamina)
Blocking mitigates health damage, but not Posture damage
But if you block at the exact moment an attack hits you, you will Deflect that attack, which negates any damage to both health and Posture
Deflecting an attack will also deal Posture damage back at the attacker, and make them recoil back for a brief moment, allowing you to strike
When a fighter's Posture pool is depleted (by taking damage or having their own attacks deflected), their Posture will break and they get staggered
Posture-broken enemies leave their guard open, allowing you to land a Shinobi Execution, a high-damage finisher move, on them
You can also perform Stealth Deathblows (Backstabs) by attacking enemies from behind at the right angle. Equip different Ninjutsu, such as Bloodsmoke, Puppeteer, and Bestowal which will trigger after a successful Backstab.
Other than melee attacks, you can also block projectiles like arrows, or even deflect them. Blocked (not deflected) arrows will still deal damage to you though.
Your melee attacks (weapon swings) will also count as 'blocking', so if you're fast enough, you can Parry both melee and ranged enemy attacks with your own moves.
Should you be killed in battle, you can choose to use the power of the Dragon's Heritage to resurrect yourself.
Each Resurrection costs 'Dragon Soul Shards'. You absorb one such Dragon Soul Shard with every Shinobi Execution you perform, so your number of resurrections is limited.
Shinobi Executions and Stealth Deathblows also restore a portion of your health.
In combat, enemies will sometimes do 'Perilous Attacks'. They can not be blocked and deal large amounts of Posture damage, so you should evade them.
For Version 1.7:
you can now set a custom block hit animation that will only play when parrying, see Installation
enemies that got their attack deflected (and you) will now recoil from the impact, making clashes feel more weighty and giving the opponent and opening for counterattacks
the scripts now runs only when you have a weapon drawn, thus reducing load on your game
hopefully fixed any bugs related to attack/block key input, such as not being able to cast spell with left hand
fixed bug where player was immune to spell damage when blocking
random spontaneous death bug is hopefully gone for good
per popular demand, removed accelerated Posture regeneration during block
Shinobi Executions will heal a portion of your HP (based on your Restoration skill), like the "Breath of Life" skills in Sekiro
the damage of Executions and Assassinations can now be adjusted (it's still level difference based, damage = target's full health / (target level - you level + 1) * multiplier, instant kill if target level is lower than yours
For older versions:
Make sure you have the required mods (SKSE, SkyUI, from version 1.7 on: DAR) installed
Install Shinobi Combat
Important: If you want to use this mod's resurrection system, install VioLens and tick the "Player Killmove Immunity" option in its MCM menu!
If you want custom animations for Deflecting/Parrying attacks: open the mod in explorer, go to \Shinobi Combat\meshes\actors\character\animations\DynamicAnimationReplacer\_CustomConditions\. Drop the "blockhit" animation replacer files you like into the "8001" folder. I recommend Olivier Blocking (used in the showcase video) or Pseudo Parry animations. Make sure you don't also use the same animations as a regular replacer though, because then you won't see any difference between blocking and parrying
Start the game, customize the settings through the Mod's MCM menu
Unfortunately there's a problem I (currently) can't fix with the resurrection system, enemies trying to killmove you while you're "immortal" will break your animations and you'll have to reload everytime it happens. This is why you more or less need VioLens or any other mod that disables killmoves on the player.
Definitely use this mod alongside a dodge mod of you choice! It's the best way to escape Perilous attacks
Mods that change combat & difficulty in numerical ways, like Combat Evolved, will most likely go great together with this. Also mods that improve NPC AI, such as Wildcat or Ultimate Combat.
HOWEVER: My mod has a lot of mechanics that Ultimate Combat covers as well but in a different way (timed blocking, poise, stagger). Having both would not only be redundant but also double your script load for achieving the same things. So if you're using Ultimate/Wildcat, you should disable timed block and stagger mechanics there, or use LertKrush's Sekiro Combat LE instead of my mod
Should now be compatible with any mod that gives you a custom block key, such as the SKSE version of Dual Wield Parrying.
Any stylish combat animation replacer mashup of you liking
No StaggerCamera, this is just personal preference, it removes the camera sway from stagger but keeps the animation
an audio overhaul that improves swinging, clanging and slashing sounds of weapons. The "Soulsborne Sound FX" mod could be a nice fit.
Simple Lock-On keeps track of your opponent in duels and lets you focus on your timed parries
Weapon Parry Standalone and Action Combat. The first is completely redundant as my mod does exactly the same, the second does a lot of things that might interfere with my mod, like timed blocking, poise and stagger
Arrow Block or Ultimate Combat's arrow block feature: redundant, as this mod covers that. Also, Arrow block will always play the "block hit" animation when blocking arrows, while my mod distinguished between whether you blocked or deflected the arrow (if you time it right, you can even deflect arrows with your attacks using Shinobi Combat)
Critical Hit: Please turn off either that mod's Backstab feature or Shinobi Combat's Stealth Deathblow feature! They basically do the same thing and WILL most likely interfere with each other
Any mod that replaces killmove animations. Users have reported Shinobi execution and Stealth assassination not working when using animation replacers for killmoves
Sekiro Combat LE: Compatible but redundant, Shinobi Combat uses the same spark effects, but does not rely on Ultimate Combat
A huge Thank You goes to LertKrush, author of Sekiro Combat for SE & LE, who offered me to use his hand-made visual effects in this mod! Credits to elysees for the Bestowal blade slash effect mesh files To Myrdo for constructively criticizing my method of Posture calculation and having great ideas on how to make it more balanced (I'll still have to work on that sometimes soon...) To everyone who gave positivie feedback for this ambitious project of an amateur modder like myself, encouraging me to keep improving this mod! Obviously, to From Software for creating Sekiro.