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  1. mxeo
    • member
    • 0 kudos
  2. JaeyoungChoi
    • member
    • 0 kudos
  3. deleted83661068
    • account closed
    • 0 kudos
    I love your mod! but is there any optional file for textures?

    Hope the texture is lore friendly wood texture... it's no match other vanilla textures
  4. EvilTwinz
    • premium
    • 29 kudos
    I like your Korean Style Home,it reminds me of several that I saw when I was stationed in Korea in 1970.
    Good mod,I hope you keep adding to it.
  5. GammaThreve
    • member
    • 9 kudos
    My SO (who does not play Skyrim) saw me browsing this, and commented, "That looks like a reverse gangbang dojo."

    I have SO many questions.
    1. nabigol
      • member
      • 6 kudos
      Sorry, this house is for reading books and studying confucianism.
      Or... maybe for fighting Zombies. ;D
  6. Squall82
    • premium
    • 27 kudos
    I like the idea but it's really too small. Left side is closed and to get to balcony, I must jump because it's impossible to step on threshold.
    Another thing is, it's open world house without interior cell...
    1. nabigol
      • member
      • 6 kudos
      It's still under development. The open world house is intended, as openness is the most attractive point of Korean traditional house, although some unmet needs are inevitable in Skyrim. The left room is remained for the later version. The balcony thing will be fixed soon.
    2. Squall82
      • premium
      • 27 kudos
      Well then, I'm looking forward to it. This could be first open world house mod I would add to my game when it's finished.
  7. LeanWolf
    • premium
    • 968 kudos
    Nords seem to freak out about curved swords, imagine their reaction to this unusual (for Skyrim) dwelling!
    Great models, very nice work, thanks!
  8. Curtis0
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Very good design and it is evident that this is a korean house, not, say, a Japanese one. I would say it fits well into the environment too, and the interior is certainly welcome.
  9. oblivionss
    • premium
    • 19 kudos
    I thnk an amazingly high-precision mod.
    I like the natural curves and precision that are characteristic of the high-polygon mod.
    Keep up the good work!