About this mod
A Gelatinous Cube is an artificially created sea-green semi-transparent slime composed of mindless gelatinous material intentionally molded through magical arts into the shape of a cube. They are mindless predators that silently crawl through dark dungeons and caves, absorbing any material, dead or alive, in their path.
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"A Gelatinous Cube is an artificially created sea-green semi-transparent slime composed of mindless gelatinous material intentionally molded through magical arts into the shape of a cube. The strange creature is generally of considerable size, and the watery matter which composes it is in constant downward motion through its geometrical body. The surplus ends up creating a constant puddle of slime below it, formed by acidic liquid matter that evaporates when coming into contact with the outside, turning into rising clouds of gas, which are again reabsorbed by the Cube, creating a cycle. Another notable feature is the numerous objects floating inside the body of a well-fed Gelatinous Cube.
They are mindless predators that silently crawl through dark dungeons and caverns in regular, predictable patterns. As they crawl through the corridors of these dungeons, they absorb any material, dead or alive, in their path. Most organic matter is quickly dissolved into the acidic sludge that forms the Cube's body, while bones and inorganic matter, such as pieces of armor, spend some time floating around inside the creature before being expelled, or more slowly digested. As they glide down hallways, they leave a perfectly clean path, free of debris and corpses, save for their own slimy trail.
Gelatinous Cubes can not see or hear, but they are able to feel vibrations and are attracted to the heat given off by living beings. Despite their low speed, Gelatinous Cubes are strong and can easily swallow even large creatures. They also have great resistance, largely because of their not very solid shape. When facing an opponent, a Gelatinous Cube will simply try to engulf the foe: upon touching a creature, the Cube secretes a sticky substance that is immediately absorbed through the skin, causing the immediate onset of toxic digestive corrosion. However, the Cube's engulf transcends the use of this toxin and cannot be attributed to the corrosive, and possibly also paralyzing, factor of the toxin only: it can also regulate the strength, concentration, and thickness of every portion of its gelatinous body, to create a slimy prison around a victim, including prey that due to their mechanical, magical, or undead nature, cannot be affected by any toxin. This restrainment feature is used to precisely keep victims paralyzed and helpless as they are slowly digested alive by the Cube's toxin. The toxin, in turn, as mentioned, acts similarly to an acid poison, so it can be avoided with good protection spells, with the victim suffering only minimal damage from acidity, but the engulfment of the Cube, not having a magical character but physical, can hardly be avoided.
However, it is confirmed that the engulfment by the Cube is optional, since it is the Cube who determines the thickness of each part of its body when coming into contact with objects or beings: it is common that the creator of a Cube, or in some way an ally, even manages to enter its interior, withdrawing, for example, money or values absorbed by it, without suffering any harmful effects. However, how they manage to recognize friends and enemies is something to be studied: being creatures created magically, both by alchemists, mages and even in the realms of Oblivion, it is possible that this information is added to their own beings during their creation as some sort of automatic programming, as they are basically considered mindless beings. The gelatinous mass that forms the Cube also seems to have control over the concentration of its own acidity, keeping it generally located in its center and core, a place that is naturally due to its high concentration of mass in the place as well, the best place to attack it from a distance with arrows and magic, attacks that may have difficulty reaching the less solid peripheral areas. Nonetheless, despite their sizes and composition, Gelatinous Cubes are vulnerable to the most common forms of attack, and ice is particularly effective, as is fire.
Once the victim is able to break free from the wrapper of a Cube, one of the first immediate consequences is temporarily limited movement: both the corrosive toxin still taking effect and causing pain, and the thick viscosity that binds the joints of the prey's body, armor or machinery, will make its movement very difficult, which will make the escaped element the most perfect target to be captured again by a particularly slow slime like the Gelatinous Cube. If engulfed, it is normal for the Cube to have some difficulty paralyzing the victim in the first few moments, then there will be a short period of time to temporarily move out of the Cube again, also magic attacks that don't require the use of hands, such as some types of elemental powers, are also extremely effective, being possible, for example, to explode a Cube from the inside, while you are completely paralyzed. It is also important to mention that although slow, Cubes can sometimes initiate faster and more unpredictable rotational approaches to surprise and reach their prey more quickly by catching them by surprise.
But the two most important questions are probably why does the creature has its unusual geometric shape and why was it created? Well, the first question may not seem obvious, but the reasons are really practical: because they have this format, they commonly occupy the entire area of a corridor while they crawl around, this not only facilitates their function of collecting debris, organic or not, while they move through the areas where they are confined, but also makes them an even more effective trap against intruders, as they hardly leave room for them to escape. The second question also has an obvious answer, they are created with the function of decomposers, and even for the elimination of evidence of crimes, therefore, not only magicians create and keep Cubes in their dungeons, but bandit hideouts sometimes have a Cube somewhere inside their hideouts, to which they discard corpses and useless objects collected by them. Falmer are also capable of producing these Cubes and it is possible to occasionally find them in their hives. They are also considered to be an extremely common sighting in the Shivering Isles, and their bizarre nature makes them a perfect fit for Sheogorath's mad realm."
by Beastmaster Mihail *
(*Who is Beastmaster Mihail? He is my avatar/persona within the universe composed of all my mods. He is the ingame author who writes the texts that are usually presented as descriptions for my mods. A former monster hunter, now a dedicated scholar, he is planned to be released as an NPC in late 2022/early 2023, doing the same job in-game as my descriptions do on Nexus.)

- 1 new creature: Gelatinous Cube (in 2 variants);
- 1 new ingredient: Cube Slime.

So far no incompatibilities have been found between this mod and other mods.
(OBS- If by chance when installing several of Mihail's mods at the same time you are asked about files overwriting those of other Mihail mods or other authors mods, don't worry because they are just the same files shared between mods. I recommend that on these occasions always give preference to the files contained in my mods, and among mine always give preference to the mod you are installing last.)

The Mihail Monsters and Animals series aims to create and make available to the community the most complete set of creatures for TES 5: Skyrim, implemented in an immersive and unique way, with respect to the pillars of lore. Instead of pathetically just throwing models and textures in the game reusing 100% vanilla mechanics, the creatures made by Mihail have uniqueness and extreme zeal in their idealization and implementation, which will provide you with an experience that you have never had before in this area.

- The last Skyrim Update
- DLC Dragonborn
- DLC Dawnguard
- DLC Hearthfire

Mihail- model, textures, animations, effects, spells, sounds, loot, game implementation;
Additional acknowledgments:
Gary Gygax and Wizards of the Coast- the Gelatinous Cubes available in this mod are inspired on the Gelatinous Cubes from the Dungeons & Dragons franchise, and have part of their background also inspired by the official background of the ones in the aforementioned franchise. No assets belonging to Gary Gigax or Wizard of the Coast were used in the production of this mod.