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  1. Maleficus32
    • premium
    • 214 kudos
    Hey, all who are viewing this mod page!

    Just leaving this comment here to tease a project that I am working on involving Wild Magic. So, along with my other myriad mods in development, I have decided to undertake yet another project, this one being a follower mod. This follower will be utilizing a rebuilt Wild Magic framework based on the code so kindly provided to me by Tommas666 when he helped make the MCM update.

    His edits to my code made it possible to work on NPCs, so it's an idea I have been toying with for a good while now, but nowadays, I am a much more competent mod author than I was when I released this mod, so I have decided to pursue this idea in full. The follower I am making will be a Wild Mage, and he will be a part of a different mod that doesn't require this one, but will be compatible with it. That mod will also probably come with an optional file that adds Wild Mage NPCs to the game. If you are wondering why not just make it an expansion of this mod, there are three reasons: firstly, several of the existing Surges in this mod don't work well in the hands of NPCs, so those would need to be removed, or a second formlist built for NPC Surges. Very minor reason, as it would be an easy fix, but the last two are the ones that matter to me the most: secondly, this follower mod that I am building is extremely ambitious; I want it to be extremely high-quality, and a mod of this anticipated scale is worthy of its own mod, rather than as an optional file for this mod. Thirdly, I don't want this mod to be required for it to work. I understand that this isn't everyone's cup of tea, but they may want to try out the follower, so I want it to be an independent project, which is being built from scratch.

    For this follower mod, I have already built a custom framework, thanks to the help of a series by Joseph Russell, the mod author of Lucien, which was super informative. I have also already built this follower's own Wild Magic framework as well as the basics of a framework which will allow this follower to teach the player spells that he will invent during their journeys together. HERE is a demo of the early, early stages of development for the follower, just keep in mind, before you watch it, that the dialogue is temporary until I think of better lines to use and voice, so while it may seem nonsensical, rest assured that I will be giving the dialogue a TON of polish before I release it. I only started putting this mod together a few days ago, after all. :)
  2. TheRealChivels
    • premium
    • 214 kudos
    Friendly reminder to read the FAQ before asking questions. Please and thank you.
  3. redmoon626
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I just tried to conjure while sneaking. I'm now the proud owner of 30 goat cheese wheels! LOL
    1. Maleficus32
      • premium
      • 214 kudos
      Hail, summoner, conjure me some cheese, would you?

      That's a pretty funny situation, enjoy the cheese!
  4. Maleficus32
    • premium
    • 214 kudos
    Happy 1 year anniversary to the mod that got me into Papyrus script. :) Without this mod, I'd probably not be anywhere near the skill level I am at now.
  5. jhadaen
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Hi.  Just downloaded your mod and will try it out soon.  Quick question:  If we wanted to stop a specific Surge effect from appearing, is it enough to just remove it from the Form Id list, or do we have to delete the scripts as well?
    1. TheRealChivels
      • premium
      • 214 kudos
      The script pulls a spell from the formlist when a "failure" is rolled, so pulling it from the formlist will prevent the specific effect from being triggered.
    2. jhadaen
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      OK.  I just can't seem to get this mod to work.  I set the odds to 2, so a 50% chance.  I cast about 20 familiars back to back, but no surges.  I tried restarting the mod and using the fix-it power, still no dice.  I also have it down towards the bottom of my load order.  I had to add the spell via console, since I started a new game and I don't have any initial spells due to RP reasons.  Could that be the cause?
    3. TheRealChivels
      • premium
      • 214 kudos
      No, no idea why it wouldn't be working, to be frank. It should be compatible with everything, and it should not matter if you removed the spells.

      This mod is completely handled via script, meaning it will only gain functionality once the option in the MCM is selected to start it. The script is tied to an ability spell, so nothing can be overwriting the script for those two reasons. The scipt also doesn't care about what spells you have/are being cast; it detects the animation event of the beginning of spellcasting, so any spell can trigger it.

      My only guess would be this: you were asking about altering the mod, so did you make any alterations to it, yourself? Did you touch the scripts, the ability spell that has the trigger script, or the MCM script?

      I will say, however, that I have not thoroughly tested the Oldrim version of this mod. I made it for SE, and I ported it to Oldrim after testing it once back in version 1, so it is possible that there are some bugs that I am not aware of with the LE release...
    4. jhadaen
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      No, I didn't make any alterations, and I made sure it started via the MCM before trying it out.  I had only asked my initial question in preparation for a new playthrough, but I wanted to test the mod first.  I do have a lot of script heavy mods, but I've run the Convenient Horses script latency test, and I'm well within parameters.  I'll have to remove the mod for now.  If you do wind up finding any reason for the issue, please let us know.  Thanks for your hard work in getting it ported.
    5. TheRealChivels
      • premium
      • 214 kudos
      I will test this mod further, myself, in LE, just to make sure the updates are still working. Kinda assumed they were because of the fact that nobody was commenting about the mod not working. I will keep you posted on whether or not it is working alright in my game. If I find it works, then it may be an issue on your side, and honestly, I wouldn't know how to troubleshoot from there. Thanks for bringing this to my attention.
    6. TheRealChivels
      • premium
      • 214 kudos
      Update on this: Tested it in Skyrim LE, and it is working perfectly fine. Sorry, I dunno how to help you sort out the issue you are having
    7. jhadaen
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      OK, no worries.  Thanks for the extra attention.  Could just be that I have too many script heavy mods.  I still endorsed for all your effort.
    8. TheRealChivels
      • premium
      • 214 kudos
      Appreciate it
  6. TheRealChivels
    • premium
    • 214 kudos
    Sorry, there was a slight issue with the naming conventions with the latest update! The bottom-main file is the phobia-friendly edition. The names should update shortly, I hope, but if you are reading this before they have, then heed the first sentence of this post!
  7. zachsaballer
    • premium
    • 32 kudos
    I'm glad to see you're still working on this mod!!! And I'm very happy to see a new update. Keep up the great work, my friend
    1. TheRealChivels
      • premium
      • 214 kudos
      Thank you! The work is, in fact, continuing. Right now, I am testing the concept of applying Wild Magic to NPCs, and I have even toyed with the idea of making a Wild Mage follower mod. I also have new ideas for a bunch of Surges to add in a future update. 

      For now, though, I currently am developing a different mod, so that is on the top of my priority list, but this mod is still definitely getting attention
    2. zachsaballer
      • premium
      • 32 kudos
      That makes me really happy to hear!! Looking forward to seeing what you come up with next!
    3. TheRealChivels
      • premium
      • 214 kudos
      Glad to hear it :)
  8. zachsaballer
    • premium
    • 32 kudos
    Thank you for the new update/bug fix! I just realized I forgot to endorse initially, but I have now taken care of that
    1. TheRealChivels
      • premium
      • 214 kudos
      Thank you for the endorsement :)
    2. zachsaballer
      • premium
      • 32 kudos
      Absolutely, I'm more than happy to do it!!
  9. Derwan
    • premium
    • 68 kudos
    I just saw that you added a fizzle mechanic! So when wild magic happens, the spell fizzles out instead of being cast?

    Maybe you could have fizzling be an independent thing - so your spell will either fizzle, cause a surge, or do both at the same time?
    1. TheRealChivels
      • premium
      • 214 kudos
      A random chance to fizzle out and a random chance to get a surge seems like a bit much, don't you think? The fizzle-out functionality will only apply when you get a surge. The idea is that the surge is entirely replacing the original effect of your spell.
    2. Derwan
      • premium
      • 68 kudos
      I just think it would give a bit more flavor that way. Sometimes the spell works, but the excess energy twists itself into something different, causing a surge. Sometimes, you just cast it wrongly, and it fizzles out doing nothing, and sometimes the spell fizzles out but the magicka has to go somewhere, so it manifests as wild magic.

      It just always fizzling and causing a surge when something goes wrong is a bit lame, especially when you could essentially multiply the possible things that might happen by 3 if you untether them.

      In any case, I think this mod can be used to balance other mods that buff magic, so a relatively larger chance of something going wrong would only increase its potential in this area.
    3. toxedo7
      • premium
      • 9 kudos
      I really like the idea of Derwan

      You could have a fizzle out effect with the surge or just the fizzle out effect as a consequence

      Players could input the randomness of everything with the mcm :)

      Will add this mod soon in my load order it seems fun

      I would like having a pc that is learning magic and fizzle most of the time and wild surge also it would be really fun to play
  10. DonProtein
    • supporter
    • 452 kudos
    What an unexpected yet plesant release! Thank you!
    Testing asap.
    1. TheRealChivels
      • premium
      • 214 kudos
      Enjoy :)
  11. shadow10500
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I liked the mod. Well Done, and good luck with the improvements, looking forward to seeing where you take this.
    1. TheRealChivels
      • premium
      • 214 kudos
      Thanks! :)
  12. zephobear
    • supporter
    • 4 kudos
    Any plans on adding like, skill/perk/item based modifiers? Just an idea perhaps, for example, from like, one campaign I've seen from, they had this special amulet, that when worn you're notified what spell is to come, then you can choose if you would like to let that Wild Magic Surge manifest. Maybe something with prompts? Though I understand if the spells can be a bit too abrupt in casting for that sort of feature to be dynamically done...

    Amazing mod btw! Very fast too from when you posted that reddit thread to release! Impressive!

    Though iirc, that amulet was just like, not exactly in complete cancellation of the surge, it just re-rolls to another wild magic spell? Where balance is concerned anyway to not completely nullify the chaos of having wild magic, if that makes any sense...
    1. TheRealChivels
      • premium
      • 214 kudos
      Skill-related modifiers are mentioned in the FAQ, and are definitely in the plans for the future of this mod

      Perks are something I may look into further down the line, but are not on the immediate agenda.

      Items that affect the surges are an interesting idea, and I may look into that.