File information

Last updated

Original upload

Created by

Bagserk and qwertypol012

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About this mod

this mod is basically just Berserker Armor - A Berserk inspired Armor for Skyrim but without the aftermath effect.

Permissions and credits
What this mod does is remove the aftermath effect from Berserker Armor - A Berserk inspired Armor for Skyrim thats all it does, the creator of the original mod has fixed the bug with the aftermath effect so there is very little point to downloading this mod unless you just don't want the aftermath effect whatsoever. 

I will not be updating this mod to include whatever qwertypol012 decides to add, as I want there to be more people downloading his mod than this one, so if you really want to have the armor without the aftermath effect I'm sorry but you're gonna have to either settle for this mod or remove it from the most updated version.

Link to Original

Link to Original SSE Version

Also if you wish to see an armor concept I have been working on and would like to give me ideas or tips on it please visit, I have wanted to make an armor like it ever since I saw the berserker armor and now that I have some skills in modding I am able to make it happen.