This page was last updated on 31 August 2021, 11:06PM
Version V1.1: '#CancelYsgram
- BSA Format
- New collar mesh for Lord Armours with retexture
- Fixed a clipping issue on the pauldrons of the female armours that had the heavy armour as the base
- The Helm of Yngol has been given its own unique mesh (pictured)
- The Ancient Helmet of the Unburned (AHotU) has been given its own red-hot reskin (ouch!). Since even I am conflicted about this myself, I have also provided an alternative glow map
- A unique greatsword that compliments the AHotU, Everscorch, replaces the Honed Ancient Nord Greatsword of Scorching that AHotU rests upon. A patch for Believable Weapons (mesh by jg1) is available with a sheath reskin.
- Better gender and race support across all helmets (eyeline height correction, space for MOST beards in the Antler Helmet, long hair clipping fixes)
- Reshaped and retextured the shield so it doesn't obviously look like an enlarged Ancient Nord fauld.
- The armour rating of the Infantry Helmets have been increased to the same level as the Antler and Horned helmets (because I realised that antlers and horns on the hemlets are merely aesthetic and therefore less practical)
- Removed Unofficial Patch dependancies (see file descriptions)
- Realigned the straps of the Ancient Nord Light Armor and retextured its bra to leather