LockedStickyI'm looking for someone to create LODs for this to work with SFO or EVT with vurts lush snow pines. I have no idea how to make LODs or how they even work so any help would be appreciated.
Your files are 1023x1037, you need 1024x1024 formats for things to work out.
Hey, your mod turns all snowy pine tree branches into blue cylinders for me. I'm using SFO and EVT together and trees from both mods are affected. I guess the normal maps are rendered as opaque or something like hat.
To bad this doesn't work for sse. Guaranteed CTD.
Hellooo, your textures looks good! you can make large trees version??
I have downloaded this mod several times (manual version so i can port to SE) and it keeps telling me it either not a valid rar file or has been corrupted. :(
Your retexture is beautiful!! What a major improvement. I always thought the same about the Vurt textures. Thank you for creating this and sharing it with us. Very nice work. Take care!