I have never used DSR but do use Ecotone dual sheath for SSE. As such I don’t know the file requirements for DSR I also don’t play SLE anymore having moved exclusively to SSE
If someone who knows DSR would like to create the needed files I hereby grant permission to do so and upload on Nexus only with credits to MARYNA and myself for our original work.
Sadly it’s not something I will be doing since I wouldn’t be using it and honestly don’t know how.
Прекрасная работа, очень качественный и красивый дизайн, я эти щиты добавляю в свой мод для личного пользования, Creation kit немного пользоваться умею (так как у меня в сборке более 230 модов, то ставить ради одного предмета целый файл ESP для меня слишком большая роскошь, Чтобы у себя иметь все желаемое, чтобы поглощать с друргих модов контент), так же я сторонник получения предметов не через крафт, а через добычу в бою с сильным врагом, если автор даст добро то я могу бы данные щиты включить в мой мод по усилению защиты и артефактов, который является патчем на Истинно Фентезийный Скайрим, там у меня наработанная база по капитальному усилению противников и артефактов, и все что я считаю достойными вещами я стараюсь туда попасть,добыча у меня в основном такой (добыть в бою с сильным противником) - это дает большую уникальность предмету, если автор не против то я его принцип работы включить в свой глобальный мод (ссылка - https://tesall.ru/files/modi-dlya-skyrim/geimplei-i-izmeneniya/11746-usilenie-vragov-i-artefaktov-dlya-moda-istinno-fenteziinii-skairim), а если против, то просто оставлю в своем моде для личного пользования, такие шедевры я не пропускаю.)
Я не возражаю, но вам также понадобятся разрешения от Марины из Годснорта на ETSY.Вам нужно будет отправить ей электронное письмо туда и попросить ее разрешения.
she might not understand Russian though so convert your request to her in English. Give credit to both her and I in your description.
Thank you, Nicoroshi!!!! I love your mods. I know it's a lot of time and trouble to port them to LE, but I am one of those who truly appreciates your efforts. As I said before, you keep making and posting them, and I'll keep using them. :D
You’re in luck. more shields are coming. I have received permissions from a seller on Etsy to use any of his images, and he has some really cool designs.
on another note: better to make mods for SLE then optimize to port to SSE. Going the other way around is far more difficult as I learned with this shield. I already had the nif in SSE format so basically created a new one for SLE since backporting is doable but not easy. the issue I had was textures since I had the textures already in BC7 format for SSE which don’t work in SLE. my gimp installation is running a script to hook Texconv so it can open and save in BC7 format. unfortunately this bypasses asking you what format you want to save to. So now I have two instances of Gimp on my computer so I can save BC5 and BC7
Much easier to create SLE nif and BC5 textures for SLE then convert with NifOptimizer and Catherdral assets optimizer for SSE.
You're the best! I wouldn't know where to learn how to do all of that, let alone actually be able to pull it off. Thank you again for all your hard work.
I saw this over on the SSE pages, and thought I read in the comments you weren't bringing it over to us LE faithful. So thank you for changing your mind Nicoroshi. Much appreciated.
I talked with suicide commando for a bit (he made the post over on SSE page) and the best solution that serves the entire community better is to continue to produce mods for both versions. Although I have made the migration to SSE I know there are a lot of people who have put a ton of time into tweaking their SLE installation, and don’t want to have to do it all again for SSE. I understand that. That was me not long ago. So this is just the best option that gives everyone a chance to play with toys I create.
You are the absolute man Nico. :D So stoked right now. Love adding new and amazing looking tools to my already extensive toolbox. I'm humbled once again that my comments had some effect on your decision. I'm sure a lot of other LE members are as happy as I am now. lol Thanks again.
As such I don’t know the file requirements for DSR
I also don’t play SLE anymore having moved exclusively to SSE
If someone who knows DSR would like to create the needed files I hereby grant permission to do so and upload on Nexus only with credits to MARYNA and myself for our original work.
Sadly it’s not something I will be doing since I wouldn’t be using it and honestly don’t know how.
she might not understand Russian though so convert your request to her in English.
Give credit to both her and I in your description.
Always a joy to see people having fun with the things I share.
more shields are coming.
I have received permissions from a seller on Etsy to use any of his images, and he has some really cool designs.
on another note:
better to make mods for SLE then optimize to port to SSE.
Going the other way around is far more difficult as I learned with this shield.
I already had the nif in SSE format so basically created a new one for SLE since backporting is doable but not easy.
the issue I had was textures since I had the textures already in BC7 format for SSE which don’t work in SLE.
my gimp installation is running a script to hook Texconv so it can open and save in BC7 format.
unfortunately this bypasses asking you what format you want to save to.
So now I have two instances of Gimp on my computer so I can save BC5 and BC7
Much easier to create SLE nif and BC5 textures for SLE then convert with NifOptimizer and Catherdral assets optimizer for SSE.
we live we learn.
I use Ecotone dual sheath which is the SSE pair to Dual sheath Redux
Although I have made the migration to SSE I know there are a lot of people who have put a ton of time into tweaking their SLE installation, and don’t want to have to do it all again for SSE.
I understand that. That was me not long ago.
So this is just the best option that gives everyone a chance to play with toys I create.
And for thinking like that. I wish all Nexus members would one day think like that too.
Your comments helped me solidify the right solution. Thanks SC have a kudo.
Thank you.