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  1. mattfire
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Any chance of a DSR patch for this?
    1. Nicoroshi
      • premium
      • 878 kudos
      I have never used DSR but do use Ecotone dual sheath for SSE.
      As such I don’t know the file requirements for DSR
      I also don’t play SLE anymore having moved exclusively to SSE

      If someone who knows DSR would like to create the needed files I hereby grant permission to do so and upload on Nexus only with credits to MARYNA and myself for our original work.

      Sadly it’s not something I will be doing since I wouldn’t be using it and honestly don’t know how.
    2. maxteko2022
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      i made one thanks Nicoroshi
  2. l1kv1dator
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Прекрасная работа, очень качественный и красивый дизайн, я эти щиты добавляю в свой мод для личного пользования, Creation kit немного пользоваться умею (так как у меня в сборке более 230 модов, то ставить ради одного предмета целый файл ESP для меня слишком большая роскошь, Чтобы у себя иметь все желаемое, чтобы поглощать с друргих модов контент), так же я сторонник получения предметов не через крафт, а через добычу в бою с сильным врагом, если автор даст добро то я могу бы данные щиты включить в мой мод по усилению защиты и артефактов, который является патчем на Истинно Фентезийный Скайрим, там у меня наработанная база по капитальному усилению противников и артефактов, и все что я считаю достойными вещами я стараюсь туда попасть,добыча у меня в основном такой (добыть в бою с сильным противником) - это дает большую уникальность предмету, если автор не против то я его принцип работы включить в свой глобальный мод (ссылка -, а если против, то просто оставлю в своем моде для личного пользования, такие шедевры я не пропускаю.)
    1. Nicoroshi
      • premium
      • 878 kudos
      Я не возражаю, но вам также понадобятся разрешения от Марины из Годснорта на ETSY.Вам нужно будет отправить ей электронное письмо туда и попросить ее разрешения.

      she might not understand Russian though so convert your request to her in English.
      Give credit to both her and I in your description.
  3. nabochodonosaur
    • member
    • 17 kudos
    Very beautiful work . All your creations are beautiful . I add some screenshots .
    1. Nicoroshi
      • premium
      • 878 kudos
      Thanks for the screenshots :)
      Always a joy to see people having fun with the things I share.
  4. Rosesandlilacs73
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    Thank you, Nicoroshi!!!! I love your mods. I know it's a lot of time and trouble to port them to LE, but I am one of those who truly appreciates your efforts. As I said before, you keep making and posting them, and I'll keep using them. :D
    1. Nicoroshi
      • premium
      • 878 kudos
      You’re in luck.
      more shields are coming.
      I have received permissions from a seller on Etsy to use any of his images, and he has some really cool designs.

      on another note:
      better to make mods for SLE then optimize to port to SSE.
      Going the other way around is far more difficult as I learned with this shield.
      I already had the nif in SSE format so basically created a new one for SLE since backporting is doable but not easy.
      the issue I had was textures since I had the textures already in BC7 format for SSE which don’t work in SLE.
      my gimp installation is running a script to hook Texconv so it can open and save in BC7 format.
      unfortunately this bypasses asking you what format you want to save to.
      So now I have two instances of Gimp on my computer so I can save BC5 and BC7

      Much easier to create SLE nif and BC5 textures for SLE then convert with NifOptimizer and Catherdral assets optimizer for SSE.

      we live we learn.
    2. Rosesandlilacs73
      • premium
      • 1 kudos
      You're the best! I wouldn't know where to learn how to do all of that, let alone actually be able to pull it off. Thank you again for all your hard work.
    3. Nicoroshi
      • premium
      • 878 kudos
      Warms my heart to know I can give back to a community that has given me so much :)
  5. arjaja2
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    The shields look awesome! What mod do you use to make your char. wearing the shield on back?
    1. Nicoroshi
      • premium
      • 878 kudos
      That’s the XP32 skeleton and animations.
      I use Ecotone dual sheath which is the SSE pair to Dual sheath Redux 
  6. ikeballs2000
    • member
    • 4 kudos
    I saw this over on the SSE pages, and thought I read in the comments you weren't bringing it over to us LE faithful. So thank you for changing your mind Nicoroshi. Much appreciated.
    1. Nicoroshi
      • premium
      • 878 kudos
      I talked with suicide commando for a bit (he made the post over on SSE page) and the best solution that serves the entire community better is to continue to produce mods for both versions.
      Although I have made the migration to SSE I know there are a lot of people who have put a ton of time into tweaking their SLE installation, and don’t want to have to do it all again for SSE.
      I understand that. That was me not long ago.
      So this is just the best option that gives everyone a chance to play with toys I create.
    2. Xtudo
      • premium
      • 5,411 kudos
      Thanks for this beautiful shield Nicoroshi.
      And for thinking like that. I wish all Nexus members would one day think like that too.
    3. SuicideCommando
      • member
      • 21 kudos
      You are the absolute man Nico. :D So stoked right now. Love adding new and amazing looking tools to my already extensive toolbox. I'm humbled once again that my comments had some effect on your decision. I'm sure a lot of other LE members are as happy as I am now. lol Thanks again. 
    4. Nicoroshi
      • premium
      • 878 kudos
      The thought was already there but misty and not fully congealed yet.
      Your comments helped me solidify the right solution. Thanks SC have a kudo.
  7. Kursan
    • supporter
    • 241 kudos
    Beautiful work! Thank you
  8. ajwild19
    • supporter
    • 5 kudos
  9. vintagelf
    • premium
    • 25 kudos
    What a beautiful piece you have here.

    Thank you.