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About this mod

Renrij-Do roughly translates from Ta'agra. As landless ones, they are a new race of Khajiit with brand new powers and abilities. Increased unarmed damage, highly advanced night vision and MORE! The Renrij-Do are a unique species of creature, they are mysterious as well as powerful. They can be unpredictable, and deadly when provoked.

Permissions and credits
Before you do anything, go to this profile Charliecheestick00 and give them a kudos for me. This user is truly the inspiration for everything I do. On nexus and in life, so please make sure to show them some love.

Note: Please make sure to check the changelog regularly, as I will update them frequently. Until I am one hundred percent satisfied with the results. Which could take some time. 

                    The Renrij-Do
What it is
    This is a new race mod I made, it isn't necessarily lore friendly. As this isn't a race normally found in The Elder Scrolls universe. They have a rich backstory of their own. Written by me of course. Which we will get into more and more as this mod progresses. I also included several character presets. Renrij-Do means landless ones or in a sense good bad in Ta'agra.

What it isn't
    This is NOT a Khajiit replacer mod. So there will still be normal Khajiit running around. They will also still be selectable in game. This is a completely separate species/race/creature. Based off of Skyrim or TES lore, while there are parts of the lore that include TES lore in it. But this is completely separate from the game's main story.

Call of the Wild Version 2.0

PUT YOUR SKILLS TO THE TEST!!! This adds many changes to the way NPC's react to your presence, it makes it so you are unwelcome in most cities and settlements. You are a wild animal, man and mer-kind are your greatest threats! The beasts of the wild will also have various different reactions to the Renrij-Do. If you are interested in the normal Skyrim storylines. I would recommend other versions. As this makes the normal questlines almost impossible. You may still be able to join the thieves guild. But it will require great effort, and skill. Likely the final changes to the race. The next chapters will be focused on introducing their lore. As well as new NPC's and a new hidden world space.

Note: I made the vampire version of this race a playable character. Mainly because of compatibility. It is difficult to get custom races to register in game as a vampire. So for those of you looking for that, I hope this helps. I also think the long fangs look RAD!

Abilities and Powers:
  • The first ability is a much improved version of Night Eye with a custom IMOD.
  • The second ability is called Killer Instincts. Which detects the presence of all living, or once living things.
        The color code is: All living things are Red, all dead things are Blue, and all undead things will be both Red and Blue.
  • The third ability is called Terrifying Voice, which is intended to be a roar. The audio file was provided by NsJones from The Heart of the Beast mod. Which is amazing by the way. Which will stagger enemies, then send them running.( I made this a non hostile Power. That means, unless the target is aggro towards you. Or unless you're aggro against them. They will not flee. This wasn't by mistake. I didn't want my custom followers running away every time I roar. If you want to use it aggressively attack someone in town first. Then roar, or after you have activated the power you can attack them. The power needs to be aimed at a legitimate target. Such as ANY type of npc or creature. Or else the sound for the roar will not play. You can still use the power. But you won't hear the sound unless there is something there to roar at.)
  • The fourth ability is Feline Grace, which negates all fall damage to the race.
  • The fifth but less original. Is the claws, which do an additional 20 points of damage, on top of the 15 base damage for unarmed attacks.
  • The sixth would be, not a power but feature. This race has the ability to knock down enemies with power attacks. Which is a lot of fun!
  • The last thing that I will list, but not necessarily the last feature available. Will be the disease resistance at 75%, and the cold resistance at 80%.
Recommended Mods:
I play a pretty modified version of Skyrim. So for some of the features that may be missing with this mod. I would like to suggest a few mods that I use and highly recommend. To really make the most out of this race.

First would be Campfire By: Chesko which adds some great depth to the idea of being isolated in the wilds.
Then Alternate Start-Live Another Life By: Arthmoor which does a fantastic job of helping you stay immersed in your character. Avoiding the original intro scene. Starting a new life how ever you please. There is also a great expansion mod available here on Nexus.
Next would be Hunterborn By:Dragonsong from Unuroboros to help make use of any of the hunting that you do. Make sure that you grab the Hunterborn and Campfire Patch while you are at it.
I really enjoy using Simply Climb By: IronDusk33. It is a simple, but really cool way to help you traverse terrain. You aren't really supposed to lol
Also I highly recommend the Apachii hair pack for males. Which offers some amazing options for a "Mane" roleplay.
Then lastly for now would be INeed By:Isoku to make it feel like you are really a race based on survival. Which helps bring the difficulty and immersion way up.

It is highly recommended that you try this in combination with my Unarmed Leveling System mod. The two go really well together.


I am hoping in the future to release npc's, and a new world space. Potentially more abilities, but they are already pretty powerful to be honest. But we will see.
      All comments are appreciated! I welcome feedback and suggestions. But please, try to be respectful. Not just to me but to each other as well. The community is what makes this such a great learning, and growing opportunity.

*A very special thank you to Ariifex0 for the Digitigrade Feet and for the permission to use them here. Also to WolverineHowlett for the More Muscular Men body textures.

Make sure you check out my other mods, such as Unarmed Leveling System and my new mod Schadenfreude Poison

Well that's it from me! Have fun, stay safe, and be kind to one another. Thanks!