Masters Of The Universe 01 - Main Is A Player Home Mod that inc's
Teleport Spell Back To The Castle
For now its just the castle home with followers, items and close suroundings which is why ive put up the mountains all way round but i will grow the land in size as i go. and next step is learning how to make quests. (these things aint easy when u solo on the game lol)
All Containers I've made from barrels to crates, chests, Bookcase's and more is set to player, so all is safe storage.
Special thanks too....Here is where i'd like to thank all creators that allow modders like me who dont know how to make meshes and textures, Its nice to share.
Skull Caves
Created by Dominic Graham
Eternian Sword of Power LE
Created by Venarez
Exposed Armors - He-Man Outfit LE
Created by Av1dPup1l
Hypn0sef Resource Pack
Created by Hypn0sef
Dragon Steel Ladies
Created by
File credits
https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/198 Caliente's Beautiful Bodies Enhancer -CBBE-
https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/6817 KS Hairdos SSE
http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/18602 AlienSlof
KS Hairdos SSE
Created by
Kalilies and Stealthic
File credits
Ade, Alesso, Anto, Darko, Geisha, Hal's Archive, Jakea, Karzalee, Kijiko, Lapiz, Leah Lilith, Momo, NewSea, S-Club, Sintiklia, Sky, Stealthic, Toksik, Peggy, Raonjena, Wings, XM and Zauma for the permission to release their hairstyles.
Hellosanta for her textures, which have been used as a resource for the hair textures.
ousnius for SSE Nif Optimizer