Not a fan of all the flowers. Guess only so much can be done with the mods. That being said I do like the darker green and does get rid of all the ugly tundra plants. Will be making this part of my playing package. Did give this an endorsement.
Thanks for the positive comment my friend and all credits to original modder zDasF1xer for making the mod and generous open permissions , happy gaming !
Hey! Thanks for backporting these. Someone had already ported Whiterun Summer Edition, but because of all that fuss over archives, they deleted the mod, so it's cool to see someone still cares for them and felt like porting my 2 grass mods :) Already added links to LE version on the main modpages.
Hi there, first of all thanks for making the mod and for generous open permissions which allow us LE users to enjoy your awesome work. As for the previous port, I checked and sadly the modder does not have a nexus account anymore and all his mods and enbs have been removed . Also thanks for updating the links, all credits to your hard work my friend, happy gaming !!
Thanks for share !!!
Already added links to LE version on the main modpages.