LockedStickythis is my plans for morrowind
https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/images/804947 -
wait so your a solo modder, aiming to add all the other lands that would take a team of 200 like 20 years
am i correct? -
A couple of things.
First, I'm not sure if you're aware that your plugins contain wild edits, ITMs and deleted references. Deleted references are not the correct way of getting something out of the way (like that random torch you've deleted and the disposition for Ahtar and Legate Rikke[?] for example). It's better to set them to be initially disabled via a record flag. I'm also not sure if the mod you list here as required (Better Cities And Markers) really needs to edit the prisoner presets and the High Elf race.
Second, while I admire your confidence, the amount of work you are proposing as a "sometime in 2024" release is just unrealistic. Whole teams have been working on projects like this and it takes literal decades for them to polish and release basically anything. With good reason.
While on the topic of said teams, the Beyond Skyrim team ran into the exact issue you will probably face - unless the worldspaces are split, the engine will cease to function. No clever amount of occlusion walls and optimization will get you around the hardcoded drawcall limit. That, and the farther you get away from Skyrim's 0,0 coordinates, the more unstable the game will be. It is simply impossible to have multiple giant landmasses in the Creation engine, because it cannot render them. Your best bet is putting loading screens everywhere.
Third and last, I wanted to say that you've picked the worst possible version of the engine to work with, barring the Oblivion and Morrowind iterations. SLE isn't exactly the most stable. There's a reason the big projects have switched to using SE (even if you have to contend with all the updates and whatnot). I'd recommend you switch to SE while you're still in the early stages of your project (I can see that you've dabbled in SE modding on your profile).
That's about it. I always feel there's something very endearing about projects like this but unless you eliminate the technical errors at an early stage you'll quickly find yourself wrangling an unwieldly plugin that keeps crashing the game (I've done similiar things with Morrowind's construction set and 10 year old me had a hard time getting the game to run without reinstalling it after that). I don't want to shoot down your dreams and your passion but I'd recommend browsing the forums here and reddit for advice as they can provide you with tips and knowledge far more verbose than my comment here.
In general, even if you don't create a giant, mutliple-province-sized mod, you can still start off making smaller things. I've never had the patience for it, but you clearly have the passion and drive. Best of luck on your projects. -
this is exciting! cant wait to see it finished.
Good luck! Hope to come back to this soon with great news and improvements <3
wait, but how this could work? i mean, it is A LOT of ground. and other question, the lands beyond would have structures, chests, enemies, etc etc?
"it will require Better Cities and markers mod (another of mine) as this mod adds the changes within Skyrim province for "Skyrim lands beyond reach"
highrock is my favorite province of tamriel so it has been slightly oversized so the castles can be bigger."
Then add them to requirements dame it.