About this mod
A lore-friendly mod that expands Serana's dialogue in the Dawnguard questline and includes her in the Main Quest and the Dragonborn questline. PLEASE READ THE FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)!
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs
First off, I'd like to thank richardjohnsen for making the conversion to LE. This isn't something I knew how to do myself, so you should thank him for porting my mod to this game. Go give him some kudos! The guy deserves it :D
The point of this mod is to make it so that Serana feels as if she's part of the Skyrim Main Quest as well as the Dragonborn questline, as well as adding a few extra dialogues during the Dawnguard questline. More importantly, expand on her relationship with the Dragonborn. Now she will react to the events that are happening and give you her input, respecting and mostly supporting your choices but staying true to her moral values and beliefs. If you say or do something she disapproves, she won't keep quiet about it. This video will show the extra dialogues in each of the main quests (if you don't mind spoilers instead of experiencing it for yourself).
If you're concerned about my take on her personality, I tried to keep her as close to vanilla as possible. As I understand her, she's confident, smart and caring to those who show concern for her in return. She rarely loses her cool unless it comes to a personal matter (such as her family). She's still a bit naïve and very lonely, and as such values you greatly you as a friend. A black sheep among her fellow Volkihar clan members except her mother (before the Prophecy) and a fish out of the water in modern times. She also worshiped one of the most evil Daedra long ago, so while she clearly has a benevolent nature and regrets some of her past decissions, I don't think she's a paragon of virtue either. As such, she wouldn't judge you if, for example, you were to join the Dark Brotherhood.
Judging by her appearance, she became a vampire between her early and mid twenties, but her exact birthdate has been lost to time. Given the in-game evidence, by the time she was locked away the Dwemer were still around, which must have been before 1E 700. That means that she has been sleeping for 3,700 years at least. I know game developers stated that she fell asleep during the 2nd Era, but as Todd Howard stated, when encountering lore contradictions we are to trust the game's sources first, and the developers second. Thus, I'm trusting this quote:
"I always wondered what the dwarves actually looked like. I hear they're like elves, but with beards."
If this isn't enough to convince you, I have another piece of evidence: Durnehviir came to the servitude of the Ideal Masters after Valerica entered the Soul Cairn herself. According to him, he made the deal with them because he wanted to learn Necromancy to gain superiority against his fellow dragons. Well, remember that the Akaviri exterminated all the remaining Dragons before the beginning of the 2nd Era, or at most, before the end of the Akaviri Potentates' rule, which led to the Interregnum. There's no way that Durnehviir and his Dragon rivals were freely roaming the skies by the 2nd Era, and therefore I think this confirms that Serana and Valerica escaped Castle Volkihar during the 1st Era.
Spoiler: ShowSoooo... Recently I have been brought some evidence in regards to how Serana may not be as old as the Tribunal, though I still strongly believe that she couldn't be born in the 2nd Era.
An user presented to me some proof as to why she shouldn't be born in the 1st Era's first millenium in the form of a good piece of lore that I hadn't taken into account: The Falmer.
This user reminded me that the Falmer took over Blackreach after the Dwemer's disappearance, which was after the War of the First Council, which by that time the Chimer had already been turned into Dunmer. By extension, that means that the attack on the Forgotten Vale must have been after that too, which is when more or less Vyrthur became a Vampire and created the Prophecy of the Sun. Add a couple hundred years and Harkon learns about the Prophecy, so taking that into account, Serana was born around the first millenium.
I still have solid reasons to believe that she predates Reman Cyrodiil, but the Dunmer must have been around long before she was born, and I make many references in my mod claiming otherwise (which is tragic because they are some of my favorite interactions).
What can I do about this lore hole? For now, nothing. I admit it's a screw-up on my part while making my research, but nevertheless I think it's a small detail that, hopefully, you guys can overlook. Maybe in the future I may make a patch or something, but for now I shouldn't focus my resources into changing something such a triviality.
However, you could argue that Vyrthur became a Vampire long before the Dwemer's disappearance and therefore created the prophecy around that time, but didn't show his true colors and take over the valley until the Falmer showed up. Bethesda never was specific about the timeline of these events, nor do they explain how Gelebor managed to live for so long when the Elven average lifespan is around 300 years. Hopefully this fixes the issue
So, taking that into account, her sumber predates the rise of Reman Cyrodiil, the Interregnum, and of course every single game of The Elder Scrolls series. Hell, if she was contemporary to the Dwemer then she probably met some Chimer, and as such never saw a Dunmer in her life, and only heard tales of Ra Gada sailors of the east (Redguards). Some of the new dialogues I added address this "woman out of her time" situation she finds herself in. She's kinda like the Sole Survivor from Fallout 4 if you ask me. In fact, after you complete Alduin's Wall and Beyond Death, you'll be given a dialogue option that will start a quest involving the collection of four in-game books that will give her some historical context of what she missed while she was asleep.
As you can see, I made a lot of research in order not to break the lore and make her as consistent as possible, so I didn't change anything about her personality. If anything, I filled some of the gaps. For example, while it's not stated that she ever visited the College of Winterhold in the vanilla game, her dialogue when looking for a Moth priest suggests that she's at least familiar with the place. Some of the added dialogues suggest that she's been there a couple of times. As a sidenote, a couple of the added dialogues suggest that she feels uncomfortable talking about her age (not insecure, just uncomfortable).
Most of her dialogue in the Dawnguard questline will focus on her perspective and reflect on the impact that longevity has caused in her life, but will also spend time tryng to get to know you too. In the Skyrim main quest and Dragonborn she'll mostly be along for the ride, but she will gladly give you her input on your current mission. Overall, her character arc is about healing and coming to terms with her life choices, and the need of a friend to help her move forward.
In summary, this mod makes her feel more alive and involved in the game's main quests while keeping her personality true to what the game's writers original vision. A good friend to help you save the world.
I hope you enjoy the mod! :)
I will NOT activate donations for this mod. Ever. I spent my money creating this mod so that you guys can enjoy it for free and I'm happy with keeping it that way, even though that means the updates will take much time. Endorsements are all I need from you :)
Now, addressing the elephant in the room:
Yes, I am aware that this Mod the third of its kind. I already played Serana Dialogue Add-on before, and I love what Martimus acomplished. It was an inspiration, really. However, his take in some aspects of her personality are not exactly my cup of tea. I don't mean it as a critique of his writing, of course. He has every right to write her as he fits, but that only encouraged me to create a version of the character with a personality closer to her original version. I don't intend on becoming his competition and I don't think my mod will ever be as advanced as SDA anyway. As all mod authors, I did this for myself out of pure passion and decided to share it. I strongly believe that diversity in modding is always a win, as it offers a version of a mod for everyone's particular taste. If you prefer a more melancholic and woman-out-of-her-time take on the character, I encourage you to give my mod a chance!
Special thanks to richardjohnsen! 🙏
This gigachad has made a backported conversion for 1.5.97/1.6.640 so that BEES isn't necessary, an ESL-ified version, AND a port for LE. Don't forget to give him some kudos for his favor! :D
Special thanks to CinnaMewRoll! 🙏
She's been kind enough to help me figure out the CK when the UESP's wiki wasn't enough (I know, me stoopid). Thanks to her guidance I have progressed much faster than I would have otherwise. Her experience really shows, and I strongly recommend you to check her Sinding and Hadvar/Ralof follower mods 👍
Special thanks to youngemmawatson! 🙏
Made a conversion of this mod for Xbox.
Plans for future updates:
- Add dialogue lines for sidequests. So far these are my plans, BUT, I may be open to suggestions 👀
- Innocence Lost
- The Renegade Conspiracy
- No One Escapes Cidhna Mine
- Discerning the Transmundane
- The Man who Cried Wolf
- The Wolf Queen Awakened
- Blood on the Ice
- Join the Imperial Legion/Stormcloaks
- The Final Descent
- MAYBE Unearthed
- Repentance
- A dialogue topic for each faction if you take her to your headquarters. I can't come up with dialogue lines for each guild questine so for the moment I'll add dialogues for when she has something to say about your faction.
- Add minor lines in other sidequests without having a full conversation.
- Maybe add more personal quests that unlock new interactions with her.
- Add interactions with other NPCs:
- Erik the Slayer
- Frea
- Teldryn Sero
- If you guys come accross any issue and report it I'll try to fix it in future updates as well.
And now my favorite part: FAQ!!!! 🥳
1-What are the quests where she has new dialogues?
It's all in this list.
Dawnguard: (this questline has the least new dialogues since she is already pretty involved in it in the vanilla game)
- Bloodline
- The Bloodstone Chalice
- Prophet
- Chasing Echoes
- Beyond Death
- Touching the Sky
- Bleak Falls Barrow & Dragon Rising (they go together)
- The Way of the Voice
- The Horn of Jurgen Windcaller
- A Blade in the Dark
- Diplomatic Immunity. (if you use console commands to bring her with you to the Thalmor Embassy you'll get an extra dialogue. This is not obligatory)
- A Cornered Rat
- Alduin's Wall
- The Throat of the World
- Elder Knowledge
- The Fallen
- Season Unending
- Paarturnax (compatible with Jayserpa's "Paarturnax Quest Expansion")
- The World-Eater's Eyrie (only if you bring her to Skuldafn with console commands. This is not obligatory)
- Dragonslayer (the dialogue at the end of the quest will depend on wether you brought her with you or not)
- Dragonborn
- The Temple of Miraak
- The Fate of the Skaal
- Cleansing the Stones
- The Path to Knowlegde
- The Gardener of Men
- At the Summit of Apocrypha
- Laid to rest
- Rising at Dawn
"From Arena to Oblivion"
This is a custom fetch quest I made. Once it's available you'll get a new dialogue option in which she will ask you to find four specific books related to the four events that predate the Dragonborn Prophecy (ergo, the four main Elder Scrolls games) so that she can catch up to the most recent events since she was asleep. As a reward you'll get skill increases in her specialties (Sneak, Light Armor, Conjuration and One-Handed) and by the end of the quest she'll give you an enchanted ring that you can either carry or sell. I recently added an expansion that allows you to buy said books by asking at the College of Winterhold, making it easier for you to find/buy them.
The quest will also set her relationship rank to "confidant" (+2) because the damn game keeps her as "acquaintance" (which is equal to 0 in the disposition ranks) even after you complete the dawnguard questline. Ergo, in the vanilla game she keeps treating you like a stranger even after all you do for her, which is why I decided to make this change so that her disposition matches her words. This quest will be accessible once you've completed "Beyond Death" and "Alduin's Wall". This video will showcase the quest's playthrough:
Sidenote: for those quests that don't allow you to bring followers and you're just tired of typing "moveto player" on the console, you might want to download Nether's Follower Framework. It has a feature that allows you to teleport followers to you without having to use console commands. HOWEVER, Serana is purposedly not integrated until the end of the Dawnguard questline because of her behavior thorugh its duration. If you integrate her manually before the Dawnguard questline, make sure to ONLY do it for those specific quests, and once it's done, remove her from the framework. After completing the Dawnguard I think you shouldn't have any problem, but if you don't want to take the risk, then just use console commands.
2-Help! The conversation doesn't start when it's supposed to!
Don't worry. It happens when you install it in an existing save. It's easy to fix. All you have to do is quicksave, quickload. In my experience you only need to do this once, and that's it.
If the problem persists, try putting this mod as below as possible in your load order. If it's still happening, then it may be an incompatibility I am unaware of. I dunno, I'm a noob when it comes to modding, but I've been testing this for a while and iT jUsT wOrKs.
3-How will the dialogue trigger?
The original idea was to make them force greet when the right conditions triggered, but then I remembered that some forcegreet dialogues happen at the worst possible times (looking at you, courier).
So instead, I preferred to let the player pick the right time (as long as the dialogue is available). Don't worry, her greeting will change to the specific dialogue, so you will know when to talk to her while playing. Just activate her and let the scene play out, then her follower command options will be available again.
4-Do you take suggestions for quests and NPC interactions?
Well, yes, but I have to be able to come up with something good. I don't want to add content for the sake of creating content. I want to make sure it helps develop, or at least establish Serana's character. So yes, I do take suggestions, but I'll need time to justify their existence.
When will these be released? Ask my ElevenLabs' monthy subscription :´)
5-Does this mod edit Serana as an NPC?
No, it only adds new dialogue options for her. I haven't touched her stats, equipment or spell list. So don't worry, this mod won't cause conflicts with combat AI overhaul or face replacer mods. Go nuts and make the Serana of your
6-Is this mod compatible with face replacers?
I honestly don't think this mod should have incompatibilities, as it adds stuff rather than editing existing stuff. If anything, mods that alter vanilla quests might cause some of the dialogues to never happen in the first place.
7-What about the Player Character's personality?
I tried to keep this as Bethesda as possible and either give the player character a few different options to choose what suits you better, or keep the response as neutral as possible when there's no alternative. The only trait that your character will have is that they're genuinelly concerned for Serana's wellbeing and wants to be a good friend to her. Because if they weren't then why on earth would you even want to install a Serana mod in the first place?
8-Will I be able to ask about anecdotes from her past, her opinion on politics and stuff?
I gotta be honest, I'm not really a fan of those type of conversations with custom followers. Sure, it can make them more interesting and deep, but you can only ask once and then the magic is gone. I personally prefer to have Serana react to the events that are ocurring to make her dynamic rather than sit at a tavern and talk about her opinions on politics, or make up anecdotes in her past and risk breaking the lore of her backstory.
So to make a long story short, no, this mod won't have tavern conversations.
9-Are my dialogue options consequential?
No, it won't affect your in-game relationship with her. Of course, contextually, she will agree with some of your choices and disapprove of others, but none of those have a particular gameplay mechanic.
So no, you won't get a "Seranah Morgan disliked that" message.
10-So you used ElevenLabs AI to voice her. Do her lines sound human enough?
Well, surprisingly, half of the times it kind of nails the real Laura Bailey's performance (which is seriously concerning), while the other half are "meh". I had to waste several takes (ElevenLabs has a limited number of uable characters) in order to get a performance I felt comfortable with. It will never be as good as a real voice actress, but it's the best I can afford. For some of the lines that required most emotion out of the character I managed to sneak some of Laura Bailey's Serana lines, as well as some of Kainé's, from Nier:Replicant.
Fun fact, in some of the scrapped voicelines it started yelling in f*cking japanese! WTF?!
Generally I think ElevenLabs did its job satisfactory.
11-Is this mod compatible with Serana Dialogue Add-on/Serana Dialogue Edit?
I mean... My mod only adds new content instead of editing existing content, so yeah, it's compatible. Worst case scenario, you'll get a Serana with split personality disorder, but it shouldn't cause any conflicts in the game itself👍
12-Can I marry Serana with this mod?
As a fellow Serana simp it pains me to say this, but no.
This matter is more complex than it seems. Serana acknowledges her past as a Daedra worshipper, and thus is aware of the questionable morality of the actions she and her parents committed (I'm not talking about the ritual to become a vampire. I'm sure her family did other things to earn Bal's favor before that). She probably turned a blind eye to the thousand innocents her father sacrificed in Molag Bal's honor. She's matured much since then and reflected on what she did, but because of that she probably feels so much guilt that she deems herself unowrthy of a Divine's blessing. That's a fundamental part of her character and I don't want to break it with a talk-no-jutsu to convince her to go to a temple, as it may bring unwanted results.
But as I stated before, I'm a simp. That's the main reason I did this mod in the first place. I want to be clever about it. The problem, as I see it, is the fact that she doesn't see herself worthy of receiving a blessing from the Divines, not the Dragonborn themselves. So, I need to find a way to make a quest that enables her as a spouse without having to go through the ritual of Mara. A.K.A, make it lore-friendly (and hopefully not sound cringe). Thus she would gain not just spouse dialogue, but mother dialogue as well.
I don't know how to do that, sadly, and I don't see myself learning how to do that in a very long time (I'm open to CK programming teachers), especially with the other priorities I have with this mod. The CK is way more complex that I thought when I started working on this mod. You have no idea the headaches this has given me so far D:
13-Will you make a romance Add-on?
Okay, this became a HUGE demand in this mod's first days of existence. And my answer is...
Yes. After a lot of thought, I think I finally figured out which direction I want to take with Serana's romance, but it will take me months before I can have a decently written script. I want to get it wright without rewriting Serana's personality. In any case, I want to have the vanilla stuff covered first before even considering doing this, so it won't happen anytime soon, sorry. And don't worry if you are a member of those who don't want romance. The add-on will be a separate file, so you won't have to stress over selecting the wrong answers only to friendzone her.
14-Okay, but can I at least have
Oh, just download Flower Girls or your trusted seggs mod. It's perfectly compatible 🌚