LockedStickyBefore you ask a question:
PS: I've been told that the AI-voice hatred is more spread than I thought. I already said this in the mod page but I'll say it here again:
This is a non-profit project. I did this out of pure passion with whatever tools I had at my disposal (and spent money too). I do not mean to insult actual voice actors with the use of a videogame mod made by a studient. I just want you guys to enjoy the experience. And if you don't, then more power to you. 💪
Special thanks to Richardjonsen for making the port to LE 👌
Love the mod so far, amazing work! I just have one question.
Since your update included Serana interacting with other followers like J'zargo and Mjoll, do you have plans somewhere down the line to do the same with Miraak via Miraak - Dragonborn Follower mod? Would love to hear her thoughts about how we used the Bend Will shout to make him our follower, and exchanging dialogues with him like with Mjoll and J'zargo while going places. -
Question: Will the AI recognize if you use a different Serana replacer? In your last update video there's a scene where Valerica mentions Serana has blue eyes when she's cured. I use Seranaholic 1.6, which turns them green. I was wondering if, in that case, the AI would recognize the fact
se nota que es un gran mod pero solo deseria lo tradujeran al español tener a serana con dos idiomas ocasina bug raros y si algo sobran son bug raros en skyrim para que crear mas jajajajajjajajaja
Could you please tell me if something similar can be done for Valerica in the future? Especially her dialogs with Serana and with Dovakin after all Dawnguard questline quests.
Thank you for porting your mod to LE!
Pretty good mod for Serana fans out there. However, I'm curious if this mod fixes the issue regarding Serana's hidden dialogue when starting the quest "House of Horrors". I can't seem to initiate that dialogue that I have to download SDA. I really appreciate you still manage to retain Laura Bailey as her VA and I wonder if I should switch to this mod instead?
I've read about it on forums and had watched countless videos regarding this, but I'm not quite sure if that interaction is in the DLC or it is modded somehow. As far as I know, You can actually trigger it between the "Prophet" quest where you need to find the Moth Priest. the details pertaining to how the dialogue can be unlocked is somewhat vague to me, but I think it involves the dialogue asking her how did she became a vampire. For reference, here is a clip I found. Maybe the reason I can't trigger it is co'z I messed up or it is bugged when you clean up Dawnguard DLC in TESEdit.
TL:DR I love Laura Bailey's delivery so I'm definitely switching to this mod than SDA.
question before i download your mod. is this mod compatible with improved lydia mod.
cause the one i currently have has a patch ofr it and was wondering if there would be a patch for it in the future.-
im talking about this mod https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/118342 which overhauls lydia.
since the other serana mod had a patch that makes the two interact with one anotherexcept. the other serana mod doesn't interact with vanilla companions as much as your mod. and only interacts with companions like inigo and lucien. -
i see, and thanks for answering my questions. still im gonna track it in case of future updates.
Saw it on the youtube and wanted that on LE. Man, you are the GOAT!!
YES! Just what i was waiting for! Much appreciated for finally porting this to Oldrim, can't wait to try it out. :)