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mnikjom SpiderAkiraC

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  1. marcomasconni
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    What is the difference between this mod and
    "Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul by Arnaud dOrchymont"
    "AI Overhaul by SpiderAkira" ?
    Thanks always for your precious work !!! 👍🥇
    1. step210
      • premium
      • 76 kudos
      Immersive citizens has a lot of bugs on both the LE and SE version so there was a lot of incompatibly unless patches were made for it and it doesnt quite have as many features as this. Immersive citizens also doesnt cover nearly as much areas as this, basically 4 major cities with that as opposed to most of the world with spider mod.
  2. Lunabane
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    I have installed at once: 

    Extended Guard Dialogue
    FCO - Follower Commentary Overhaul
    Guard Dialogue Overhaul
    Immersive Citizens - AI Overhau
    RDO - EFF v4.0.2 Patch
    RDO - USLEEP Patch
    Relationship Dialogue Overhaul

    Is that AI thingy better than all of that together? What of them would not be covered by this one?
    1. step210
      • premium
      • 76 kudos
      You only need to swap immersive with this since they basically do the same thing
    2. Lunabane
      • member
      • 3 kudos
  3. XN30X
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Quick question (I don't speak english).. can I use traductions from the original mod SSE for this mod?, THANKS FOR THIS PORT!

    (Update) I traduce by myself to Spanish, mod works perfectly with Unofficial Legendary patch. no sse needed for people asking.
  4. alphaV1za
    • member
    • 18 kudos
    I think there's a small error with one of the packages.
    Might not be that big a deal if you don't have NPC's that use this package.
    But in my case there are quite a few that do.

    DefaultSleepEditorLocNOLOCKING24x8 [PACK:0010E2C6] is being overwritten and changed from being Near editor location to Near reference (and points to a bed in the bannered mare)
  5. russelbussel
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    It works for LE, I installed the "beta" version. Thank you so much! For those who are worried that this mod will replace the appearance of the NPC, it is trivial to install this plugin higher the mods that change the appearance. Do such simple things really need to be explained?
    1. step210
      • premium
      • 76 kudos
      There is also quite alot of mods that edit textures without plugins as well as Better Looking NPCs so quite alot of options. Also for their replacers they can just put the textures manually to have it with them without the esp. ALot of options guys
  6. sexsuck
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    So we can only use the Lite version, right? It says the 1.8 version (recommended) requires USSEP which we don't have in LE.
    1. step210
      • premium
      • 76 kudos
      Should work with your equivalent to it being the unofficial legendary patch.
  7. DeathLoop36
    • supporter
    • 29 kudos
    Every mod that makes changes in NPCs appearance need a patch...
    Yeah, I'll pass.  Great read. Had me getting my hopes up and stuff. Happy for those that can use this.
    1. Skybroom
      • supporter
      • 82 kudos
      It is easy to create such a patch with the help of TES5Edit. TES5Edit is a must have for any more or less advanced Skyrim gamer and modder. Just sayin'.
  8. CrazyJamesE2020
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    I have a port request if your interested of course. On SE there is a fluffy fur mod that makes all the fur on animals, and some monsters actually fluffy. I myself, and many others I wager would love to see this mod ported.

    The Mod Link: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/56361
  9. r0nin79
    • premium
    • 11 kudos
    Just tried out the lite version, and it works perfectly. Thanks for the port!
    1. step210
      • premium
      • 76 kudos
  10. templeofninpo
    • supporter
    • 22 kudos
    High class. Appreciated.
    1. step210
      • premium
      • 76 kudos
  11. Markus179
    • supporter
    • 129 kudos
    Ayyyeee imma have to check this one out! Great work!
    1. step210
      • premium
      • 76 kudos