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  1. adammcbane
    • member
    • 19 kudos
    Great Idea too bad it seems dead now. If this could be added to something like trade routes and Bank vaults would make for a great economy immersion mod.
  2. deleted833977
    • account closed
    • 2 kudos
    Is this mod compatible with Bank of Skyrim? If so, the two mods would compliment each other quite nicely! If not, contact the other auther and collab to make the best economics mod out there!
    Keep up the good work, really impressed! LOTS of potential here
  3. Runegrace
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    To the mod's author, some things you may want to think over:

    The mod is an interesting concept, but it seems like the implementation is going to have some boring results due to the buildup/bleedout of merchant gold. A city that you sell at often (Whiterun, for most players) will end up having shops with tons of gold and more good items to buy. This makes that town even BETTER for selling items and buying new ones, while the towns with dwindling stocks give the player little reason to shop there at all.

    So in practice, it seems like this mod would basically be a "shopkeepers have more gold" mod that only works for one city, and works in reverse for other cities. It may not be as dramatic as that based on how fast stores degrade, but even if it's possible to raise economy in all the cities, what's the point? You end up jogging all over Skyrim to sell/buy to gain the ability to...jog all over Skyrim to sell/buy, rather than being able to do it all in one convenient place.

    So how to make this worthwhile? Well, you could have the dynamic change if you get some of the trader perks in Speech that allow you to invest in stores. If profits in stores you invested in helped each other, you'd be able to make a trading network as you bought and supplied these stores. If one store in a town does really well, any non-competing stores should be doing better as well (high money trading will end up helping an entire town's economy).

    This could make a constant building-up effect, which goes in line with the normal leveling-up balance of the game (rather than stores balancing over a central range the entire game). This could be really interesting if you could pair it with exclusive stock. That is, certain items being available ONLY in certain cities, or at least in larger amounts. Even without the other changes above, if this is possible to implement it gives the player real incentive to build up the economy of a store to gain access to the items that they need. WITH the changes above, the player would slowly "unlock" access to more and more items as they played.

    Not sure how much of that is feasible, and you may have a larger picture of where this mod is going that I missed, but I just wanted to give you some things to consider.
  4. Lowlightt
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    Well I think completing quests in general (not main quests but side quest bounties and the such) should directly impact the towns economy that sent you. With bandits gone or what have you trade increases thus the economy gets better.
  5. kake90
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    hi got few bugs here =/ sometimes i go sell stuff and after going back to merchant they suddenly get over 100k gold and all stuff they can sell in their shop and other one is that one shop keeper got huge amount of stuff and gold and when i sell to him he dont still give me any gold just wanna tell that you can improve =P otherwise iw been happy but is there command or something to reset merchant that he goes back to normal ? still GJ keep going =)
  6. Lodakai
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Well, there is not much more i can test without the ledger.. it seems a little underscaled right now to me, and having the merchant wipe makes it less appealing to use this mod.

    i'll keep my eye out for your next update. As it is now.. this definately needs some tweaking. But the concept is very good.

  7. Lodakai
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    I've played this for a bit now. The biggest problem so far has been the merchant wipe on startup. This severely limits the number of compatible mods, since there are a few that depend on merchant lists to distribute their items.

    maybe you can create a book driven menu that will have options that a player can toggle personally. "create baseline economy" being one of the options. This way, someone who uses your mod has the option of leaving merchant lists intact.

  8. Lodakai
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Double post bug ><
  9. Lodakai
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    I just stumbled into this mod! I love this concept!
    i might try the beta out.. anything you need help looking for?
  10. Dryfter9
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    I'm not sure why, but it seems that none of the vendors will regain any gold after 2 days. I've waited up to 4 (in game days of course) and they do restock their inventory, but their gold never moves from "0" unless I buy something from them. I haven't checked every town, only Whiterun.