1. Arodicus
    • member
    • 120 kudos

    In honor of Kiersten's birthday, which would have been last month, I've finally added her character Lillani as a wandering NPC (much like Maiq the Liar). She starts at the Abandoned Lover's Camp, then runs off, looking for things to do. She now lives forever in the land she loved. More to come.

    Other fixes include a bed for Rybek the Polish Fishing Merchant (the only working Pole in Skyrim), and head-color fixes for all NPCs added by the mod. If he's not by his campsite, check the Docks, apparently he likes to talk to girl in the shop there during the day.

    Note: For those of you using mods which modify the Solitude docks (eg Docks of Solitude or Improved Solitude Docks), wait for Rybek to be at his campsite by the Solitude Lumber Mill, (usually around 4PM), before installing the other mod; otherwise your game might CTD because he can't find his way home. This is also true of the Guard who wanders between the farm and the warehouse, make sure he, too, is not in the docks region when you install either of those mods, since they tweak the navmesh.
  2. 1Kei1
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    bethesda is having a free anniversary update that adds fishing to the game, it took them 10 YEARS to decide and put it while this mod was created roughly 10 years ago
    1. GammaThreve
      • member
      • 8 kudos
      Yet this mod is superior to Bethesda's low-effort mod in every conceivable way.
  3. laomaster
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    I will assume this mod is dead.

    I'd want to like this mod, I tried. But the fishing rod placing is way too unclear to make sense so I won't. I mean, I know how to place it, and I have fished with the rods. But when I noticed how the rods are on their slow forward march into the riverbed, I picked them up & I can't even place it back on the shore where they once were.

    Before that, I had been scratching my head as to why "there are no fishes" when my char. can literally reach out her arm to catch 3 salmons with her bare hands. I tried & use the cheat book from the mod, which was why I managed to plant the rods in the 1st place.

    Sure, sure, I could cheat & use nets & bombs. But that would destroy the calm & serene people who loves fishing actually fishes.
    1. GammaThreve
      • member
      • 8 kudos
      Just because a mod is no longer being updated doesn't mean it's "dead." The mod works perfectly fine. You just need to figure out how to point and click with your mouse and/or controller. Otherwise, use Chesko's mod that requires FNIS and gives you unlimited fish.
  4. Raisul4450
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    is it for skurim standerd edition?
  5. jacobjamir45
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    • 0 kudos
    May her soul rest in peace brother. have a healthy life in future. I downloaded your mod and its very immersive and beautiful. I just find out in my opinion power key looks unimmersive not only yours every mod whichever i played. I prefer hotkeys. It looks very immersive. Am playing farming simulator and market stall and your mods blended with my simulator sooo much..thank you for this cute mod.
  6. tundras110
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    acabo de encontrar este mod, lamento mucho lo que sucedió con tu prometida. Ahora ella vive en Skirym feliz  para siempre. Te mando un fuerte abrazo desde la distancia
  7. Salmissra2
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I downloaded the mod and I made the pole and nets, and when I click cast nothing happens, how exactly do I place the pole.  I search for fish schools ok but  I just can't set my rod or my nets.  I'd appreciate some help, please.

    Thanks in Advance

    1. hollowlolo
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Find a spot near water , where u saw fishes .
      "Shout" (shortkey)
      Ur fishpole should appear placed in the ground , press "use" for options ('add a bait for example) , then wait until the fishpole move and go catch ur prey .

      If u can"t see all this like described , it's more than probable that u have a load order issue : put this mod as high as possible , particularly BEFORE mods like RealWater : if u don't , u won't be able to deploy the fishpole . 

      Trust me because I had the same issue and when I moved the mod the highest possible , "Tadaaa !! " .  It worked and I'm now enjoying this jewel .   Keep on !
  8. Darc18
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Just discovered this mod, but whenever I try to craft a fishing net I can craft with any of the recipes except horker tusk. even tho i have horker tusks on me, it doesn't highlight so i can't craft new fishing nets :/
    1. alexzk1
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Most likely horker tusk is not "tusk". It has modified ID by CACO or similar. In CACO, in last menu you can enable and temporary revert tusk to vanila-tusk, then you can craft nets. Then revert left overs of tusks back to CACO.
  9. diablo0307
    • supporter
    • 4 kudos
    Here you go. Converted for SSE. Might have some bugs, I'm newbie in that matter, but it is.
    Fishing In Skyrim Special Edition
    1. Shadowbullet
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      We are having an issue with this port.
      Lillani is causing CTD, at the moment for several users.
    2. Ypselonia
      • premium
      • 59 kudos
      i Have fix the Crash ... look on the SSE Site.
  10. dovahkiin4201
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    This story made me cry. I am deeply sorry for your lost. It is never easy to lose someone you love. My most sincere condolences. 
  11. Okultysta006
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I was just talking with a sailor on the boat in Dawnstar and then spotted Lillani hilariously sneaking in the background in bright day. That made my day. ^ ^
    1. Okultysta006
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Podejrzewam, że już nie zaglądasz tutaj, ale byłoby świetnie jakbyś zrobił patch i dodał nowe rybki z Twojego modu do "fish hatchery" dodany przez Heartfire. :3