This armor looks great and makes dragon slaying more fun. Now I pay attention to the types of dragons I'm fighting. But an unenchanted version would be wonderful...
Okay, now I installed the latest version and it is temperable. However, I used the console cheat to get the frost dragon scales, just to test the mod and didn't save the game after. How do you get them legitimately in the game? Do they actually come from a Frost Dragon somewhere? Or do you make these scales out of normal dragon scales and something else like ice wraith teeth?
is there heavy version ?
I tested this today and it looks great. The only problem I can see right now is that the armor is not temperable/upgradeable (or whatever you call improving it as your skill increases). However, this problem is a pretty serious one because only a high-level character can craft Dragon Armor to begin with, and by then you need to keep your gear in the best condition possible. So, my recommendation is to fix this one major flaw and I think that this mod should become pretty popular. Hope this helps!
can it still be enchanted on top of the frost resistance it has on it?