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About this mod

Alters the enchantment on the Archmages into a more powerful version than the default robes.

Permissions and credits
This mod alters the Archmage Robes you are rewarded with at the conclusion of the College of Winterhold questline into a more powerful version. There are multiple versions available, here are the stat changes:

Archmage Robes (default settings)

  • Fortify Alteration, 15 pts
  • Fortify Conjuration, 15 pts
  • Fortify Destruction, 15 pts
  • Fortify Restoration, 15 pts
  • Fortify Illusion, 15 pts
  • Regenerate Magicka, 100 pts
  • Fortify Magicka, 50 pts (Hooded version only)

Empowered Archmage Robes

  • Fortify Alteration, 25 pts
  • Fortify Conjuration, 25 pts
  • Fortify Destruction, 25 pts
  • Fortify Restoration, 25 pts
  • Fortify Illusion, 25 pts
  • Regenerate Magicka, 150 pts
  • Fortify Magicka, 75 pts

Empowered Archmage Robes (x2 version)

  • Fortify Alteration, 30 pts
  • Fortify Conjuration, 30 pts
  • Fortify Destruction, 30 pts
  • Fortify Restoration, 30 pts
  • Fortify Illusion, 30 pts
  • Regenerate Magicka, 200 pts
  • Fortify Magicka, 100 pts

Empowered Archmage Robes (x3 plus version)

  • Fortify Alteration, 50 pts
  • Fortify Conjuration, 50 pts
  • Fortify Destruction, 50 pts
  • Fortify Restoration, 50 pts
  • Fortify Illusion, 50 pts
  • Regenerate Magicka, 300 pts
  • Fortify Magicka, 150 pts


Fortify <magic skill> in the listings above mean a reduction in spell casting costs under default settings if you are unsure of what that means.  So for example the "30 pts" listing for each magic skill in the x2 version means all spells will have their casting costs reduced by 30% when the robes from that version are equipped.

For the "x3 plus' version listed above, the plus part of the name is due to the fact that 50% spell reduction seemed like a nice round number rather than a 45% reduction which would be the actual value of 3 times the default numbers for the robes.  Consider the added 5% reduction a small extra gift due to me liking the numbers better, heh.

Both the standard hooded version and the unhooded version that is normally unobtainable have had their enchantments altered in the same manner. If you prefer the non-hooded version for use with your own choice of head wear just add it in via the console when you're rewarded the normal hooded robes at the finish of the quest line. Or don't wait until then and add it whenever you like, we won't tell anyone as we'll never know.

Concerning Balance

This mod and the various versions available when downloading are here to give players options for different play styles and with difficult and challenging mod setups, if you think the values here are overpowered for your unique mod choices and game feel free to choose a lower level version of the enchantment on the robes or to skip this mod entirely.


Only the enchantment for the Archmage Robes and some descriptive text for the armor entries of the robes are altered by this mod. Anything that edits the same things will conflict, everything else should be fine in terms of a direct conflict.  Certain magic mods alter what the "Fortify Skill" effects do from the base game, if you use such a mod the robes will use whatever that mod changes the Fortify effects to do as this mod does not change them in any way.

Skyrim Special Edition version can be found >>HERE<<