This page was last updated on 07 December 2016, 3:35AM
Version 0.29
Gave Atvir a 15% chance to brawl with any non-hostile Argonian he meets. This combat is non-lethal.
Added two new dialogue commands that activate and deactivate Armor Swap Mode. When armor swap mode is active, Atvir will always equip the armor he has been given most recently.
Version 0.28
Added a number of files omitted in earlier versions. This should correct issues users were experiencing with Atvir's introductory quest.
Version 0.27
Archived Atvir's voice files in a .BSA, to prevent FUZ-XWM/WAV conflicts.
Version 0.26
Substituted ale for flin (a custom item only available at the Cornerclub) in Atvir's introductory quest.
Added a GetDistance function to Atvir's Bellekynd summon script. The horse will no longer be summoned if it's nearby, Atvir will simply mount it.
Tightened Atvir's follow distance (foot and mounted, though he'll still trail behind farther while mounted than he will on foot)