Version 1.04: AV Package for the Snow Sabrecats added!
And it seems I'm finally able to change version numbers for files without having to re-upload them. So for now they are all version 1.04, but note that there's nothing new except for the Sabrecats! -
Can I merge all files together in MO2?
Endorse this mod god work
is there a way to reduce their brightness? i use Rudy ENB, the giant, falmer trolls look very out of place/bright
any chance for port for sse?
I see all the packages can be downloaded with NMM....will they install correctly into the Variants folder if downloaded that way?
So are the textures as low res as the ones in the attached images or is that because of something else?
I'm having an issue. I downloaded the draugr pack and all of my Draug still look like the vanilla ugly grey etc. It's almost as if nothing changed when I patched with AV. Any idea what's going on?
These retextures are so cool I cringe when I see Falmer now and the wolfs and sabre cats look so cool now I hope you do bears next
Please compile the files into one. It would make things so much easier.
Absolutely breathed fresh life into Skyrim, thank you!