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  1. Nerevan07
    • member
    • 4 kudos
    Can I merge this mod? I'll use mnkjom version, and merge with follower mod
  2. tschutschi
    • premium
    • 186 kudos
    Guys, I have no idea why so many people have issues with this mod. I just added it to my Skyrim again and it works perfectly fine.
    Added 2 new screenshots as well.
    Even when I disabled Apachi Hair I had no problems at all...
    So that being said, there will be no fixes, since I have absolutely no idea what I need to fix :o
    1. Ooku
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      If your still interested I think I got the problem solved. Apatoiah still depends on Apachi as a master. When I tried to load your plugin Skyrim crushed at startup. But after removing the dependency on Apachi from Apatoiah via TES5Edit it all went smooth. Hope it will help
    2. tschutschi
      • premium
      • 186 kudos
      Sounds great, sSend me the file if you don't mind =)
      I'll upload it for everybody else.

      thx and cheers
    3. Ooku
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I PM'ed you about the upload. In case, here's the link:
    4. bits01
      • premium
      • 205 kudos
      The content of that link is set hidden. 
      Tried it with Apachi master (version 1.6) too. CTD within seconds at startup still. Would have liked this one in my village collection.
  3. tylermcpotter
    • member
    • 34 kudos
    Perfect, perfect town, perfect place. I would endorse it one jillion times.
  4. NedStark1987
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Hey, I love this settlement, it is really well located, I know Whiterun was supposed to have a lot of tundra wilderness, but I like how this little hamlet is settle between Blackmoor (legendary cities) and Rorikstead.

    I just have one question, is that man up in the watchtower supposed to be hostile? Not that he is attacking me, but he keeps unsheating his weapons and he keeps telling me: this is close enough.

    He seems to be wearing Thalmor armor, but he looks like a man, not an elf, I forgot his name though.
    1. tschutschi
      • premium
      • 186 kudos
      read the description =)
  5. TheFalmerSees
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Will this be ported?
    1. tschutschi
      • premium
      • 186 kudos
      you mean Special Edition?
      Probably not by me...
  6. Edelweiss8
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hello, I love this wonderful mod! which made my skyrim flourish. Since I would like to translate it into chinese and share this mod to chinese website? I will post original line and author too. As a matter of fact, I want to give it to my friends as a Christmas present. They love this game and your mod, but their English is not good?so am I~~). Can I have your permission?
    1. tschutschi
      • premium
      • 186 kudos
      sure, go ahead
  7. Sparklingskeever
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    still requires apachii hair
    1. Sparklingskeever
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      *solution* install apachii hair then untick it from load order
  8. georgejbps
    • premium
    • 67 kudos
    Quite nice! I'd say its " a work in progress"...needs tweaking but I'm sure if you work on it, it will come out ok. The "mansion" is just a small rustic house That's OK just call it that. Nice follower! didn't talk the mysterious man. Plenty of room for expansion (and improvement!) Kind of interesting the "front door is at the "back" of the house! The "porch" on the front should have a way off so one can get into "town" with out running around back! I realize this is your first mod, but its very good for a "first". Just keep working on it...look at other mods for examples, see how others did it then put your own twist on it. Keep up the good work!
  9. Insig198
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    One thing that always bothered me though, the inn is named "seven brave dwarves" but the sign says "frostfruit inn". On a serious note, I don't know what but something mess up, one minute my fps is 50 then suddenly it drops to 1. Well, I 'm gonna test it out a few times just to be sure it wasn't one of the mods I installed
    • member
    • 30 kudos
    Hi tschutschi,
    Are you still around and working on this mod?