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Dark Daemon

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Dark Daemon

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  1. dgenem
    • supporter
    • 1 kudos
    I am using the latest Epic Elves version and this version of the vampire fix. Now I have the neck seam problem. I have narrowed it down to the esp file itself causing it. But I cannot load it into the Creation Kit. It hits one error, and even if I ignore or retry, it stops loading at 89% so I cannot look at it. I figure it is just one mesh or texture file that has been redirected from the current Epic Elves version. But I cannot read which files are being used in the vampire fix mod.

    I am using UNP body type all the way. Female body.

    I am fairly good at working with meshes, textures, and some light Creation Kit work. So if anyone could help with this, such as pointing me the right direction or any information, it would be greatly appreciated.
    1. dgenem
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
      Found part of the problem after fixing the CK load error. I also found the ears are not set right, so looking into that problem as well. It is giving an error about the ear meshes (nif) files missing.

      I set the weight to 101 and the neck gap goes away. BUT then I see the texture color is WAY off. It is like it uses a different DDS file for the face texture, which I assume is the root of the problem for me. Now trying to find the setting for that. Studying how to create a custom race and looking for the setting for that. I think it may be related to a tint mask file.
    2. dgenem
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
      Okay, this glitch runs way deeper than I thought. SOMETHING in this mod is creating a neck gap and head tone mismatch on every race of mine. I loaded another game with a Nord and the neck gap and skin tone problem was there too. What is in this ESP file that can cause that? I can switch back to the original ESP file and all the problems go away.

      First time trying to play a vampire after all these years too. I guess I'll work on it another time.
    3. Neferata13
      • supporter
      • 4 kudos
      Did you ever get round to fixing this?
  2. jmc2310
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Is there a texture for the females without the ridges I love the textures and wondered if there was a ridgeless female one?
  3. revypantzz
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    My ears seem to have reverted to human ears too.
  4. Z3ron
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I've got a problem with this also where it turns the ears human - but even then oddly I still cant feed on sleeping people :/
  5. gamer456
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I don't know if you are still working on this mod, but if you do, there is a small bug that changes the elve-ears to human ears (only for epic elves of course).
  6. RickardMannen
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I would appricate if you did a version which just changes the eyes(i would prefer them red to over orange but whatever) and still keeps a somewhat nice face.

    But still thanks anyway pal
  7. Dark Daemon
    Dark Daemon
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    • 2 kudos

    Right, my mod includes a custom race compatibility esp and esm that fixes all races so try and reinstall my mod after your other mods and load it last and it should work.
  8. Bigbossmsf
    • supporter
    • 4 kudos
    ok this is a random place to ask but i have this mod installed as well as other custom races with vampire updates
    but are the bugs where i can't even start quests in the dawnguard storyline related to custom races or just dawnguard in general? I have race compatible esm and other things but i saw as soon as i started getting more custom races the bugs in dawnguard started to pile up
  9. Dark Daemon
    Dark Daemon
    • supporter
    • 2 kudos

    Well I'm afraid I tested it thoroughly and sleeping feeding was fixed so if there is an issue it may be to do with some other mods you have, pretty sure this mod is going to be incompatible with other vampire mods.
  10. RedEyeZelman
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    • 0 kudos
    I have a new problem I can not drink from sleeping people someone knows how to fix the error?