1. Holy Crap!!! Downloading this immediately. I am currently gathering a strong team of followers, and since I can't have that many with me at once, this will be the perfect place for them to stay.
  2. Policebear88320
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I've tried loading new saves, tried toggling through my mods, I'm guessing this mod is just super outdated? It crashes every time I try to enter the hall. I've also used TES5Edit to clean the mod itself like I've done with all of the others. I dunno what else to do.
    1. sa547
      • premium
      • 589 kudos
      Try the less/no NPCs version.
    2. firehawksh
      • account closed
      • 8 kudos
      There is no less or no NPC version.
    3. SteeleMontgomery
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      It's under the Files section here. Under "Optional".
    4. firehawksh
      • account closed
      • 8 kudos
      Which has the same number of NPCs as the main file.
    5. ZerOxShadows
      • premium
      • 23 kudos
      It has nothing to do with this mod being outdated. It works perfectly fine. The issue is with the user not having enough vram or the 32-bit engine reaching its 3.1 GB limit. This can be remedied by having ENBoost or ENB with optimized memory settings, Crash Fixes with allocater enabled and custom memory setting optimized, and having a high end GPU with a lot of memory as the main hallway is extremely taxing as it is very large and a lot of assets in a relatively confined cell.

      Something like Skyrim Project Optimization would work wonders for the main hallway but there is no further development on that mod nor Halls of Dovahndor to optimize the cells. With that said, the remedy is what I described: ENBoost or ENB, Crash Fixes, and a high end GPU.

      Loads fine for me with mostly 4K textures and K ENB Pure Light Extreme using Titan Xp in two-way SLI. Low FPS in the main hallway only and only when I am facing the length of the cell.
  3. petertje11
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Will followers move freely through the different halls if they are told that this is their new home with MHIYH?
  4. eklatea
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Looks nice, but I don't know if it is compatible with "World Eater Beater", as they modify both Sovngarde. Know somebody about this? Like, are the Halls really located in Sovngarde (so reachable from there) or just act like it (different cells). Because with the harder bossfight of World Eater Beater it would be the perfect reward.
  5. RavenX13
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    So.......does this mod still work, or will it break my game?
    1. sa547
      • premium
      • 589 kudos
      The last time I had it installed, it was still working.
  6. Meroveus2000
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    I see that the mod author is no longer supporting this mod. I hope someone takes up the torch and ports it over to Skyrim Special Edition. IMO, the best player home mod I had seen.
    1. travlaney
      • premium
      • 53 kudos
      I'll see what I can do. This is a much larger project than the Hunter's Cabin of Riverwood; it might be beyond my skill. Stay tuned!
    2. Okiir
      • member
      • 97 kudos
      Yeah... It's somewhat larger

      But it whould be awesome if you want to take it on.

      Also one idea I had a few years back was to make the Underdepts an independent mod, but I never got around to do it.
      The Idea was that the Underdepths (now Shadowreach) would be hidden Nightingale base located under the Riften area, that you would get access to after completing the Thieves Guild quest line.

      I even made a logo for the mod back in 2013
      Shadowreach logo

      Also made a rough map showing where the secret entrances could be placed:

    3. Meroveus2000
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      This is excellent news and I wish you good luck with your endeavor. If I remember correctly, the original version was very taxing on most systems. From what I am seeing, SSE runs like a top and I look forward to seeing this mod brought to SSE. Thanks to the both of you.
    4. astromormy
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      Would it be possible to port this mod over to Xbox?
    5. darknessxx
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      if someone can port it to sse then it could go xbox
  7. Cantregisterlol
    • supporter
    • 103 kudos
    Certainly the most impressive and outstanding player home/location mod I've seen.
    1. seppeauer
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      you're f*#@ing right dude
  8. EbrithilUmaroth
    • supporter
    • 20 kudos
    I currently have this installed via Steam. If I was to uninstall this mod via Steam and install the NMM version, would all my items remain in the house?

    I'm not sure if the item save locations are tied into the mod data anywhere.

    That being said, great mod. I love the size of it and the attention to detail, I love the statues and all the places and features.

    However, it's kinda buggy. There's a few windows that you can jump onto and look outside and you can see that there's no ground texture between the buildings and it really breaks the immersion of being in Sovngarde. It shouldn't be hard to throw in a simple ground texture or something to fix that, right? On top of that, there's even one window you can jump out of onto a platform you shouldn't be able to get to and then you can get stuck inside walls on it.

    But that's not the biggest problem.


    Real NPCs are scripted to do other things if you're occupying the thing they want to use, but these NPCs just stand behind you saying their two lines over and over again. And when you want to kill them, you can't! The kill command doesn't work on them and arrows, swords and spells go right through them.
    1. MaximvsDread
      • member
      • 9 kudos
      Oh yes you can kill him. I'll tell you how. Yes I will.
      First. Download Jaxonz positioner mod. Learn it.
      Second. Download Trash bucket mod. Learn it.
      Third. Click the mage with the positioner. He's now in your micsellanious inventory.
      Fourth. Open the trash bucket. Plop his ass right in there.
      Fifth. Enjoy the silence...lol...
      If he respawns just rinse and repeat.
    2. lued123
      • premium
      • 18 kudos
      Or just disable him in the console? That'd be a more permanent, cleaner solution.
  9. darkfog6422
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    aww man i used to love this mod had it filled with awsome loot then i lost all my saves some how and started over and could not for the life of me remeber the mod name until today. to bad its no longer supported
  10. astromormy
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Could this mod be ported over to Xbox?