Note: this mod can give rare DynDOLOD issues when used in combination with USLEEP and Ordinator - it causes DynDOLOD to crash with the following error message:
[00:00:00.597]Error: Can not copy [REFR:06100D63] (places USLEEP_ShipLargeKatariah02_LOD [STAT:06200D62] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of [CELL:00000D74] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C]) at -12,26) from Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch.esp into DynDOLOD.esp Assertion failure (C:\Delphi\projects\DynDOLOD\wbImplementation.pas, line 13947)
not really worth sorting out imo, so I just deactivated it (it hasn't been updated in ages anyway). But maybe it'll save someone a few hours of head scratching =)-
Deactivating plugins to avoid seeing error messages is not a solution. It is a troubleshooting step.
If you check the DynDOLOD FAQ or official support forum for this type of error message as suggested, then you will find that it is typically caused by a broken plugin in the load order. Most likely a broken Bashed Patch created by an older Wrye Bash version.
THANK YOU! I understand it maybe isn't a fix, as @sheson stated, but I tried updating Wrye Bash and rebuilding the bashed patch, I tried updating DynDOLOD and could not get this issue fixed. I also tried looking in xEdit for an error that could cause this but I honestly don't know xEdit well enough to fix it. Removing Lanterns of Skyrim however did fix the issue (or at least made it go away so I could generate the LODs). I personally feel like I exhausted the options I had so until I can figure out how to fix it fully, or find something online other than this "fix", I'm keeping LoS uninstalled.
I'd like to add that Ordinator doesn't seem to have anything to do with it, as I've never had that mod installed at all. And thank you @sheson for the wonderful gem that is DynDOLOD. -
How i fix this? just uninstall the wrye bash?
Why not put this patch in the installer for the main mod? With a checkbox for whether or not you have Dawnguard?
Still compatible?
Now when I had time to check it ingame, I can say ...
"This mod adds Dawnguard compatibility to Lanterns of Skyrim - All in One v1.3 by mannygt."
that's not really true !
You added the lanterns, but you use Emittance instead of the manny script of the original. In the MCM you can set when the Lanterns should go on\off. With your patch it isn't possible, because they don't use the script.
Will there be a dragonborn patch too? like along the path from Raven Rock to Skaal Village?
Great mod but where do place this patch in the loading order?
good work.
endorsed -
Could you look into updating this mod to the latest version of Lanterns in Skyrim?
Is there anything wrong with the lanterns placed in the Dawnguard-areas ?
Are they not being touched by the MCM scripts ?
Didn't start the quest yet, so I have not been there to check on that.
Please read my sticky post in my "Lanterns of Skyrim - All In One" mod. Thanks!
Ah, yes ... damn my blindness !
There is a reason for stickies to be sticky :-D
Thanks Manny